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Nanotechnology: Newsroom


February 12, 2008 - Read the Federal Register notice about EPA's Nanotechnology Research Strategy and meeting to review public comment:

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Headline News:

EPA to partner with U.K. Funding Agencies to Launch Major Joint Research Effort on the Behaviour and Effects of Nanomaterials in the Environment
The Environmental Protection Agency in cooperation with the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council, the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the U.K. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the U.K. Environment Agency is in the process of finalising a major joint research effort to develop and validate predictive tools and similar conceptual models that predict exposure, bioavailability and effects of manufactured nanomaterials in the environment.
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EPA and the United Kingdom Propose Joint Research Effort on Nanomaterials
EPA in cooperation with Natural Environment Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Environment Agency and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the United Kingdom and the National Science Foundation in the United States have agreed to develop a joint research effort to explore new approaches to assess the environmental exposure, bioavailability and effects of manufactured nanomaterials.
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Killer Clothing Bursts Bad Bacteria
Seven Technologies to Ward Off Disease-Causing Microbes By JENNY CHAN ABC News Medical Unit Oct. 15, 2008 — An article from ABC News interviews researchers developing and evaluating new technologies designed to kill germs (bacteria and viruses) - some of these technologies contain antimicrobial silver nanoparticles. One of the projects cited is funded through an ongoing EPA STAR grant.
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Follow the Green Nano Road
Dr. Barbara Karn of USEPA’s National Center for Environmental Research promotes green nanotechnology in an article in the current issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. Dr. Karn points out that a combined total of over $9 billion is being spent annually by government and industry, but only 0.6% of this total expenditure ($60 million) is directed toward research for the protection of people and the planet.
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Small Technology, Big Questions
Living on Earth_s new series on nanotechnology explores the big questions about some tiny materials. Manipulating matter at the molecular level opens amazing opportunities for new medicines and materials. But these new materials also create potential risks to health and the environment. Jeff Young looks at nanosilver products already on store shelves.
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Video screen shot Nano Hazards
Tiny particles of silver designed to kill germs are being put into socks to control odor. But as this ScienCentral News video explains, what happens to that nanosilver later is concerning some scientists.
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