BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Canadian Government Procurement

There are billions of dollars of Canadian government procurement opportunities waiting for U.S. companies to tap into! Canada's internet-based electronic tendering service (MERX), coupled with free trade agreements, has opened the door for U.S. companies to successfully compete in this lucrative market.

The MERX system has virtually eliminated barriers like geography and size, and has created a level playing field for everyone interested in doing business within the public sector. Winning government contracts has never been easier!

Log onto the MERX website free of charge at to see how MERX can help you win Canadian government contracts.

The federal government procures approximately US$3-5 billion a year in goods, services and construction. Estimates put procurement by municipalities, school boards, universities and hospitals at over US$ 22 billion a year. In addition, the ten provincial governments also list their procurements on MERX.

Contact for more information on doing business with the Canadian government.