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Westchester, NY

Business Service Provider Directory

Patent and Trademark Law Services

Lilling & Lilling PLLC


Contact: Bruce E. Lilling
55 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914-684-0600
Fax: 914-684-0304

Lilling & Lilling, PLLC., is a 2nd generation law firm, solely specializing in patent and trademark law. For half a century, they have counseled companies of all sizes and nationalities on all aspects of U.S. Patents and Trademarks. A few thousand patents have been obtained for their clients, in almost every technological field. Over their half century of practice, the firm has represented some very large companies such as Pirelli, Wella, Ross Bicycles, Gemco-Ware Inc., U.S.F. & G., Eagle Clothes, Mastercraft Industries, Inc., Mego Toys, Venus Paradise, Splenderform, Saint Gobain, PepsiCo, The Blue Book Of Building And Construction (Contractors Register), Daewoo, Orbotech, Mul-T-Lock, Stryker GI Ltd., Sojuzplodimport (Stolichnaya), Paton Welding Institute (Kiev), and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Soviet Union, down to small start-up companies. The firm is actively involved in helping US companies protect their inventions and trademarks in foreign countries, as well as representing foreign firms in the US.

Over the years it has been active in presenting seminars in the US, Israel and the Soviet Union (and later Russia) and consulted with the new patent offices in Moscow, Kiev, Minsk, Riga and Vilna to help them establish new patent systems after the fall of the Soviet Union and also to train new patent attorneys and patent examiners. Based on work with many International bar associations, they have built up an extensive network of fellow patent and trademark attorneys around the world to cooperatively work together for representing clients through out the world, including most particularly, Canada, Europe, China, Israel, Russia, Korea, India, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Japan and many other countries.

The firm handles patents in all technological fields, including medical devices, software, business methods, computers, electronics, mechanical devices, chemistry and designs. Our firm was a Beta tester for the new PTO software for filing patent applications and now is a Beta tester for the new procedure for electronic issuance of office actions. In addition to US applications, we handle International applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and applications in foreign countries. Among our patent services are searching, preparation and prosecution of domestic and foreign applications, licensing, Patent & Trademark Office proceedings, validity opinions, infringement opinions, litigation and dispute resolution.

Regarding Trademarks we handle searching, preparation and prosecution of domestic and foreign applications, licensing, Patent & Trademark Office proceedings, litigation and dispute resolution. This includes International applications under the Madrid Protocol and Community Trade Marks (CTMs) for the European Union. For many years we have been active participants of the International Trademark Association and in cooperation with INTA have presented teaching seminars to Examiners at the US Patent & Trademark Office.