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2006 Export Award Winners

Helsel Lumber Mill Inc., located in Blue Knob, PA. produces high quality Appalachian hardwoods in the heart of Pennsylvania's hardwood region. Fortunately for Helsel, Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Mr. Jim Burger, has a heart of his own- one for international sales! To recognize these efforts, Helsel hosted Congressman Bill Shuster in January 2006, who presented the company with the U.S. Commercial Service's Export Achievement Award. Using the combined counseling of the U.S. Commercial Service, the Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission and the Saint Vincent Center for Global Competitiveness, Helsel not only signed a representative in China, but realized an explosion of hardwood lumber sales into the burgeoning China market. As a result, Helsel has added 12 additional full time employees and continues to enjoy record-breaking international sales to China and around the globe!

Want to find out the secrets to international success? Contact your local trade specialist to find out how!

Picture, top, from L to R, Jim Burger (Helsel Lumber) and Congressman Bill Shuster (PA-09)

Picture, bottom, from L to R, Justin Oslowski (U.S. Commercial Service), Donald Bonk (Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission), Edward Silvetti (SAPDC), Congressman Shuster (PA-09) and Diana McClure (SAPDC)

For a complete listing of Export Achievement Award Winners, please click on the following years 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002.

Congressman Shuster Presents Award
Shuster presents award to SAPDC