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The Chronicle of Higher Education: "American Economic Association Plans 4 New Journals"


The 2009 John Bates Clark Medal was awarded by the AEA on April 24, 2009, to Emmanuel Saez.

Stephen J. Davis (University of Chicago) has succeeded Olivier Blanchard (MIT) as editor of the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, and John Leahy (NYU) is the new coeditor.

David Autor (MIT) has succeeded Andrei Shleifer (Harvard) as editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.

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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: The Economics of Malaria (AEA)
Presiding: Alessandro Tarozzi (Duke University)

Vivian Hoffmann (Cornell University)
Alessandro Tarozzi (Duke University)
Hoyt Bleakley (University of Chicago)
Pascaline Dupas (Dartmouth College)

Spillovers and Aggregate Effects of Health Capital: Lessons from the Eradication of Parasitic Disease in Southern U.S.
Hoyt Bleakley (University of Chicago)

What matters (and what does not) in households' investments in malaria prevention?
Pascaline Dupas (University of California, Los Angeles and NBER)
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Commitment Mechanisms and Compliance with Health-protecting Behavior: Preliminary Evidence from Orissa (India)
Brian Blackburn (Stanford University)
Aprajit Mahajan (Stanford University)
Alessandro Tarozzi (Duke University)
Joanne Yoong (RAND)
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Intra-household allocation of free and purchased mosquito nets
Vivian E. Hoffmann (University of Maryland)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: New Empirical Approaches to Decision Making under Uncertainty (AEA)
Presiding: Mark Machina (University of California-San Diego)

Shachar Kariv (University of California-Berkeley)
Matt Shum (Johns Hopkins University)
Victor Matheson (College of the Holy Cross)

Identifying Preferences under Risk from Discrete Choices
Pierre-Andre Chiappori (Columbia University)
Amit Gandhi (University of Wisconsin)
Bernard Salanie (Columbia University)
Francois Salanie (Toulouse School of Economics)
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Risk Preferences in the PSID: Individual Imputations and Family Covariation
Matthew D. Shapiro (University of Michigan)
Miles S. Kimball (University of Michigan)
Claudia R. Sahm (Federal Reserve Board)
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Robust Equilibrium Yield Curves
Isaac Kleshchelski (Washington University in St. Louis)
Nicolas Vincent (HEC Montreal)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: The Psychology of Food Consumption (AEA)
Presiding: Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago)

Stefano Dellavigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Lisa Mancino (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
John Cawley (Cornell University)

Promoting Choice of Healthy Foods: Information Versus Convenience
George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
Julie Downs (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jessica Wisdom (Carnegie Mellon University)

Interaction of Profit Motives, Food Marketing and Behavioral Food Decisions
Brian Wansink (Cornell University)
David Just (Cornell University)
Collin Payne (New Mexico State University)
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Food and Mood: How Food Consumption Varies with Subjective Wellbeing
Diane Whitmore (University of Chicago)
Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Strategic Communication (AEA)
Presiding: Navin Kartik (University of California-San Diego)

Joel Sobel (University of California-San Diego)
Maxim Ivanov (Pennsylvania State University)
Marco Battaglini (Princeton University)
Wouter Dessein (University of Chicago)

Iteratively Stable Cheap Talk Equilibria
Sidartha Gordon (Universite de Montreal)

Dynamic Strategic Information Transmission
Mikhail Golosov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER,)
Vasiliki Skreta (New York University)
Aleh Tsyvinski (Harvard University and NBER)
Andrea Wilson (New York University)

Wait and See: A Theory of Communication Over Time
Peter Eso (Northwestern University)
Yuk-Fai Fong (Northwestern University)
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Opinions as Incentives
Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia University)
Navin Kartik (University of California-San Diego)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Understanding Participant Choice in Pension Plans (AEA)
Presiding: Scott Weisbenner (University of Illinois)

Wei Jiang (Columbia University)
Lauren Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Pierluigi Balduzzi (Boston College)

Mental Acccounting in Portfolio Choice: Evidence from a Flypaper Effect
James Choi (Yale University)
David Laibson (Harvard University)
Brigitte Madrian (Harvard University)
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Menu Effects and Retirement Saving: The Impact of Life Cycle Funds on 401(k) Plan Portfolios
Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Gary Mottola (Vanguard)
Stephen Utkus (Vanguard)
Takeshi Yamaguchi (University of Pennsylvania)
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Why Do Individuals Choose Defined Contribution Plans?
Jeffrey Brown (University of Illinois)
Scott Weisbenner (University of Illinois)

The Impact of Individual Investment Behavior for Retirement Welfare: Evidence from the United States and Germany
Thomas Post (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
Helmut Gruendl (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
Joan T. Schmit (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Anja Zimmer (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Completing an Economics Ph.D. in Five Years: Let the Data (Literally) Speak for Themselves (AEA)
Presiding: James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Sarah Bohn (Public Policy Institute of California)
Ethan Cohen-Cole (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Paul Heaton (Rand Corporation)
Todd Schoellman (Clemson University)
Emma Stephens (Pitzer College)

Completing an Economics Ph.D. in Five Years
Wendy A. Stock (Montana State University)
T. Aldrich Finegan (Vanderbilt University)
John J. Siegfried (Vanderbilt University)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: How Structural Change Affects the Middle Class (AEA)
Presiding: Joep Konings (Katholieke University Leuven)

Catia Batista (University of Oxford)
Carlos Davidson (Michigan State University)
Ian King (University of Melbourne)
Joep Konings (Katholieke University Leuven)

Inequality and Specialization: The Growth of Low-Skill Service Jobs in the United States
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David Dorn (University of St Gallen)
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Trade Shocks and Labor Adjustment: A Structural Empirical Approach
Erhan Artuc (Koc University)
Shubham Chaudhuri (World Bank)
John McLaren (University of Virginia)
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Trade, Education, and the Shrinking Middle Class
Emily Blanchard (University of Virginia)
Gerald Willmann (Katholieke University Leuven)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Training and Assessing the Effectiveness of Teaching Assistants in Economics (AEA)
Presiding: Kenneth G. Elzinga (University of Virginia)

James Gwartney (Florida State University)
Gail M. Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Dirk Mateer (Penn State University)
Sarah Turner (University of Virginia)

Preparing Graduate Students in Economics for Teaching: Survey Findings and Recommendations
William Walstad (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
William E. Becker (Indiana University)
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Are Female and Postgraduate Teaching Assistants More Effective? An Investigation of How the Gender and Experience of Teaching Assistants Affect Students' Performance
Ada Jansen (Stellenbosch University)
Petronella Horn (Stellenbosch University)
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Do Recent Ph.D. Economists Feel Prepared to Teach Economics?
James McCoy (Murray State University)
Martin Milkman (Murray State University)
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Group Differences in Performance: The Effects of Teaching Assistants on Collegiate Grades
Sarah Hastedt (University of Virginia)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Genes and Economics (AEA)
Presiding: David Laibson (Harvard University)

Ken Chay (Brown University)
David Laibson (Harvard University)
Ted Joyce (City University of New York)
Carlos Dobkin (University of California-Santa Cruz)

Using Genetic Lotteries within Families to Examine the Causal Impact of Poor Health on Academic Achievement
Jason Fletcher (Yale University)
Steven Lehrer (Queen's University)
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How Smoking, Drugs, and Obesity Affect Education, Using Genes as Instruments
Edward Norton (University of Michigan)
Euna Han (University of Illinois-Chicago)
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Genetic Influences on Economic Outcomes
Daniel J. Benjamin (Cornell University)
Christopher Chabris (Union College)
Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
David Laibson (Harvard University)

Adolescents are "Different" : Addictive Behavior Under Developmental Uncertainty
J. Niels Rosenquist (Harvard University)
Casey Rothschild (Middlebury College)

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: The Effect of Tax Reforms on Economic Behavior and Tax Evasion: Cross-Country Evidence (AEA)
Presiding: Raj Chetty (University of California-Berkeley)

Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
Jonathan Feinstein (Yale University)
Roger Gordon (University of California-San Diego)
Mark Rider (Georgia State University)

Myth and Reality of Flat Tax Reform: Micro Estimates of Tax Evasion Response and Welfare Effects in Russia
Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California-Berkeley)
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University)
Klara Sabirianova Peter (Georgia State University)
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Tax Law Changes, Income Shifting and Measured Wage Inequality: Evidence from India
Jagadeesh Sivadasan (University of Michigan)
Joel Slemrod (University of Michigan)

