SCORE Chapter #81

    Akron  Sites






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SCORE Can Help!

  • Thinking of starting your own business?
  • Just started?
  • Already established in business and looking for help?
  • We're here!
Our services are FREE requiring only your investment of time, effort, and follow-through.
SCORE offers several services to help start a small business or to make a small business more profitable including individual counseling, mentoring, workshops, and seminars.  We are marking our chapter's 44th anniversary in 2009

Our Counselors are all experienced and successful executives, managers, and business owners who at this time in their life want to give back to the community and people like you, the benefit of their years of experience.  They come from a broad variety of professions and business interests.  They represent a wealth of information available to you at no cost.  That's right, the service is free!

SCORE Chapter #81 serves Medina, Portage, Summit, and Wayne counties with its main office in Akron.

If you think we can be of help, and if you're willing to invest your time and effort in working with SCORE to help you help yourself, please contact us.

Do you have a Business Plan? 
   Want to attend a Business Plan free workshop -- Click here
   Need some example Business Plans -- Click here.

Along the left of these pages are many topics of interest to our clients.  We hope these will be helpful to you.  However, we are always interested in improving our Web site's value to our clients, so please let us know if you have any suggestions.

How about it?  We look forward to your call today...330-379-3163,  or
your Email (click here).


FREE Timely Tax News ---
Subscribe to e-News for Small Businesses
The IRS's e-News for Small Businesses is distributed every other Wednesday. e-News brings timely,useful tax information right to your computer. To review a representative sample and to start your FREE subscription to e-News, just go to this website. type in your e-mail address and "submit".

With the recent passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, several important changes have been made in the tax law which may be impacting your organization. Go to this website for the latest ARRA 2009 information (it updates on a regular basis).