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Southern Africa Local time: 09:24 PM



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The Kingdom of Swaziland, a small nation approximately the size of New Jersey (6,700 sq. mi.) with a population of 1.1 million is located in the southeastern area of southern Africa and is bordered by South Africa and Mozambique.  Its capital, Mbabane (pop. 60,000) and its largest city and commercial city, Manzini (pop. 65,000), are both located in the northwestern region of the country.

The United States seeks to maintain and strengthen the good bilateral relations that have existed since the kingdom became independent in 1968.  Swaziland became eligible for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in 2000 and qualified for the apparel provision in 2001. AGOA created over 30,000 jobs, mostly for women, in Swaziland’s apparel industry.  Swaziland is also a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Swaziland ranks among the more prosperous countries in Africa.   The past few years have seen wavering economic growth, which has been exacerbated by the economy's inability to create new jobs at the same rate that new job seekers enter the market. This is due in part to the country's population growth rate.

The sugar industry, based solely on irrigated cane, is Swaziland's leading export earner and private-sector employer. Soft drink concentrate (a U.S. investment) is the country's largest export earner, followed by wood pulp and lumber from cultivated pine forests. Swaziland mines coal and diamonds for export. A number of industrial firms have located near Manzini. In addition to processed agricultural and forestry products, the fast-growing industrial sector at Matsapha also produces garments, textiles, and a variety of light manufactured products. Tourism is also important, attracting more than 424,000 visitors annually, mostly from Europe and South Africa.

For more information on this or other trade and investment matters please contact us at:

Davinia Seay, Political/Economic/Consular Officer,

Ms. Dorothy Mlambo, Economic Specialist, email: , Tel: +(268) 404-0677, 404-2059; Fax: +(268) 404-5846 Embassy House, Allister Miller Street, Mbabane, Swaziland

Support can also be provided by the U.S. Commercial Service South Africa. Please contact Senior Commercial Officer (SCO) Craig Allen via e-mail at or telephone at +27 11 778 4813 for additional information or other opportunities in Southern Africa