Department of Justice SealDepartment of Justice
Thursday, February 26, 2009
(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888

Department of Justice FY 2010 Budget Request

Department Receives additional Funding for National Security, Combating Financial Fraud, Hiring More Police Officers, Civil Rights Division, Prison Operations

WASHINGTON – The President released the Administration’s FY 2010 top-line budget proposal today which includes $26.5 billion for the Department of Justice (DOJ), a 3.5 percent increase more than the FY 2009 budget. The Department’s budget includes enhanced funding for: national security and intelligence; combating financial fraud; hiring additional police officers; civil rights enforcement; securing our nation’s borders; and for federal detention and incarceration programs.

"The President has promised that, from the day he took office, America will have a Justice Department that is truly dedicated to justice," said Attorney General Holder. "This budget supports this vital task by investing in our critical law enforcement mission, including protecting Americans from terrorism, fighting financial and mortgage fraud, getting more cops on the beat, reinvigorating civil rights enforcement, and providing essential resources for our prisons."

Funding Highlights:

Counters the Threat of Terrorism and Strengthens National Security – Provides $8 billion for the FBI, including $425 million in enhancements, and $88 million for the National Security Division to address the Attorney General’s highest priority – protecting Americans from terrorist acts. Funding supports the detection and disruption of terrorists, counterintelligence, cyber security, and other threats against our national security.

Combats Financial Fraud Provides resources for additional FBI agents to investigate mortgage fraud and corporate crime and for additional federal prosecutors, civil litigators and bankruptcy attorneys to protect investors, the integrity of the market, and the federal government’s investment of resources in the nation’s financial recovery.

Begins to Put 50,000 More Cops on the Beat – Expands the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program by providing funds to begin hiring 50,000 additional police officers. Supports the hiring of police nationwide in order to help states and communities prevent the growth of crime.

Enhances Federal Civil Rights Enforcement Includes $145 million for the Civil Rights Division to strengthen civil rights enforcement against racial, ethnic, sexual preference, religious and gender discrimination.

Strengthens Immigration Enforcement and Border Security – Includes resources for a comprehensive approach to enforcement along our borders that combines law enforcement and prosecutorial component efforts to investigate arrest, detain, and prosecute illegal immigrants and other criminals. The initiative also enhances the Department’s ability to track fugitives from justice and combat gunrunners and illegal drug traffickers.

Supports Federal Detention and Incarceration Programs – Provides $6 billion for the Bureau of Prisons and $1.4 billion for the Office of the Detention Trustee to ensure that sentenced criminals and detainees are housed in facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and secure.

Expands Prisoner Reentry Programs – Includes $109 million for prisoner reentry programs, including an additional $75 million for the Office of Justice Programs to expand grant programs authorized by the Second Chance Act that provide counseling, job training, drug treatment, and other transitional assistance to former prisoners.

Enhances Financial Accountability in the Department of Justice – Provides funds for continuing the phased implementation of the Unified Financial Management System. This initiative will unify and standardize the Department’s financial, accounting and procurement systems and processes to improve the efficiency and integrity of these functions.

Due to the Presidential transition, the President is releasing the FY 2010 budget request in two parts. The first submission, today, provides the top-line request for each agency, including the Department of Justice. The second submission, in April, will consist of detailed budget proposals and traditional congressional justification materials. The details of the Department of Justice FY 2010 budget request will be finalized in the coming weeks, and the Administration’s proposals will be released in April.

Today’s top-line budget proposal builds upon the recent funding the Department received as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R.1). The Department received $4 billion in grant funding to enhance state, local and tribal law enforcement efforts, including the hiring of new police officers, to combat violence against women, and to fight Internet crimes against children.