Income Taxation and Self-Employment: The Impact of Progressivity in Countries with Tax Evasion
Ioana M. Petrescu (American Enterprise Institute)
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Dividend Taxes and International Portfolio Choice
Mihir Desai (Harvard University)
Dhammika Dharmapala (University of Connecticut)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Making the Sovereign Pay - Lessons from History (AEA)
Presiding: Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School)

Michael Bordo (Rutgers University and NBER)
Stephen Haber (Stanford University and NBER)
William Summerhill (University of California-Los Angeles)

Searching for Irving Fisher
Kris James Mitchener (Santa Clara University University of California-Los Angeles and NBER)
Marc Weidenmier (Claremont McKenna College and NBER)
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Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt and Default in the Age of Philip II
Hans-Joachim Voth (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Mauricio Drelichman (University of British Columbia)
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International Trade and Finance under the Two Hegemons: Complementaries in the United Kingdom 1870-1913 and the United States 1920-30
Alan Taylor (University of California-Davis)
Janine Wilson (University of California-Davis)

Gunboats and Vultures: Market Perception to the Enforcement of Sovereign Debt
Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School)
Noel Maurer (Harvard Business School)
Faisal A. Ahmed (University of Chicago)

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Household Heterogeneity and Risk (AEA)
Presiding: Stephen Shore (Johns Hopkins University)

Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Richard Blundell (University College London)
Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University)

Heterogeneous Risk Preferences and the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl (Princeton University)
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Changes in the Distribution of Income Volatility
Shane Jensen (University of Pennsylvania)
Stephen Shore (Johns Hopkins University)
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Testing Efficient Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences
Maurizio Mazzocco (Duke University)
Shiv Saini (University of Wisconsin)
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Consumption Insurance With Heterogeneous Preferences. Can Sharecropping Help Complete Markets?
Pierre DuBois (Toulouse)

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: International Migration and Remittances: Empirical Innovations (AEA)
Presiding: Dean Yang (University of Michigan)

Joost De Laat (University of Montreal)
Lori Beaman (University of California-Berkeley)
Una Osili (Indiana University)
Gero Carletto (World Bank)

Remittance Set Asides: A Field Experiment in Mexico
Dean Karlan (Yale University)
Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard University)

Remittances and the Problem of Control: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
Diego Aycinena (Francisco Marroquin University)
Nava Ashraf (Harvard University)
Claudia Martinez (University of Chile)

Skilled Emigration and Skill Creation: A Quasi-Experiment
Michael Clemens (Center for Global Development)
Satish Chand (Australian National University)
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Preliminary Impacts of a New Seasonal Work Program on Rural Household Incomes in the Pacific
David McKenzie (World Bank)
John Gibson (University of Waikato)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Laws, Institutions and Corporate Governance (AEA)
Presiding: Frederick Tung (Emory University)

TBA ()

�Law and Finance� Revisited
Holger Spamann (Harvard University)
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Law, Agency Costs and Project Finance: An Empirical Analysis
Krishnamurthy Subramanian (Emory University)
Frederick Tung (Emory University)
Xue Wang (Emory University)
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Stealing from Thieves: Firm Governance and Performance when States are Predatory
Art Durnev (McGill University)
Larry Fauver (University of Tennessee)
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A Corporate Governance Index: Convergence and Diversity of National Corporate Governance Regulations
Marina Martynova (University of Sheffield)
Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Microstructure of Exchange Rates (AEA)
Presiding: Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne)

Adrien Verdelhan (Boston University)
Terrence Hendershott (University of California-Berkeley)
Ingrid Lo (Bank of Canada)
Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne)

A Transaction Data Study of The Forward Bias Puzzle
Francis Breedon (Imperial College London)
Dagfinn Rime (Norges Bank)
Paolo Vitale (Universit� D'Annunzio and CEPR)
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Rise of the Machines: Algorithmic Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market
Alain Chaboud (Federal Reserve Board)
Erik Hjalmarsson (Federal Reserve Board)
Benjamin Chiquoine (TIFF)
Clara Vega (Federal Reserve Board)
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Exchange Rate Management in Emerging Markets: Intervention via an electronic limit order book
Michael Melvin (Barclays Global Investors)
Lukas Menkhoff (Leibniz Universit�t Hannover)
Maik Schmeling (Leibniz Universit�t Hannover)
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Intraday Patterns in FX returns and Order Flow
Francis Breedon (Imperial College London)
Angelo Ranaldo (Swiss National Bank)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Multi-Winner Contest (AEA)
Presiding: Dan Kovenock (Purdue University)

Daniel Arce (University of Texas-Dallas)
Ken Hendricks (University of Texas-Austin)
Dan Kovenock (Purdue University)
Xianwen Shi (University of Toronto)

Terrorism and the Optimal Defense of Networks of Targets
Dan Kovenock (Purdue University)
Brian Roberson (Miami University)
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Andreas Park (University of Toronto)
Lones Smith (University of Michigan)
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All-Pay Contest
Ron Siegel (Northwestern University)
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Unifying Contests: from Noisy Ranking to Ratio-Form Contest Success Functions
Qiang Fu (National University of Singapore)
Jingfeng Lu (National University of Singapore)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: News and Uncertainty in Business Cycles (AEA)
Presiding: Robert Hall (Hoover Institution, Stanford University)

Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
Eduardo Engel (Yale University)
Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)
Gadi Barlevy (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

News, Noise, and Fluctuations
Olivier Blanchard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jean-Paul L'Huiller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Guido Lorenzoni (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Really Uncertain Business Cycles
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Max Floetotto (Stanford University)
Nir Jaimovich (Stanford University)

Fragile Beliefs and the Price of Model Uncertainty
Lars Hansen (University of Chicago)
Tom Sargent (New York University)
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Speculative Growth and Overreaction to Technology Shocks
Kevin Lansing (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Geography, Institutions, and Development (AEA)
Presiding: Chris Stefanadis (University of Arizona)

Simon Johnson (International Monetary Fund)
Chris Papageorgiou (International Monetary Fund)
Arvind Subramanian (Peterson Institute (unconfirmed))

Factor Endowments, Appropriation Activity, and Property Rights Institutions
Chris Stefanadis (University of Arizona)

The Colonial and Geographic Origins of Comparative Development
Raphael Auer (Swiss National Bank)
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Trade, Institutions, and Reforms
Gal Hochman (University of California-Berkeley)
Chrysostomos Tabakis (New University of Lisbon)
David Zilberman (University of California-Berkeley)
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Institutions, Geography, and Terms of Trade in Latin America: A Longitudinal Econometric Analysis
Nathan Perry (University of Utah and Westminster College)
Carlos E. Schonerwald (UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos)
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Forms of democracy, autocracy, and the resource curse
Anne Boschini (Stockholm University)
Jan Pettersson (Stockholm University)
Jesper Roine (SITE, Stockholm School of Economics)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Lotteries and Gambling (AEA)
Presiding: Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)

David Albouy (University of Michigan)
Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)
Jonathan Guryan (University of Chicago)
Jesse Rothstein (Princeton University)

The Ticket to Easy Street? The Financial Consequences of Winning the Lottery
Scott Hankins (University of Kentucky)
Mark Hoekstra (University of Pittsburgh)
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
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Preferences under Risk: The Case of State Lottery Bettors
Melissa Kearney (University off Maryland)

Using Lotteries to Overcome Self-Control Problems
George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
Kevin Volpp (University of Pennsylvania)
Emily Haisley (Yale University)

Against All Odds? National Sentiment and Wagering on European Football
Sebastian Braun (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Michael Kvasnicka (RWI Essen)
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Saturday, January 3, 8:00 AM
Session: Heterogeneity and Credit Frictions in Macroeconomics (AEA)
Presiding: John Leahy (New York University)

John Leahy (New York University)
B. Ravikumar (University of Iowa)

On Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking and the Macroeconomic Effects of Financial Constraints
Christiane Clemens (University of Hamburg)
Maik Heinemann (University of Lueneburg)
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Uncertainty Driven Business Cycle
Jae Sim (Federal Reserve Board)
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Credit Frictions and Optimal Monetary Policy
Vasco Curdia (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
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Heterogeneous Price Setting Behavior and Aggregate Dynamics: Some General Results
Carlos Carvalho (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Felipe Schwartzman (Princeton University)
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Inequality and a Repeated Joint Project
Olivier Dagnelie (Instituto de An�lisis Econ�mico CSIC)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Online Advertising Markets (AEA)
Presiding: Susan Athey (Harvard University)

