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Education Indicators: An International Perspective

Secondary Education - Student Attitudes & Behavior

Civic Participation in Selected G8 Countries and England: 1999

Countries reporting data: England, Germany, Italy, Russian Federation, United States

Eighty-five percent of U.S. 14-year-olds reported in 1999 that they expect to vote in national elections. A relatively high proportion of 14-year-olds in the other four countries reporting data also expect to vote in national elections. The range was from 67 percent in Germany to 82 percent in the Russian Federation (figure 1).

Nearly three in five U.S. 14-year-olds (59 percent) expect to collect money for a social cause, one half expect to collect signatures for a petition, and 39 percent expect to participate in a nonviolent protest march. In contrast with U.S. 14-year-olds, about one in three (34 percent) Russian 14-year-olds expect to collect signatures for a petition and 28 percent of English 14-year-olds expect to participate in a non-violent protest march. On the other hand, 70 percent of Italian 14-year-olds expect to participate in a non-violent protest march.

Figure 1. Percentage of 14-year-olds who expect to participate in various civic activities, by country: 1999

Figure 1 - Percentage of 14-year-olds who expect to participate in various civic activities, by country: 1999

SOURCE: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen, 2001, Table 6.3.

Definitions and Methodology

Another indicator is available on the topic of International Civic Participation for a larger set of countries.

View the PDF Version PDF File (94.8 KB) of this indicator which includes text, figure(s) and data table(s).


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