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ESI Toolkit

Sample Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) map.

This toolkit contains links to tools, resources, and informational links for Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data, which are grouped into the following categories:

ESI Products • top
ESI maps can be obtained individually or as a collection of regional maps (an ESI atlas). You can also obtain ESI data that can be used in GIS technology. ESI products are available in a variety of formats. In addition to the links in this section, you may also want to review the ESI Documents section to obtain ESI products.
  • Availability Find out what regions have been mapped using the ESI method and download metadata, indexes, and fact sheets for each ESI atlas.
  • Geodatabase Data Download ESI data in a geodatabase format, which can be used in ESRI's ArcMap product.
  • ESI Viewers Download an ESI Viewer to view regional collections of ESI maps and query digital ESI data.
  • Data Explorer Download OR&R's ESI maps and GIS data from the National Ocean Service spatial data collection. [leaves OR&R site]
  • Format Types Brief descriptions of the formats that ESI maps can be published in.
ESI Basics • top
Background information on how ESI maps are developed and how to use them.
  • Anatomy of ESI Maps Introduction to the basic elements of ESI maps, including examples of the front and back of a map and an overview of how the maps are created.
  • Shoreline Rankings Under the ESI method, shorelines are ranked according to their sensitivity to oil, the natural persistence of oil, and the expected ease of cleanup after an oil spill. This series of pages includes an overview of the shoreline sensitivity rankings, a table of shoreline ranks, and an example of a shoreline ranked 10A.
  • Biological Resources On ESI maps, the biological resources that are mapped include oil-sensitive animals and their habitats, and habitats that are themselves sensitive to spilled oil (such as coral reefs). This series of pages includes an overview of biological resources and a table of symbols and patterns used to designate them.
  • Human-Use Resources On ESI maps, the human-use resources that are mapped are resources and places important to humans and sensitive to oiling--such as public beaches and parks, marine sanctuaries, water intakes, and archaeological sites. This series of pages includes an overview of human-use resources and a table of symbols used to designate them.
ESI Resources • top
  • ESI Guidelines In-depth report describing ESI mapping standards and how to implement them, as well as the rationale for developing data presentation standards.
  • Training Exercise Training module for ESI users. The manual and associated training materials will help spill responders and planners learn to use ESI data in multiple formats.
  • GIS Overview Site that showcases how people use GIS and geospatial technology and provides links to resources to help GIS users in their work. [leaves OR&R site]
  • ESI Specialist Contact our ESI Specialist for more information about ESI mapping.
ESI Tools • top
You can use the ESI tools to assist you in viewing and querying ESI atlases that have been published in geodatabase format. You can download them individually or all together in the ESI Toolbar. We recommend downloading the toolbar, because the tools complement each other.
  • ESI Toolbar Overview of the ESI tools, and information on how to download the ESI Toolbar (which includes all of the ESI tools).
  • Query by Location Tool This tool provides a drop-down menu of the available biology and human-use layers on the ESI map. After you select a layer, you can view the species or the types and names of the socioeconomic and management features present in a particular area. You may also set the fields in the biology and socioeconomic tables that you would like to view.
  • Query Biology by Attribute Tool This tool allows you to query a biology layer by attribute (such as species, state and federal status, and monthly presence and/or breeding status). With this tool, you can locate species of special interest in a particular area, such as where a spill trajectory indicates that there may be heavy oiling.
  • Metadata Viewer Tool This tool launches your PDF viewer software and opens the metadata file associated with your ESI map. The metadata file is provided in the atlas directory transferred from the ESI CD/DVD.
  • Report Generator Tool This tool allows you to generate a Resource at Risk report, by exporting records you have selected in your biology table to a tab-delimited text file.

ESI Documents • top
Each ESI atlas is a collection of ESI maps within a particular region, and for many people having ESI coverage over an entire region is ideal. However, some people may only want a subset of the maps available within an atlas.
  • ESI Map Order Form Use this form to order specific, paper ESI maps.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 36.1 K)
  • ESI Fact Sheet Basic information about ESI mapping, including a list of ESI atlases available from OR&R.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.6 M)
  • ESI Atlases: Sample This sample, from the 2007 ESI atlas for Alabama, includes a sample ESI map with seasonality data; background information about shoreline habitat ranking and sensitive biological and human-use resources; a list of species included in the atlas; a description of Alabama shoreline habitat types; a map legend; and guidelines for interpreting ESI maps.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 2.3 M)
  • ESI Guidelines - Complete Report In-depth report describing ESI mapping standards and how to implement them, as well as the rationale for developing data presentation standards. Note: If you want to download the chapters individually, follow the link in the ESI Resources section above.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 5.3 M)

ESI Photo Galleries • top
  • Shoreline Types (by ESI Rank) Photos of many major shoreline types listed in order of their ESI rank, from least sensitive to damage from spilled oil to most sensitive. (15 images)

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