Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Checklist of Amphibian Species and Identification Guide

Red-legged Frog, Rana aurora

red-legged frog red-legged frog
The Red-legged Frog is a medium to large sized frog. It is divided into two subspecies, Northern Red-legged Frog, R. a. aurora, which attains lengths around 3 inches and the California Red-legged Frog, R. a. draytonii, reaches lengths in excess of 5 inches. Dorsal coloration of Red-legged Frogs is often a brown, gray, or red with black flecks, or patches. The dorsal surface may not be spotted much at all as shown here in these two specimens. The ventral surface of these frogs is white or cream bordered by red along the belly edges and down the legs. They are found from extreme southwest British Columbia along the coast to the northern portion of Baja California.
red-legged frog red-legged frog
ventral view Red-Legged Frog Range

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