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Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can help your company to enter and compete more easily in the global marketplace. Trade agreements help level the international playing field and encourage foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rulemaking procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations. FTAs help strengthen business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, easing investment rules, and much more.

International trade is an integral part of the U.S. economy, accounting for more than one-quarter of U.S. gross domestic product and supporting more than 12 million U.S. jobs, including 1 in 5 manufacturing positions. FTAs can be a catalyst for accelerating economic growth by allowing greater competition, encouraging the formation of international partnerships, and by greatly liberalizing many industries. Most FTAs include specific obligations in the areas of intellectual property, services, investment, and telecommunications. Many FTAs also provide for groundbreaking cooperation in promoting labor rights and the environment.

For more information, visit the FTA website is designed to help you learn more about U.S. Free Trade Agreements and how they can help grow your business. Learn how your company can benefit from FTAs today!