Box: Acknowledgments

The U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 1992 were prepared by the staff of the Bureau of Economic Analysis under the direction of Sumiye Okubo, Associate Director for Industry Accounts. The project was initiated by J. Steven Landefeld, Director of BEA, Robert Parker, Chief Statistician of BEA, and Helen N. Marano, Director of Tourism Development, Tourism Industries Office, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.

At BEA, Mark A. Planting, Branch Chief, Industry Economics Division, developed the framework for the production, demand, and value-added accounts, and the estimates of these accounts. David I. Kass developed the method for estimating tourism expenditures on eating and drinking places, the framework for measuring tourism employment and compensation of employees, and the estimates for the accounts for employment and compensation of employees; he also drafted the sections of the article describing tourism employment and compensation of employees. John Turner assisted in the data processing of the accounts. Michael Mann from the Balance of Payments Division provided assistance on evaluating data from the In-Flight Survey, and Clint McCully from the National Income and Wealth Division, on evaluating the data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey.