The Ultimate Educator: Achieving Maximum Adult Learning Through Training 
	  and Instruction NVAA Advanced Topic Series banner


This NVAA workbook reviews the basics of training design, the differences between adult and child learners, and ideas for making presentations memorable. Topics include coordination, learning styles, presentation techniques, facilitation skills, lesson development, and session evaluation. Includes sample forms and worksheets.

Authors/Editors: Christine Edmunds, Kip Lowe, Morna Murray, and Anne


Chapter 1. The Many Roles and Responsibilities of the Ultimate Educator ASCII (12.2 kb) or PDF (16.6 kb)
Reviews the various roles trainers must play, including coordinator, facilitator, presenter, and designer/developer.

Chapter 2. Ultimate Coordination
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Discusses strategies for organizing issues before, during, and after training sessions and the trainer's role in meeting student needs.

Chapter 3. Ultimate Adult Learning
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Describes how the way adults learn differs from how children learn and explains adult learning styles and how the environment may affect them.

Chapter 4. Ultimate Style and Skill
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Outlines common presentation techniques and breaks down the characteristics and mannerisms of outstanding speakers.

Chapter 5. Ultimate Facilitation
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Defines facilitation in the training environment and recommends ways to improve attendee response and participation in training activities.

Chapter 6. Ultimate Presentation
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Summarizes the differences between teaching and training and outlines the components of effective presentation, including how to deal with problem participants.

Chapter 7. Ultimate Lesson Development and Design
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Reviews essential lesson plan principles and elements, including goals and objectives, instructional activities, assessment, and follow-up activities.

Chapter 8. Ultimate Closing and Evaluation
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Instructs trainers on how best to end individual sessions and entire workshops, including evaluation strategies that contribute to better presentations in the future.

Appendixes include sample materials and forms that illustrate chapter principles.

Appendix A. Participant Worksheets PDF (16.0 kb)
SWOT: Strategic Planning for the Future
Identifying Key Stakeholders
Action Worksheet
Planning for the Future
Looking Toward the Future . . .

Appendix B. Presentation/Facilitation Exercises and Aides PDF (56.2 kb)
Presentation "Tools of the Trade"
"Alpha-Delta" Faculty or Participant Debriefing
Benefits and Barriers
Sample Participant Introduction
"Personality Plus" Participant Introduction
Participant Group Division Exercise
Team Time: "Check Your Pulse"

Appendix C. Sample Evaluation Forms PDF (41.6 kb)
Sample Participant Evaluation Form
Sample Evaluation by Trainer
Follow-Up Evaluation
Training Follow-Up Survey
Participant Evaluation
Sample Program and Site Logistics Evaluation
Sample Session Evaluation

Appendix D. Sample Assessment Forms PDF (16.2 kb)
Trainer's Performance Assessment
Instructor Assessment: Lesson Delivery

Appendix E. Sample Budget PDF (23.3 kb)

Appendix F. Avoid the Pitfalls of Mediocre Lesson Plans PDF (19.3 kb)

Appendix G. General Resources PDF (48.8 kb)
Information and Referrals on Victims' Rights, Services, and Criminal &
   Juvenile Justice Resources
Web Sites Relevant to Victim Assistance and Criminal/Juvenile Justice
National Victim Assistance and Criminal/Juvenile Justice Organizations

	  Ultimate Educator: Achieving Maximum Adult Learning 
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This project was supported by Grant Number 95-MU-GX-K002(S-5) awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs, coordinates the activities of the following program offices and bureaus: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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This document was last updated on April 21, 2008