How No Child Left Behind Benefits Hispanics
Archived Information

"One in every five children under 18 is of Hispanic origin. We must work together to ensure all these children stay in school and have the chance to achieve their potential."

-- Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

In the past, too many Hispanic American students were shortchanged by our nation's schools.

The No Child Left Behind law ensures that schools are held accountable for the academic progress of every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, income level or zip code.

Parents now receive important information about the academic performance of their child and his/her school.

When schools don't make the grade, families are given new options.

The No Child Left Behind Act is working for Hispanic Americans.

President Bush and Congress continue to demonstrate their commitment to education.

For more information on No Child Left Behind visit or call 1-800-USA-LEARN.

Last Modified: 09/02/2005