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The Nation's Report Card (home page)

Guitar/MicrophoneCreate a Melody--Student Samples

Students’ final unaccompanied melodies were scored with two guides. The first was a dichotomous guide assessing whether the student played the melody the same way each time (an indication that the student had made a deliberate creative decision). The second was a three-level guide for overall Melodic Interest and Appeal. The final performance of the student’s melody was used for assigning scores for this guide.

Results for Ability to Duplicate the Melody
NOTE: Of the 74 percent of student responses in the lowest score level, 3 percent consists of omits and otherwise unscorable responses.

Results for Melodic Interest and Appeal NOTE: Of the 26 percent of student responses in the lowest score level, 3 percent consists of omits and otherwise unscorable responses.


Two Sample Student Performances: Original Melody

Student 1
This melody was scored Limited for Melodic Interest and Appeal. The student’s melody contains some interesting rhythmic and tonal patterns but fails to have any overall shape and direction. The melody ends rather inconclusively.

Play student 1 sample.

Audio: 0:27

Score Assigned to Student 1

Student 2
This performance was scored Adequate for Melodic Interest and Appeal. The student incorporates rhythmic vitality with appropriate choices of pitches. There is a general sense of direction and melodic contour throughout both phrases of the melody.

Play student 2 sample.

Audio: 0:16

Score Assigned to Student 2

For student performances select one of the following tasks...

Note: The following student performances contain audio. See the Help section for assistance.

Keyboard Improvise | Keyboard Original Melody | Vocal Improvise | Self-Evaluation

Explore a variety of exercises and student responses from the music, theatre, and visual arts assessments in the 1997 NAEP Arts Report Card.

Last updated 19 December 2003 (CC)
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