BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Past International Events

Seismic Switch Export Achievement Ceremony

This page highlights past international events participated by the Oakland Export Assistance Center and/or our client companies.

June 2007

American Water Works Association 2007
Toronto, Canada
June 24-28, 2007

Director Rod Hirsch attended the American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2007 trade show and conference to support Oakland USEAC clients and the U.S. Commercial Service Environmental Technology Team.  During the show, the U.S. Commercial Service conducted matchmaking for U.S. companies with foreign buyers  and a program to counsel U.S. businesses about overseas market opportunities.

June 2006

American Water Works Association 2006
San Antonio, Texas
June 11-15, 2006

Director Rod Hirsch of the Oakland Export Assistance attended the American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2006 trade show to assist his fellow U.S. Commercial Service Environmental Technology Team members in coordinating a Foreign Buyer Matchmaking Program and special quest speakers at the trade show. For further details on U.S. Commercial Service activities at AWWA 2006, please go to American Water Works Association 2006.

January 2006

Consumer Electronics Show 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada
January 5-8, 2006

Ms. Cindy Ma, International Trade Specialist, attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2006 in Las Vegas to assist in coordinating the U.S. Commercial Service's Show Time Program at the trade event. For further details on this event, please click on CES 2006.

October 2005

Security and Safety Trade Expo 2005
Tokyo, Japan
October 17-21

Director Rod Hirsch of the Oakland Export Assistance Center (EAC) traveled to Tokyo Japn from October 17 to 21, 2005. This trip was sponsored by Toyo Automation, a Japanese company which the Oakland EAC had hosted on three occasions to meet with local East Bay earthquake preparedness companies. Due to the Oakland Export Assistance Center's efforts, Toyo Automation has formed a strategic partnership with Seismic Switch, a client of the Oakland EAC. As a result, Toyo Automation invited Director Hirsch to attend the Security and Safety Trade Expo in Tokyo Japan to support this new partnership. At a Toyo Automation reception, Director Hirsch, along with Commercial Officer John Fleming and Commercial Specialist Hisanao Aomori presented the U.S. Department of Commerce's Export Achievement Certificate to Seismic Switch.

To view more photos from this event, please click on the highlighted links below.

Security and Safety Trade Expo - Photo 1
Security and Safety Trade Expo - Photo 2
Security and Safety Trade Expo - Photo 3

June 2005

American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2005
San Francisco, CA
June 12-15, 2005

The U.S. Commercial Service's Environmental Technologies Team participated in the AWWA Annual Conference & Exhibition on June 12-15, 2005 in San Francisco, California. The AWWA is the largest trade show and conference for the water industry worldwide. Director Rod Hirsch of the Oakland Export Assistance Center, along with other fellow domestic Environmental Technologies Team members, arranged a Show Time Program and Matchmaking Program for U.S. exhibitors to meet with foreign buyers and receive export counseling at the show. Commercial Specialists who participated in the Show Time Program included those from the following countries: Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia/Far Eat, Tajikistan, Ukraine, UK, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Representatives for the Commercial Service's partners, EXIM Bank and the World Bank, also parted in these programs to counsel clients on financing opportunities.

Photo - Environmental Technologies Team at AWWA 2005