Ben Edelman (Harvard Business School)
Glenn Ellison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michael Ostrovsky (Stanford Business School)

Online Ad Auctions
Hal Varian (University of California-Berkeley and Google)
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The Quest for QWERTY
John Morgan (University of California-Berkeley)
Tanjim Hossain (Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology)
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Sponsored Search Advertising Markets
Susan Athey (Harvard University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Challenges for Healthcare (Panel Discussion) (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Victor Fuchs (Stanford University)
Uwe Reinhardt (Princeton University)
Mark McClellan (Brookings Institution (unconfirmed))
Douglas Staiger (Dartmouth College)
Katherine Baicker (Harvard University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: International Aspects of Financial-Market Imperfections (AEA)
Presiding: Maurice Obstfeld (University of California-Berkeley)

Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California-Berkeley)
Andrew Atkeson (University of California-Los Angeles)
Joshua Aizenman (University of California-Santa Cruz)

The Aftermath of Financial Crises
Carmen M. Reinhart (University of Maryland)
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
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Expropriation Dynamics
Mark Aguiar (University of Rochester)
Manuel Amador (Stanford University)
Gita Gopinath (Harvard University)
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Financial Instability, Reserves, and Central Bank Swap Lines in the Panic of 2008
Maurice Obstfeld (University of California-Berkeley)
Jay C. Shambaugh (Dartmouth College)
Alan M. Taylor (University of California-Davis)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: HIV/AIDS and Economic Development (AEA)
Presiding: Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (University of Houston and NBER)

Adriana Lleras-Muney (Princeton University and NBER)
Rebecca Thornton (University of Michigan)
Simon Johnson (International Monetary Fund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and NBER)
David Weil (Brown University and NBER)
Manisha Shah (University of Melbourne)

HIV and Fertility in Africa: First Evidence from Population Based Surveys
Chinhui Juhn (University of Houston and NBER)
Sebnem Kalemi-Ozcan (University of Houston and NBER)
Belgi Turan (University of Houston)
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HIV/AIDS and Fertility
Jane Fortson (University of Chicago)
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Routes of Infection: Exports and HIV Incidence in Sub-Saharan Africa
Emily Oster (University of Chicago and NBER)

Male Circumcision and AIDS: The Macroeconomic Impact of a Health Crisis
Eric Werker (Harvard Business School)
Amrita Ahuja (Harvard Business School)
Brian Wendell (Lehman Brothers)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Politics and Finance (AEA)
Presiding: Art Durnev (McGill University)

TBA ()

Sheltering Corporate Assets from Political Extraction
Mara Faccio (Purdue University)
Lorenzo Caprio (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
John McConnell (Purdue University)
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Profiting from Government Stakes in a Command Economy: Evidence from Chinese Asset Sales
Raymond Fisman (Columbia Business School)
Charles Calomiris (Columbia Business School)
Yongxiang Wang (Columbia Business School)
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The Resource Curse: A Corporate Transparency Channel
Art Durnev (McGill University)
Sergei Guriev (New Economic School)
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Japan's Development as a Natural Resources Based "Big Push" Success Story
Randall Morck (University of Alberta)
Masao Nakamura (University of British Columbia)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Markets for Private Health Insurance: Plan Competition, Consumer Demand, and Health Outcomes (AEA)
Presiding: Daniel McFadden (University of California-Berkeley)

Thomas Buchmueller (University of Michigan)
Claudio Lucarelli (Cornell University)

Estimating welfare in insurance markets: A willingness to pay approach
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Amy Finkelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mark Cullen (Yale University)
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Endogenous product differentiation in Medicare Part D
Dana Goldman (RAND, Santa Monica)
Geoffrey Joyce (RAND, Santa Monica)
William Vogt (RAND, Santa Monica)

The Workings of a Private Health Insurance Market: Enrollment Decisions, Plan Choice, and Adverse Selection in Medicare Part D
Florian Heiss (University of Munich)
Daniel McFadden (University of California-Berkeley)
Joachim Winter (University of Munich)
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The Impact of Medicare Part D on Drug Utilization and Out-of-Pocket Spending: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
Helen Levy (University of Michigan)
David Weir (University of Michigan)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Collegiate Applications and Outcomes (AEA)
Presiding: TBA ()

Bruce I Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)
Gordon Nora (University of California-San Diego)

Why Not Apply? The Effect of Application Costs on College Applications for Low-Income Students
Amanda Pallais (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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The Missing �One-Offs�: The Hidden Supply of High Merit Students for Highly Selective Colleges
Caroline Hoxby (Stanford University)
Christopher Avery (Harvard University)

Mismatch Between Students and Colleges: Evidence from the NLSY-97
Jeffrey Smith (University of Michigan)
Eleanor Dillon (University of Michigan)

Aid and Application Awareness: Reaching High Achieving Students
Christopher Avery (Harvard University)
Sarah Turner (University of Virginia)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: DATA WATCH: Administrative Micro Data from the Social Security Administration and Applications (AEA)
Presiding: Daniel Sullivan (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)

Jesse Rothstein (Princeton University)
David Stapleton (Mathematica)
Daniel Sullivan (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Till Von Wachter (Columbia University)

The Effect of Transfer Income on Labor Force Participation and Enrollment in Federal Benefits Programs: Evidence from the Veterans Disability Compensation Program
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
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Uncovering the American Dream: Inequality and Mobility in Social Security Earnings Data since 1937
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
Emmanuel Saez (University of California-Berkeley)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)
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Effects on Claiming Old-Age Benefits and Earnings in Response to Changes in Social Security Rules
Joyce Manchester (Congressional Budget Office)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)

Long-Term Earnings Losses due to Job Separation During the 1982 Recession
Till Von Wachter (Columbia University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: The Economics of Food Consumption and Obesity (AEA)
Presiding: Janet Currie (Columbia University)

John Cawley (Cornell University)
Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College)
Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania)
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)

The Effect of Fast-Food Restaurants on Obesity
Janet Currie (Columbia University)
Stefano Dellavigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Enrico Moretti (University of California-Berkeley)
Vikram Pathania (University of California-Berkeley)

Are Restaurants Really Supersizing America?
Michael Anderson (University of California-Berkeley)
David Matsa (Northwestern University)
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Mindless Eating and Environmental Cues
Brian Wansink (Cornell University)
David Just (Cornell University)
Collin Payne (New Mexico State University)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Reflections on American Views of the Euro Ex Ante: What We Have Learnt 10 years Ex Post (AEA)
Presiding: Dale Henderson (Federal Reserve Board)

Jean Pisani-Ferry (Bruegel)
Stefan Gerlach (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Paolo Pesenti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Jeffrey Frankel (Harvard University)

Skepticism about EMU: How Successfully Has It Survived?
Martin Feldstein (Harvard University)

Irrelevance of EMU: How Has It Mattered?
Adam Posen (Peterson Institute for International Economics)

Benefits of EMU: Has There Been Deeper Real Integration?
Richard Portes (London Business School)

The Euro: It Can't Happen, It's a Bad Idea, It Won't Last. U.S. Economists on EMU 1989 - 2002
Lars Jonung (European Commission)
Eoin Drea (Tom Phillips and Associates, Dublin)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Household Portfolio Choice (AEA)
Presiding: Erik Hurst (University of Chicago)

Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Robert Pollak (Washington University in St. Louis)
Ricardo Reis (Princeton University)
Thomas Davidoff (University of California-Berkeley)

How Does Simplified Disclosure Affect Individuals' Mutual Fund Investment Choices?
John Beshears (Harvard University)
James Choi (Yale University)
David Laibson (Harvard University)
Brigitte Madrian (Harvard University)
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Household Bargaining and Portfolio Choice
Urvi Neelakantan (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Angela Lyons (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Carl Nelson (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
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The Effect of Personal Experience on Expectations: Evidence from Micro-Data on Inflation Expectations
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley and NBER)
Stefan Nagel (Stanford University and NBER)

Does Mandated Financial Counseling Improve Mortgage Decision-Making? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Gene Amromin (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Itzhak Ben-David (Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University)
Souphala Chomsisengphet (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)
Douglas Evanoff (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: The Economics Major as Part of a Liberal Education (AEA)
Presiding: David Colander (Middlebury College)

Catherine Hill (Vassar College)
David W. Breneman (University of Virginia)
George Daly (Georgetown University)

