BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Egypt Local time: 03:57 AM

Environmental Equipment and Services (POL)


2005 2006  2007 (estimated)
Total Market Size 1,757 1,932 2,125
Total Local Production 168 185 203.5
Total Exports 0 0 0
Total Imports 1,589 1,748 1,922
Imports from the U.S. 635 698.5 786.3

(Exchange rate used: 1 USD = LE 5.75.  Values are in millions of U.S. Dollars.  Figures listed are unofficial estimates.)

U.S. export opportunities to Egypt’s environmental equipment and services market are substantial and cut across the spectrum of environment-related activities and needs.  The Egyptian Government anticipates spending more than $2.6 billion to implement its environmental plan through the year 2007, in addition to $1.3 billion spent by the private sector annually.  This increase is mainly due to increased compliance with environmental legislation, as well as BOT environmental projects, mainly in the field of water and wastewater management, solid waste management, renewable energy, and air pollution.  Egypt suffers from a number of serious environmental problems, including air pollution, water quality, land management, waste, and preservation of biological diversity. The U.S. share of Egypt’s environmental market is estimated at approximately 40%. 

Best Products/Services

  • Solid Waste Management Equipment and Operation
  • Incinerators
  •  Industrial Filters
  •  Landfills
  • Equipment for Recycling Plants
  • Kits for Converting Motor Vehicles to Use Natural Gas
  •  Filters to Reduce Particle Emissions from Cement Factory Smokestacks
  • Equipment and Filters to Reduce the Pollution Coming from Power Plants
  • Sanitary Wastewater Projects
  • Composting Programs
  •  Water and Sludge Treatment Projects, Filters and Services


The environmental market is considered new and hence the market is receptive to new technology and services.  The Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs has taken steps to stop pollution from industrial sources seeping into the environment, but such actions are still in its early stages and will be pursued further.  Opportunities exist for U.S. companies in the fields of environmental consulting and the supply of environmental equipment and devices.


Commercial Service in Egypt:
U.S. Embassy:
World Bank:
Egyptian Government Web Portal:
Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs:

Contact for the Commercial Assistant in charge of the Environmental Sector:
Rania Mekhail,