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A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Evidence-Based Education (EBE)

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

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  1. Evidence-Based Education (EBE)
  2. Three Stories
  3. What is EBE?
  4. What is professional wisdom?
  5. What is empirical evidence?
  6. Evidence-based Education
  7. Why are both needed?
  8. Medicine and Ag as Models
  9. The HRT Study
  10. The HRT Study
  11. Social Policy and ED examples
  12. Policy Requirements
  13. Scientifically Based Research
  14. Scientifically Based Research
  15. Quality: Levels of evidence
  16. Randomized Trials: The gold standard
  17. Why is randomization critical?
  18. Why is randomization critical?
  19. Relevance
  20. Evidence will not make the decision
  21. EBE -- Where are we?
  22. Education Lags Behind
  23. What ED will do
  24. What ED will do
  25. What ED will do
  26. Goals

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