The Economics Major and a Liberal Education: The Teagle Foundation Report
David Colander (Middlebury College)
Kimmarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: DATA WATCH: Finding Truth in More Than One Place: Improving Statistics by Integrating Survey and Administrative Data (AEA)
Presiding: Katharine G. Abraham (University of Maryland)

Richard Blundell (University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Joseph Hotz (Duke University)
Lisa Dragoset (Mathematical Policy Research)

Earnings Dynamics in the PSID and the LEHD: A Comparison
Peter Gottschalk (Boston College)
Erika McEntarfer (U.S. Census Bureau)
Robert Moffitt (Johns Hopkins University)

Using Two-Sample Methods to Correct for Reporting Bias in Surveys
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago)
James X. Sullivan (University of Notre Dame)
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Earnings and Payroll Taxes: An Evaluation of Administrative and Synthetic Earnings
Jeffrey Liebman (Harvard University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Networks, Spillovers, and the Globalization of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AEA)
Presiding: Bronwyn Hall (University of California-Berkeley)

Lee Branstetter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)
Iain Cockburn (Boston University)
John McHale (Queen's University)

US Ethnic Scientists and Foreign Direct Investment Placement
Fritz Foley (Harvard University)
William Kerr (Harvard University)

How Important is U.S. Location for Research in Science?
Shulamit Kahn (Boston University)
Megan MacGarvie (Boston University)
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Globalization of Software: The role of local capabilities and users
Ashish Arora (Carnegie Mellon University)
Matej Drev (Carnegie Mellon University)
Chris Forman (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Diasporas and Domestic Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the Indian Software Industry
Ramana Nanda (Harvard Business School)
Tarun Khanna (Harvard Business School)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Organization and Growth (AEA)
Presiding: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University)

Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Per Krusell (Princeton University)
Boyan Jovanovic (New York University)

Research Cycles
Yann Bramoull� (Universite Laval)
Gilles Saint Paul (IDEI Toulouse)
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Smithian Growth through Creative Organization
Patrick Legros (ULB)
Andrew Newman (Boston University)
Eugenio Proto (University of Warwick)
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Implementing Technology
Diego Comin (New York University)
Bart Hobijn (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Organizing Growth
Luis Garicano (London School of Economics)
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Public Finance in Developing Countries (AEA)
Presiding: Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)

Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)
James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tax Structures in Developing Countries: Many Puzzles and a Possible Explanation
Roger Gordon (University of California-San Diego)
Wei Li (University of Virginia)
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The Welfare Consequences of Social Insurance in Developing Economies: Theory and Evidence
Raj Chetty (University of California-Berkeley)
Adam Looney (Federal Reserve Board)
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Informal Taxation
Benjamin Olken (MIT)
Monica Singhal (Harvard University)
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The Elasticity of Taxable Income: Estimates and Flat Tax Predictions using the Hungarian Tax Changes in 2005
Peter Benczur (Magyar Nemzeti Bank and Central European University)
Dora Benedek (Central European University and Finance Ministry)
Peter Bakos (Royal Bank of Scotland)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Explaining International Trade Patterns (AEA)
Presiding: Steve Redding (London School of Economics)

Kei-Mu Yi (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Kim Ruhl (University of Texas-Austin)
Kalina Manova (Stanford University)
James Harrigan (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER)

International Trade in Durable Goods: Understanding Volatility, Cyclicality, and Elasticities
Charles Engel (University of Wisconsin)
Jian Wang (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
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The Extensive Margin of Exporting Goods: A Firm-level Analysis
Costas Arkolakis (Yale University)
Marc-Andreas Muendler (University of California-San Diego)
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Market Penetration Costs and Trade Dynamics
Costas Arkolakis (Yale University)
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East is East and West is West: A Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Comparative Advantage
Peter Morrow (University of Toronto)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: House Prices, Mortgage Rates, and Household Choice (AEA)
Presiding: Francois Ortalo-Magne (University of Wisconsin)

John Muellbauer (Nuffield College, Oxford University)
Chris Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)

How Well do Individuals Predict the Selling Prices of their Homes?
Hugo Benitez-Silva (State University of New York-Stony Brook)
Selcuk Eren (Hamilton College)
Frank Heiland (Florida State University)
Sergi Jimenez-Martin (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
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Fixed and Variable-Rate Mortgages, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy
Margarita Rubio (Bank of Spain)
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Rent-Price Ratios and the Earnings Yield on Housing
Yong Kim (University of Southern California)

Housing over Time and over the Life Cycle: A Structural Estimation
Wenli Li (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Haiyong Liu (East Carolina University)
Rui Yao (Baruch College)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Financial Integration in Asia: New Wine in Old Wineskins? (AEA/ACAES)
Presiding: Steven Husted (University of Pittsburgh)

Robert Owen (University of Nantes)
Richard Pomfret (University of Adelaide)
David Cheong (Johns Hopkins University, SAIS-Bologna)
Gianluigi Pelloni (University of Bologna)

Toward a Regional Exchange-Rate Regime in East Asia
Masahiro Kawai (ADB Institute)

Optimal Sequencing Issues in Real and Monetary Integration in East Asia
Mordechai E. Kreinin (Michigan State University)
Michael G. Plummer (Johns Hopkins University, SAIS-Bologna)
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The ASEAN Dollar Standard in the Post-Crisis Era
Reid W. Click (George Washington University)
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Financial integration and cooperation in Asia and the global crisis
Giovanni Capannelli (Asian Development Bank)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Gender and Labor Mobility in the Chinese Labor Market (AEA/CES)
Presiding: Jack W. Hou (California State University, Long Beach)

Rachel Connelly (Bowdoin College)
�rn Bodvarsson (St. Cloud State University)
Tony Fang (York University)
Xiao-Yuan Dong (University of Winnipeg)

Gender and Career Mobility in the Chinese Urban Labor Market during the Transition
Yueping Song (Renmin University)
Xiao-Yuan Dong (University of Winnipeg)

Heterogeneous Human Capital, Allocation Efficiency, and Migration: Theory, and Evidence from China
C. Simon Fan (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
Oded Stark (Universities of Bonn, Klagenfurt and Vienna)
Xiaodong Wei (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)

The Deregulation of People Flows in China: Did the Structure of Migration Change?
Shuming Bao (University of Michigan)
�rn Bodvarsson (St. Cloud State University and IZA)
Jack W. Hou (California State University-Long Beach)
Yaohui Zhao (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University)
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Childcare, Eldercare, and Labor Force Participation of Urban Women in China: 1982-2000
Rachel Connelly (Bowdoin College)
Maggie Maurer-Fazio (Bates College)
Chen Lan (Chinese Ministry of Labor and Social Security)
Lixin Tang (Bates College)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Growth in Latin America (AEA/LACEA)
Presiding: Mauricio Cardenas (Fedesarrollo, Colombia)

TBA ()

Long-Run Growth and Economic Reform in Latin America
Lee Ohanian (University of California-Los Angeles)

The Price of Political Opposition: Evidence from Venezeuela�s Maisanta
Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of California-Berkeley)

On the cross-country distribution of welfare gains from trade
B. Ravikumar (University of Iowa)
Michael Waugh (New York University and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)

Learning the Wealth of Nations
Alexander Monge-Naranjo (Pennsylvania State University)
Francisco Buera (Northwestern University)
Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University)

Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Dating U.S. Business Cycle Peaks and Troughs (AEA/NABE)
Presiding: Kevin L. Kliesen (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

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The NBER's Determination of the December 2007 Peak
Robert E. Hall (Stanford University)
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Calling Recessions in Real Time
James D. Hamilton (University of California-San Diego)

Edward E. Leamer (University of California-Los AngelesUniversity)
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Saturday, January 3, 10:15 AM
Session: Is It Time to Change Trade Policies? (AEA/SPM)
Presiding: Dominick Salvatore (Fordham University)

Globalization: Country and Company Interests in Conflict
William Baumol (New York University and Princeton University)
Ralph Gomory (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Trade Policies in the New Area of Kaleidoscope Comparative Advantage
Jagdish Bhagwati (Columbia University)

Change the Policies of Change the Sales Pitch?
Alan S. Blinder (Princeton University)

Trade Policy and the Evolution of the World Economy: past Patterns and Future Problems
Ronald Findlay (Columbia University)

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 PM

Saturday, January 3, 8:00 PM
Session: The Economics Humor Session in Honor of Caroline Postelle Clotfelter (AEA)
Presiding: R. Preston McAfee (Cal Tech)

