FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         ENR
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1995                             (202) 514-2008
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Supreme Court today denied a request from
the United States to review an important environmental case, Thomas
v. Pacific Rivers Council, involving federal management of lands
under the Endangered Species Act.  The United States had sought the
High Court's review fearing that an adverse lower court ruling
would have the effect of halting all economic activities, such as
grazing and timber sales, on public lands.  The 9th Circuit Court
of Appeals decision from last July now stands.   

     "We are clearly disappointed by the Court's decision," said
Lois Schiffer, the Department of Justice's Assistant Attorney
General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division. 
"However, we remain committed to removing impediments to economic
activities on public lands in cases where such activities are
consistent with our commitment to protecting endangered species. 
We are actively examining ways to do just that under current law."

     The suit was first filed in 1994 by several environmental
groups, led by the Sierra Club.  They believe that the Endangered
Species Act requires the Forest Service to consult with other
federal agencies each time an endangered species is listed.  
     A number of federal agencies, including the Departments of
Justice, Commerce, Agriculture and Interior, are working on a new
plan to implement the Endangered Species Act.  The plan will be
announced soon with a goal of balancing economic development
consistent with a sustainable economy with species protection. 

     Congress recently enacted a provision that prohibits the
Department of Interior from using any of its funding to list any new
endangered species for the remainder of this fiscal year.  The impact
of the Supreme Courts' action would like be minimal during this
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