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OSHA Hazard Information Bulletins

November 30, 1988

Office of Field Programs
Directorate of Technical Support
SUBJECT: Hazard Information Bulletin on Potential
Carcinogenicity of Diesel Exhaust

The purpose of this bulletin is to alert field personnel to the potential carcinogenicity of whole diesel exhaust and to enumerate the specific gaseous and particulate components that comprise the emission from diesel engines.

Recent animal studies in rats and mice confirm an association between the induction of cancer and exposure to whole diesel exhaust. The lung is the primary site identified with carcinogenic or tumorigenic responses following inhalation exposure. Limited epidemiologic evidence suggests an association between occupational exposure to diesel engine emissions and lung cancer. The consistency of these toxicologic and epidemiologic findings suggest that a potential occupational carcinogenic hazard exists in human exposure to diesel exhaust.

NIOSH estimates that approximately 1.35 million workers are occupationally exposed to the combustion products of diesel fuel in approximately 80,000 workplaces in the United States (NIOSH 1983). Workers who are likely to be exposed to diesel emissions include mine workers, bridge and tunnel workers, railroad workers, loading dock workers, truck drivers, fork-lift drivers, farm workers, and auto, truck, and bus maintenance garage workers.

The emissions from diesel engines consist of both gaseous and particulate fractions. The gaseous constituents include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, oxides of sulfur, and hydrocarbons (e.g., ethylene, formaldehyde, methane, benzene, phenol, 1,3-butadiene, acrolein, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons).

Particulates (soot) in diesel exhaust are composed of solid carbon cores that are produced during the combustion process and that tend to form chain or cluster aggregates. As much of 15% to 65% of the mass of particulate emissions (soot) of diesel engines is made up of organic compounds absorbed onto the surface of the particulates. Among these compounds is a group of compounds known as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons( PAHs), several of which are carcinogens (IARC 1983).

Permissible exposure limits (PELs) established by OSHA and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) for some gases typically found in diesel exhaust are listed in Table 1 along with the recommended exposure limits (RELs) established by NIOSH.

OSHA, MSHA, and NIOSH exposure limits relevant to the particulate fraction of diesel engine emissions are listed in Table 2. Because diesel emission particulates are of respirable size, the presence of diesel equipment contributes to the total burden of respirable dust present in an occupational environment. Existing limits for occupational exposures to other respirable dust also limit exposure to the particulate fraction of diesel emissions.

Although no specific recommendations are being made from a compliance standpoint, compliance officers should be aware of the various components of diesel exhaust as this knowledge may aid in evaluating a worker's exposures or the environment in which he or she works.

Please disseminate this bulletin to all Area Offices, State Plan States and Consultation Project Officers.


NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 50, Carcinogenic Effects of Exposure to Diesel Exhaust.
         Table 1. -- Limits for occupational exposure to selected
             components of the gaseous fraction of diesel
                   exhaust; OSHA, MSHA, NIOSH compared
                             MSHA PELs*

Component           OSHA PEL                     Underground
Carbon dioxide      5,000 ppm (9,000 mg/m(3))    5,000ppm (9,000mg/m(3))
(C02)               8-hr TWA^                    8-hr TWA;
                                                 30,000 ppm
                                                 (54,000 mg/m(3)).
Carbon monoxide     50 ppm (55 mg/m(3))          50 ppm (55 mg/m(3))
(CO2)               8-hr TWA                     8-hr TWA;
                                                 400 ppm (440 mg/m(3))
Formaldehyde        1 ppm,                       1 ppm (1.5 mg/m(3)).
                    8-hr TWA                     8-hr TWA;
                    2 ppm,                       2 ppm (3 mg/m(3)).STEL
                    15-minute STEL
Nitrogen dioxide    5 ppm (9 mg/m(3)).           3 ppm (6 mg/m(3)).
(NO2)               ceiling                      8-hr TWA:
                                                 5 ppm (10 mg/m(3))STEL
Nitric oxide        25 ppm (30 mg/m(3)).         25 ppm (30 mg/m(3)).
(NO)                8-hr TWA                     8-hr TWA
Sulfer dioxide      5 ppm (13 mg/m3).            2 ppm (5 mg/m(3)).
(SO2)               8-hr TWA                     8-hr TWA;
                                                 5 ppm (10 mg/m(3)),STEL
                    Metal and Nonmetal           NIOSH REL
Carbon Dioxide      5,000 ppm (9,000 mg/m(3))    10,000 ppm (18,000
(CO2)               8-hr TWA;                    mg/m(3)). 8-hr TWA;
                    15,000 ppm (27,000           30,000 ppm (54,000
                    mg/m(3)) STEL                mg/m(3)) 10-min ceiling
Carbon Monoxide     50 ppm (55 mg/m(3))          35 ppm (40 mg/m(3))
                    8-hr TWA                     8-hr TWA
                    400 ppm (440 mg/m(3))        200 ppm (230 mg/m(3))
                    STEL                         ceiling
                                                 (no minimum time)
Formaldehyde        2 ppm (3 mg/m(3))            0.016 ppm (0.020 mg/m(3))
                    ceiling                      8-hr TWA;
                                                 0.1 ppm (0.12 mg/m(3))
                                                 15-min ceiling
Nitrogen            5 ppm (9 mg/m(3))            1 ppm (1.8 mg/m(3))
Dioxide             ceiling                      15-min ceiling
Nitric oxide        25 ppm (30 mg/m(3))          25 ppm (30 mg/m(3))
(NO)                8-hr TWA;                    10-hr TWA
                    37.5 ppm (46 mg/m(3)).
Sulfur dioxide      5 ppm (13 mg/m(3))           0.5 ppm (1.3 mg/m(3)),
                    8-hr TWA;                    10-hr TWA
                    20 ppm (52 mg/m(3)),
                    STEL (5 MIN)
*  MSHA limits are based on threshold limit values (TLVs) of the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).  1973 TLVs are
used for metal and nonmetal mines.  Current TLVs are used for underground
coal mines
^  Time-Weighted average
@  Short-term exposure limit.

Table 2. -- OSHA, MSHA, and NIOSH limits relevant to occupational exposure
            to the particulate fraction of diesel exhaust

                                MSHA PELs

Component      OSHA PEL        Underground       Metal &        NIOSH REL
                               coal mines        Nonmetal
Respirable     5 mg/m(3)       2 mg/m(3)         No Limit       No REL
Respirable     10 mg/m(3)      10 mg/m(3)^       no mg/m(3)@    REL is dust
when                                                            specific
content is                                                      to quartz
more than
5% of total*
Coal tar       Not appli-      Not               Not            0.1 mg/m(3),
pitch          cable to        considered        considered     10-hr TWA
volatiles      diesel          relevant          relevant       (cyclo-
(CTPV)         emissions.                                       hexane-ext
Polynuclear    No PEL          No PEL            No PEL         No REL
FOOTNOTE(*)  These limits are not intended for diesel exhaust particulates,
but they would inadvertently limit airborne concentrations because diesel
particulates would be included in respirable dust samples taken where
diesel engines are operating.
^  HRE equivalent concentration.
@  MSHA limits are based on threshold limit values (TLVs) of the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). 1973 TLVs are
used for metal and nonmetal mines.
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