Mankiw's Principles of Economics, Translated, Three Novel Applications of the Lucas Critique, etc.
Yoram Bauman (University of Washington)

On the Efficiency of AC/DC: Bon Scott versus Brian Johnson
Robert Oxoby (University of Calgary)
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Too Smart to Run, Too Dumb to Fly
Peter Orazem (Iowa State University)

Saturday, January 3, 12:30 PM

Saturday, January 3, 12:30 PM
Session: Joint Luncheon (AEA/AFA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

The Global Financial Crisis in Theory and Practice
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
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Saturday, January 3, 12:30 PM
Session: ODE Graduate Student Invited Papers Session: Applied Microeconomics (AEA/ODE)
Presiding: Mary Ellen Benedict (Bowling Green State University)

Todd H. Kuethe (Purdue University)
Xuebing Yang (University of Oklahoma)
Gregory Gilpin (Indiana University)

Dementia Caregiving in the US: Implications for Long-term Care
Rashmita Basu (Washington State University)
Robert E. Rosenman (Professor)
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Do Firms Respond to Media Attention? A Case Study of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency�s Toxic Release Inventory
Shrawantee Saha (University of New Hampshire)

Regional Housing Pricing Cycles: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using US State Level Data
Valerien Pede (Purdue University)
Todd H. Kuethe (Purdue University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Air Pollution and Health around the World (AEA)
Presiding: Janet Currie (Columbia University)

Heather Royer (Case Western Reserve University)
Matthew Neidell (Columbia University)
Lucas Davis (University of Michigan)

Toxic Releases and Fetal Health
Janet Currie (Columbia University)
Johannes Schmeider (Columbia University)
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Winter Heating or Clean Air? Unintended Impacts of China's Huai River Policy
Douglas Almond (Columbia University)
Michael Greenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Hongbin Li (Tsinghua University)
Yuyu Chen (Guanghua School of Management, Peking University)
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Voluntary Compliance, Pollution Levels, and Infant Mortality in Mexico.
Andrew Foster (Brown University)
Emilio Gutierrez (Brown University)
Naresh Kumar (University of Iowa)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Recent Financial Crises (Panel Discussion) (AEA)
Presiding: Robert E. Hall (Stanford University)

Olivier Blanchard (International Monetary Fund)
Alan Blinder (Princeton University)
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
Robert Shiller (Yale University)
Susan Woodward (Sandhill Econometrics)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Conflict and Development (AEA)
Presiding: Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)

Ragnar Torvik (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Edward Miguel (University of California-Berkeley)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)

Defensive Weapons and Defensive Alliances
Gerard Padro I Miquel (London School of Economics)
Sylvain Chassang (Princeton University)
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Can Development Aid Contribute to Social Cohesion After Civil War? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Post-Conflict Liberia
James Fearon (Stanford University)
Macartan Humphreys (Columbia University)
Jeremy Weinstein (Stanford University)
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Repression or Civil War?
Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)
Torsten Persson (Stockholm University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: 30 Years of Rapid Growth: What Lessons Does China Offer for the Developing World? (Panel Discussion) (AEA)
Presiding: A. Michael Spence (Stanford University)

Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia Business School)
Jan Svejnar (University of Michigan)
Martin Feldstein (Harvard University)
Gary Jefferson (Brandeis University)

Lessons of China�s Transition to Economists
Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)

China's Integration with the World: Development as a Process of Learning, Augmenting and Upgrading
Justin Y. Lin (World Bank)
Yan Wang (World Bank)
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Singularity and Replicablility in China's Developmental Experience
Barry Naughton (University of California-San Diego)
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Economic Development of A Large Economy: Lessons from China
David D. Li (Tsinghua University)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: DATA WATCH: The New Round of the International Comparison Project (AEA)
Presiding: Shaida Baidee (World Bank)

Bart Van Ark (Conference Board)
Robert E. Lipsey (New York University and NBER)

Lessons Learned from the 2005 ICP
Fred Vogel (World Bank)

Making Sense of the New World
Alan Heston (University of Pennsylvania)

The ICP and Poverty Measurement
Angus Deaton (Princeton University)
Olivier Dupriez (World Bank)

New Methodological Developments for the International Comparison Program
Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Obesity through the Life-Cycle (AEA)
Presiding: Michael Grossman (City University of New York Graduate Center and NBER)

Kosali Simon (Cornell University and NBER)
Chris Ruhm (University of North Carolina-Greensboro and NBER)
Michael Grossman (City University of New York Graduate Center and NBER)
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University and NBER)

Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: A Search for Mechanisms in Time Use Data
John Cawley (Cornell University and NBER)
Feng Liu (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

Is There a Medicare-Induced Obesity Subsidy?
Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford University and NBER)
Neeraj Sood (RAND Corporation and NBER)

Is Being in School Better? Using School Starting Age to Identify the Impact of Schools on Children�s Obesity
Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College and NBER)
Kristin Butcher (Wellesley College)
Elizabeth Cascio (Dartmouth College and NBER)
Diane Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)
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Retirement and Weight
Dana Goldman (RAND Corporation and NBER)
Darius Lakdawalla (RAND Corporation and NBER)
Yuhui Zheng (RAND Corporation)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Disability Insurance (AEA)
Presiding: Richard Burkhauser (Cornell University)

Mel Stephens (Carnegie Mellon University)
Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University)
Eric French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Wilbert Van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Disability, Earnings, Income and Consumption
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago)
Wallace Mok (Northwestern University)
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Federal Policy and the Rise in Disability Enrollment: Evidence for the VA's Disability Compensation Program
Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
Robert Rosenheck (Yale University)
Singleton Perry (Syracuse University)

An Empirical Model of Social Security, Disability, and Retirement at the End of the Life-Cycle
Hugo Benitez-Silva (State University of New York-Stony Brook)
Moshe Bushinsky (University of California-Los Angeles)
John Rust (University of Maryland)

Disability Risk and Disability Insurance over the Life-Cycle
Hamish Low (University of Cambridge)
Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Topics in International Public Economics (AEA)
Presiding: Leora Friedberg (University of Virginia)

Leora Friedberg (University of Virginia)
Kathleen McGarry (Dartmouth College)
Norma Coe (Tilburg University)
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)

Gender and Investment in Privatized Social Security Markets: Evidence from Mexico
Justine Hastings (Yale University)
Lydia Ashton (Yale University)

Crowding Out of Private Support to the Elderly: Evidence from a Demogrant in Mexico
Laura Juarez (Centro de Investigacion Economica CIE-ITAM)
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The Labor Market Effects of the Disability Grant Program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Sophie Mitra (Fordham University)
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Quantifying Preferences for Redistribution
Monica Singhal (Harvard University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: U.S. Immigration Issues (AEA)
Presiding: Mark Hugo Lopez (Pew Hispanic Center)

Patricia Cortes (University of Chicago)
Marie Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Rakesh Kochhar (Pew Hispanic Center)
Kevin Johnson (University of California-Davis)

Gordon Hansen (University of California-San Diego)
Craig McIntosh (University of California-San Diego)
Gordon Hanson (University of California-San Diego)
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Do Immigrants Free Ride More than the Native Born?
Una Okonkwo Osili (Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis)

Immigration Selection and the Gender Wage Gap of Immigrants in the U.S.
Fernando Lozano (Occidental College)
Mary Lopez (Occidental College)

Immigration and Poverty in the U.S.
Steve Raphael (University of California-Berkeley)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: The Impact of Public and Private Pensions on Retirement and Saving (AEA)
Presiding: John Phillips (National Institute on Aging)

Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Alan Gustman (Dartmouth College)

The Effect of Retirement Incentives on Retirement Behavior: Evidence from the Self-Employed In the United States and England
Julie Zissimopoulos (RAND)
Nicole Maestas (RAND)
Lynn Karoly (RAND)

How Do Pensions Affect Household Wealth Accumulation?
David Blau (Ohio State Univsersity)
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Do the Elderly Dissave Following Retirement?
Michael Hurd (RAND)
Susann Rohwedder (RAND)

Labor Supply Responses to Marginal Social Security Benefits: Evidence from Discontinuities
Jeffrey Liebman (Harvard University)
Erzo Luttmer (Harvard University)
David Seif (Harvard University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Scientific and Technological Competitiveness (AEA)
Presiding: Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)

Jeff Furman (Boston University)
Subhra Saha (Cleveland State University)
Samuel Kortum (University of Chicago)
Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)

