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Endocrine Disruptors Research

Research Results: Human Health Effects

National Center For Environmental Research (NCER) Research Projects:

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Dioxin and Steroid Regulation in an Endometriosis Model
Kevin G. Osteen – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN
EPA STAR Grant #R826300

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Dioxins, Male Pubertal Development and Testis Function
Russ Hauser - Harvard School of Public Health
EPA STAR Grant #R829437

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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Thyroid Outcomes
Henry Anderson – Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services
EPA STAR Grant #R830254

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Latent Effects of Gestational Exposure to Heptachlor
Dean Baker - University of California - Irvine
EPA STAR Grant #R829439

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Persistent Organic Pollutants and Endometriosis Risk
Victoria Holt – Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
EPA STAR Grant #R829438

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Study of Phthalates in Pregnant Woman and Children
Shanna H. Swan - University of Missouri - Columbia
EPA STAR Grant #R829436

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The Michigan PBB Cohort 20 Years: Endocrine Disruption?
Michele Marcus - Emory University
EPA STAR Grant #R825300

More information (PDF, 5 pp, 94 K, about PDF)

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