Federal Student Aid - IFAP

Publication Date: November 2002

Bulletin ID: DLB-02-38

Summary: Change in COD School Relations Email Address

Posted on 11-20-2002

November 2002


Subject: Change in COD School Relations Email Address

Dear Partner,

Please update your address book and change the email address for COD School Relations to CODSupport@acs-inc.com. The previous address, CODSupport@afsa.com, will be available only for a limited time.

If you have questions concerning COD, please contact the COD School Relations Center staff at 800/ 848-0978, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. -- 8 p.m. (ET). You may also email inquiries to CODSupport@acs-inc.com.

Thank you for your support of the COD system, and thank you for your ongoing partnership in the Direct Loan Program.


Jane Holman
Acting Director, Title IV Delivery
Schools Channel