Ethnic Inventors and the Agglomeration of US Innovation
William Kerr (Harvard Business School)

Research Teams and Productivity on R&D projects
Richard Freeman (Harvard University)
Andrew Wang (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

Scientific Leadership
Bruce Weinberg (Ohio State University)

The Fragile Foundations of Scientific Advantage: The Impact of the US Stem Cell Policy on the Geography of Scientific Discovery
Amy Finkelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jeffrey Furman (Boston University)
Fiona Murray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Scott Stern (Northwestern University)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Law and Economics of Crime (AEA)
Presiding: Ed Glaeser (Harvard University)

Justin Sydnor (Case Western Reserve University)
Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania)
Alex Tabarrok (George Mason University)
Jonah Rockoff (Columbia Business School)

Financial Smoking Guns: High-Frequency Links between Credit Transactions and Crime
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
Jeremy Tobacman (University of Oxford)

The Effects of Judge, Prosecutor, and Defendant Race and Gender Interactions on Defendant Outcomes
J. J. Prescott (University of Michigan)
Eric Laber (University of Michigan)
Kathie Barnes (University of Arizona)
Marc Miller (University of Arizona)
Ronald F. Wright (Wake Forest University)

Do Police Discriminate?�Evidence from Multiple Offender Crimes
Paul Heaton (Rand)
Charles Loeffler (Harvard University)

One for The Road: Public Transportation and Alcohol Consumption
Emily Owens (Cornell University)
Kirabo Jackson (Cornell University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Trade, Reallocation and Innovation (AEA)
Presiding: Stephen Redding (London School of Economics)

Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
Peter Schott (Yale University)
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)

Inequality and Unemployment in a Global Economy
Elhanan Helpman (Harvard University)
Oleg Itskhoki (Harvard University)
Stephen Redding (London School of Economics)
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Trade and Capital Flows: A Financial Frictions Perspective
Pol Antras (Harvard University)
Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Trade Induced Technical Change: The Impact of Chinese Imports on Innovation and Information Technology
Nick Bloom (Stanford University)
Mirko Draca (London School of Economics)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
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When does labor scarcity encourage innovation? Strongly labor saving technological progress
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: The Economics of Higher Education (AEA)
Presiding: Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Kalena Cortes (Syracuse University)
Paco Martorel (RAND Corporation)
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)
Philip Oreopoulos (University of Toronto)

Estimating the Return to College Selectivity over the Career Using Administrative Earning Data
Stacy Dale (Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)

Providing Information and Increasing Knowledge About Post Secondary Education: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
Philip Oreopoulos (University of Toronto)
Rob Oxoby (University of Calgary)
Eldar Shafir (Princeton University)
Alex Usher (Educational Policy Institute)

College Quality and the Texas Top 10% Plan: Implications for Minority Students
Kalena Cortes (Syracuse University)

The Effects of Dual Enrollment on College and Labor Market Outcomes
Isaac McFarlin (University of Michigan)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: New and Old Research Funding Opportunities for Economists at the National Science Foundation (AEA)
Presiding: Dan Newlon (National Science Foundation)

Julia Lane (National Science Foundation)
Jon Leland (National Science Foundation)
Dan Newlon (National Science Foundation)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: International Portfolios (AEA)
Presiding: Cedric Tille (Graduate Institute for International Studies, Geneva)

Robert Kollman (ECARES, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
Hanno Lustig (University of California-Berkeley)
Mick Devereux (University of British Columbia)
Cedric Tille (Graduate Institute for International Studies, Geneva)

Equilibrium Portfolios and External Adjustment under Incomplete Markets
Anna Pavlova (London Business School)
Roberto Rigobon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Asset Prices and Exchange Rates in a Lucas Orchard
Ian Martin (Stanford University)
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International Portfolio Allocation under Near Rationality
Pierpaolo Benigno (LUISS Guido Carli, Rome)
Salvatore Nisticò (Università di Roma Tor Vergata and LUISS)

When Bonds Matter: Home Bias in Goods and Assets
Nicolas Coeurdacier (London Business School)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California--Berkeley)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Institutional Constraints on Democratic Governments: Policy Outcomes and Citizen Welfare (AEA)
Presiding: Stephen Coate (Cornell University)

Marcelin Joanis (University of Sherbrooke)
Patricia Funk (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Marius Br�lhart (University of Lausanne)
David Wildasin (University of Kentucky)

Analyzing the Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Marina Azzimonti (University of Texas-Austin)
Marco Battaglini (Princeton University)
Stephen Coate (Cornell University)
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Popular Control of Public Policy
John Matsusaka (University of Southern California)
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Term Limits and Electoral Accountability
Michael Smart (University of Toronto)
Daniel Sturm (London School of Economics)
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Does Tax Competition Tame the Leviathan?
Marius Brulhart (University of Lausanne)
Mario Jametti (York University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Psychology and Household Financial Decision-Making (AEA)
Presiding: Zoran Ivkovich (Michigan State University)

Stefano Dellavigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Daniel Bergstresser (Harvard University)
Clemens Sialm (University of Texas)
James Choi (Yale University)

Superior Information or a Psychological Bias? A Unified Framework with Cognitive Abilities Resolves Three Puzzles
George Korniotis (Federal Reserve Board)
Alok Kumar (University of Texas)
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Advertising and Portfolio Choice
Henrik Cronqvist (Ohio State University)

Individual Investor Mutual Fund Flows
Zoran Ivkovich (Michigan State University)
Scott Weisbenner (Michigan State University and NBER)
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Paying to Save: Tax Withholding and Asset Allocation Among Low- and Moderate-Income Taxpayers
Michael Barr (University of Michigan)
Jane Dokko (Federal Reserve Board)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Implications of Household Bargaining (AEA)
Presiding: Donald Cox (Boston College)

Robert Pollak (Washington University)
T. Paul Schultz (Yale University)

The Evolutionary Biology and Economics of Sexual Behavior and Infidelity
Donald Cox (Boston College)
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Impact of Higher Level of Education on Arranged Marriage: Evidence from Vietnam
Fenohasina Maret (George Washington University)
Shahe Emran (George Washington University)
Stephen Smith (George Washington University)

The Influence of Transaction Costs and Legal Regimes on Divorce
Michael Hanlon (University of Washington)
Michael Hansen (University of Washington)
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Spousal age gap and family-produced elderly care
Tao Li (Stanford University & Peking University)
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Can't Buy Me Love: A Field Experiment Exploring the Tradeoff Between Income and Caste in the Indian Matrimonial Market
Subhasish Dugar (University of Calgary)
Haimanti Bhattacharya (University of Utah)
David Reiley (University of Arizona)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: The Persistent Problem of Inequality: A Roundtable on Policy Advice for the Next Administration (AEA/AFEE)
Presiding: Mathew Forstater (University of Missouri-Kansas City)

David Cay Johnston (The New York Times)
William Greider ()
James K. Galbraith (University of Texas-Austin)
William Darity (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Robert Reich (University of California-Berkeley)
L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Stephanie Kelton (University of Missouri-Kansas City)

Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)
David Cay Johnston (The New York Times)

Recovering Our Country
William Greider ()

The Evolution of Economic Inequality in the United States, 1969-2007: Evidence from Data on Inter-industrial Earnings and Inter-regional Incomes
James K. Galbraith (University of Texas-Austin)
J. Travis Hale (The University of Texas at Austin)
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Educational Policy in the Era of the New Class
William Darity (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)

The Economic Challenges Facing the Next Administration
Robert Reich (University of California-Berkeley)

Employment Policy Advice for the Next Administration
L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Stephanie Kelton (University of Missouri-Kansas City)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Energy and the Environment: Policy Advice for the New Administration (AEA/AERE)
Presiding: Charles Mason (University of Wyoming)

New Estimation of De Facto Exchange Rate Regime, with Application to China
Jeffrey Frankel (Harvard University)
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Catherine Kling (Iowa State University)

Richard Newell (Duke University)

John Reilly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

James Sweeney (Stanford University)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Government Guarantees and Financial Stability (AEA/IBEFA)
Presiding: Randy Kroszner (Federal Reserve Board)

Robert Bliss (Wake Forest University)
Stuart Gabriel (University of California-Los Angeles)
Alistair Milne (City University of London)
Andreas Lehnert (Federal Reserve Board)

The Role of Implicit Government Guarantees during Financial Crisis
Wayne Passmore (Federal Reserve Board)
Sean Chu (Federal Reserve Board)
Andreas Lehnert (Federal Reserve Board)

Federal Home Loan Bank Lending During the Subprime Liquidity Crisis
Adam Ashcraft (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Morten Bech (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Scott Frame (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

Credit Crunches and Small Business Loan Guarantees
Diana Hancock (Federal Reserve Board)
Joe Peek (University of Kentucky)
James A. Wilcox (University of California-Berkeley)

Why Do Guaranteed SBA Loans Cost Borrowers So Much?
Deborah Lucas (Northwestern University and NBER)
Flavio De Andrade, Jr. (Northwestern University)
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Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Housing Finance, Collateral and Financial Development (AEA/KAEA)
Presiding: Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)

Guido Lorenzoni (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David Skeie (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
Kyung-Whan Kim (Sogang University)

Winners and Losers in Housing Markets
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
Alex Michaelides (London School of Economics)
Karin Nikolov (London School of Economics)
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Collateral, Financial Intermediation, and the Distribution of Debt Capacity
Adriano Rampini (Duke University)
S. Viswanathan (Duke University)
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The Jeonse Housing Contract: Secret of Korea's Economic Success?
Se-Jik Kim (Seoul National University)
Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)

Housing Finance and Wealth Accumulation in Korea
Joonhyuk Song (Korea Development Institute)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: The Capital Controversy Revisited (AEA/URPE)
Presiding: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College)

Heinz Kurz (University of Graz)

Capital in the Neoclassical Theory. Some Notes; and A Reply to Professor Bliss's Comment
Pierangelo Garegnani (University of Rome 3)
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Capital Controversies Revisited: A Neoclassical Writer's Response to Justified Criticism
Christopher Bliss (Oxford University)
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Methodological Comments on the Capital Controversy
Avi Cohen (University of Toronto)

Saturday, January 3, 2:30 PM
Session: Research in Economic Education (AEA)
Presiding: Sam Allgood (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

William Bosshardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Myra Moore (University of Georgia)
Julie Hotchkiss (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

Does Graduate or Undergraduate Teaching Load Affect Faculty Size?
William E. Becker (Indiana University)
William Greene (New York University)
John J. Siegfried (Vanderbilt University)
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In-Class vs. Online Experiments: Is there a Difference?
Tisha L. N. Emerson (Baylor University)
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Does Living Near Classmates Help Introductory Students Get Better Grades?
Jeffrey Parker (Reed College)
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The Economics Ph.D. Pipeline: Different Predictors of Success for U.S. versus Foreign Applicants
Wayne Grove (LeMoyne College)
Andrew Grodner (East Carolina University)
Stephen Wu (Hamilton College)
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Saturday, January 3, 4:45 PM

Saturday, January 3, 4:45 PM
Session: Richard T. Ely Lecture (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Richard T. Ely Lecture
David Card (University of California-Berkeley)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Heterogeneity in the Response of Consumption to Income (AEA)
Presiding: Chris Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)

Chris Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)
Nicholas Souleles (University of Pennsylvania)
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth University)
Erik Hurst (University of Chicago)

Endogenous Effective Discounting, Credit Constraints, and Wealth Inequality
Jeremy Tobacman (University of Pennsylvania)

Did the 2008 Tax Rebates Stimulate Spending?
Matthew Shapiro (University of Michigan)
Joel Slemrod (University of Michigan)
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The Effects of Population Aging on the Relationship between Aggregate Consumption, Saving, and Income
Karen Dynan (Federal Reserve Board)
Wendy Edelberg (Federal Reserve Board)
Michael Palumbo (Federal Reserve Board)
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Disentangling Insurance and Information in Intertemporal Consumption Choices
Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University)
Katja Kaufmann (Bocconi University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth in the Long-Run (AEA)
Presiding: Nathan Rosenberg (Stanford University)

Bronwyn Hall (University of California-Berkeley)
B. Zorina Khan (Bowdoin College)

A Model of Discovery
Michele Boldrin (Washington University-St. Louis)
David K. Levine (Washington University-St. Louis)
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The Empirical Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovation: Puzzles and Clues
Joshua Lerner (Harvard Business School)
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Intellectual Property Rights, the Industrial Revolution, and the Beginnings of Modern Economic Growth
Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: DATA WATCH: Challenges in Economic Measurement (AEA)
Presiding: Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)

Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
Carol Corrado (Conference Board)
Robert Feenstra (University of California-Davis)
Brent Moulton (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Effects of Terms of Trade Gains and Tariff Changes on the Measurement of U.S. Productivity Growth
Robert C. Feenstra (University of California-Davis)
Marshall B. Reinsdorf (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Matthew J. Slaughter (Dartmouth College)
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Accounting for R&D: An Overview
Dennis Fixler (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Scanner Data, Time Aggregation and the Construction of Price Indexes
Kevin Fox (University of New South Wales)
Lorraine Ivancic (University of New South Wales)
W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
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Unresolved Issues in the Measurement of User Costs
Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
Paul Schreyer ()

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Trade, Product Turnover and Quality (AEA)
Presiding: Steve Redding (London School of Economics)

Jim Tybout (Pennsylvania State University)
Mark Roberts (Pennsylvania State University)
Jan De Loecker (New York University)

The Margins of US Trade
Andrew B. Bernard (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER)
Stephen J. Redding (LSE, Yale School of Management and CEPR)
Peter K. Schott (Yale School of Management and NBER)
J. Bradford Jensen (Georgetown University and NBER)
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Trade Liberalization and New Imported Inputs
Pinelopi Goldberg (Princeton University)
Amit Khandelwal (Columbia University)
Nina Pavcnik (Dartmouth College)
Petia Topalova (International Monetary Fund)
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Plants and Imported Inputs: New Facts and An Interpretation
Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University)
Maurice Kugler (Center for International Development, Harvard University, and Wilfrid Laurier University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Climate Policy Options for the New Administration (AEA)
Presiding: Gilbert E. Metcalf (Tufts University)

Nathaniel Keohane (Environmental Defense Fund)
Lawrence H. Goulder (Stanford University)
Terry Dinan (Congressional Budget Office)

The Design of a Carbon Tax
Gilbert E. Metcalf (Tufts University)
David Weisbach (University of Chicago)
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Balancing Emission and Cost Goals in Climate Change Policy
Richard Newell (Duke University)
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A Meaningful U.S. Cap-And-Trade System to Address Climate Change
Robert N. Stavins (Harvard University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Aging, Cognitive Abilities and Socio-economic Status (AEA)
Presiding: Franco Peracchi (Tor Vergata University)

Christina Paxson (Princeton University)
Arie Kapteyn (RAND)
Luigi Guiso (European University Institute)

Aging, Cognitive Abilities and Education in Europe
Franco Peracchi (Tor Vergata University and EIEF)
Fabrizio Mazzonna (Tor Vergata University)
Giuseppe De Luca (ISFOL)
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Cognition and Economic Outcomes in the Health and Retirement Survey
James Smith (RAND)
Jack McArdle (University of Southern California)
Robert Willis (University of Michigan)
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The Role of Early-Life Conditions in the Cognitive Decline due to Adverse Events Later in Life
Maarten Lindeboom (VU University Amsterdam)
Gerard J. van den Berg (VU University Amsterdam)
France Portrait (VU University Amsterdam)
Dorly J.H. Deeg (VU University Amsterdam)
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Cognitive Function, Numeracy and Retirement Saving Trajectories
James Banks (IFS and UCL)
Zoe Oldfield (IFS)
Cormac o'Dea (Institute for Fiscal Studies)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Barriers to Participation: Identifying the Costs of Participating in Social Insurance Programs (AEA)
Presiding: Janet Currie (Columbia University)

Kevin Mumford (Purdue University)
Hilary Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College)

Experimental Estimates of the Barriers to Food Stamp Enrollment
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)

How Costly is Welfare Stigma? Separating Psychological Costs from Time Costs
Colleen Manchester (University of Minnesota)
Kevin Mumford (Purdue University)
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Does Inconvenience Explain Low Take-up? Evidence from Unemployment Insurance
Kevin Stange (University of Michigan)
Avraham Ebenstein (Harvard University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Intangible Capital (AEA)
Presiding: Francois Gourio (Boston University)

TBA ()

Switching Costs and Equilibrium Prices
Luis Cabral (New York University)
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Customer Capital
Francois Gourio (Boston University)
Leena Rudanko (Boston University)

Specific Capital and Technological Variety
Boyan Jovanovic (New York University)
Peter Rousseau (Vanderbilt University)
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IT and the Growing Inequality in Managerial Compensation
Hanno Lustig (University of California-Los Angeles)
Chad Syverson (University of Chicago)
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (New York University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Peer Effects in Education (AEA)
Presiding: Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)

Scott Imberman (University of Houston)
Phil Oreopoulos (University of Toronto)
Jane Cooley (University of Wisconsin)
Victor Lavy (Hebrew University)

Katrina's Children: The Effect of Peers on Student Achievement and Behavior
Scott Imberman (University of Houston)
Adriana Kugler (University of Houston)
Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)
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Mechanisms and Impacts of Gender Peer Effects at School
Victor Lavy (Hebrew University)
Analia Schlosser (Tel Aviv University)

Why Is an Elite Undergraduate Education Valuable? Evidence from Israel
Kevin Lang (Boston University)
Erez Siniver (College of Management, Israel)
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Causal Inference when Assignment May Have Been Random: Peer Effects in North Carolina Elementary Schools
Thomas Nechyba (Duke University)
Jacob Vigdor (Duke University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession -- Dissertation Session (AEA)
Presiding: Marie T. Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)

Ngina Chiteji (Skidmore College)
Gary Dymski (University of California-Riverside)
Mark Hugo Lopez (Pew Hispanic Center)
Sue Stockly (Eastern New Mexico University)

The Effect of U.S. Agricultural Subsidies on Farm Expenses and the Agricultural Labor Market
Belinda Acuna (University of California-Santa Barbara)
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Health Insurance for All: An Evaluation of Mexico's Seguro Popular Program
Melissa Knox (University of California-Berkeley)
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Citizens� Juries and Public Goods
Paul Paez (University of New Mexico)
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Demographic Changes and Public School Sorting: Is There a Public School �Flight� from English Learners?
Robert Santillano (University of California-Berkeley)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Treatment Effects: Methodological Advances and Applications (AEA)
Presiding: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (University of Florida)

Jeffrey Smith (University of Michigan)
Ken Chay (Brown University)
Sebastian Galiani (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Salvador Navarro (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Treatment Effects for Profiling Unemployment Insurance Programs: Semiparametric Estimation of Matching Methods with Fixed Effects
Jose Galdo (Carleton University, Canada)
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Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Multi-valued Treatment Effects
Matias Cattaneo (University of Michigan)

Evaluating Nonexperimental Estimators for Multiple Treatments: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
Carlos Flores (University of Miami)
Oscar Mitnik (University of Miami)
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Nonparametric Partial and Point Identification of Net or Direct Causal Effects
Carlos Flores (University of Miami)
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (University of Florida)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: The Capital Flows Behind Global Imbalances (AEA)
Presiding: Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Jeffrey Frankel (Harvard University)
Linda Tesar (University of Michigan)
Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)

Globalization and the Sustainability of Large Current Account Imbalances: Size Matters
Joshua Aizenman (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Yi Sun (University of California-Santa Cruz)
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Why Do Foreigners Invest in the United States?
Kristin Forbes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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U.S. External Returns
Pierre Olivier Gourinchas (University of California-Berkeley)
Helene Rey (London Business School)

Where Did All the Borrowing Go? A Forensic analysis of the U.S. External Position
Philip Lane (Trinity College Dublin)
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti (International Monetary Fund)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility (AEA)
Presiding: Tim Besley (London School of Economics)

Brian McManus (Washington Univeristy)
Francesco Trebbi (University of Chicago)
Felix Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard University)

The Economics and Politics of Corporate Social Performance
David Baron (Stanford University)
Maretno Harjoto (Pepperdine University)
Hoje Jo (Santa Clara University)

A Model of Corporate Philanthropy
Raymond Fisman (Columbia University)
Geoffrey Heal (Columbia University)
Vinay Nair (Ada Investments)
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Corporate Social Responsibility for Irresponsibility
Matthew Kotchen (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Jon Jungbien Moon (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Balassa-Samuelson, Real Exchange Rates and Implications for Monetary Policy (AEA)
Presiding: Jaewoo Lee (International Monetary Fund)

Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Jaewoo Lee (International Monetary Fund)
Jiri Podpiera (Czech National Bank)
Balazs Egert (OECD)

Economic Growth and the Real Exchange Rate
Alan M. Taylor (University of California-Davis)
Yanping Chong (University of California-Davis)
Oscar Jorda (University of California-Davis)

Sources of Nominal and Real Exchange Rate Rigidity; A Structurally Identified Panel VAR Study
Peter Pedroni (Williams College)

Trade and Optimal Monetary Policy
Federico Ravenna (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Giovanni Lombardo (European Central Bank)

Beyond Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Central and Eastern Europe
Balazs Egert (OECD)
Jiri Podpiera (Czech National Bank)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Incentive Pay: Wealth-Creation or Windfalls (AEA)
Presiding: Edward Lazear (Stanford University)

Peter DeMarzo (Stanford University)
Gregory Udell (Indiana University)
Benjamin Hermalin (University of California-Berkeley)
Robert Gibbons (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tractability and Detal-Neutrality in Incentive Contracting
Xavier Gabiax (New York University)
Alex Edmans (University of Pennsylvania)
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Incentives for Overconfident CEOs
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
Geoffrey Tate (University of California-Los Angeles)

Executive Pay, Hidden Compensation and Managerial Entrenchment
Camelia Kuhnen (Northwestern University)
Jeffrey Zwiebel (Stanford University)
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Motivating Loan Officers: An Analysis of Salaries and Piece-Rates Compensation
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Hefei Wang (University of Illinois)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Natural Experiments in Health (AEA)
Presiding: Andreea Balan-Cohen (Tufts University)

Jordan Matsudaira (Cornell University)
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)
Jeanne LaFortune (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Douglas Almond (Columbia University)

Sobering Up: The Impact of the 1985-1988 Russian Anti-Alcohol Campaign on Child Health
Andreea Balan Cohen (Tufts University)
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Hierarchies or Markets? The Survival of POWs during WWII
Clifford Holderness (Boston College)
Jeffrey Pontiff (Boston College)
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World War II, Missing Men, and Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing
Michael Kvasnicka (RWI Essen)
Dirk Bethmann (Korea University)
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Health and the Political Agency of Women
Sonia Bhalotra (University of Bristol)
Irma Clots-Figueras (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Education Policy and Public Economics (AEA)
Presiding: Jessica Howell (California State University-Sacramento)

Nora Gordon (University of California-San Diego)
Jessica Howell (California State University-Sacramento)
Sarah Turner (University of Virginia)
Judith Scott-Clayton (Harvard University)

What Happens When the Local High School Closes? Economies of Size in Illinois
Sherrilyn M. Billger (Illinois State University)
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A Theory of Brain Drain and Public Funding for Higher Education in the U.S.
Anamaria Felicia Ionescu (Colgate University)
Linnea Polgreen (University of Iowa)
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Can State Merit Aid Programs have Unintended Consequences? A Closer Look
Joydeep Roy (Georgetown University and Economic Policy Institute)
Rajashri Chakrabarti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

The Impact of College Financial Aid Rules on Household Portfolio Choice
Tansel Yilmazer (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Patryk Babiarz (Purdue University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Economic Analysis of Politics (AEA)
Presiding: Jesper Roine (SITE, Stockholm)

Razvan Vlaicu (University of Maryland)

Informative Campaign Promises
Elena Panova (University of Quebec in Montreal)

Imperfect Information, Democracy, and Populism
Johannes Binswanger (Tilburg University)
Jens Prufer (Tilburg University)
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Information Transmission in Electoral Competition
Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne)
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On the Possibility of Political Change
Conny Olovsson (Stockholm School of Economics)
Jesper Roine (Stockholm School of Economics)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Growth and Policy in Less Developed Regions (AEA)
Presiding: Ethan Ilzetski (University of Maryland)

Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago)
Luis Serven (World Bank)

Procyclical Fiscal Policy in Developing Countries: Truth or Fiction
Ethan Ilzetzki (University of Maryland)
Carlos Vegh (University of Maryland)
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The O-Ring Sector and the Foolproof Sector: An Explanation for Cross-Country Income Differences
Garett Jones (George Mason University)
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What do Exogenous Shocks Tell Us about Growth Theories?
Ilan Noy (University of Hawaii)
Aekkanush Nualsri (University of Hawaii)
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Institutions Matter, but in Surprising Ways: New Evidence on Regional Institutions in Africa
Alan Green (Cornell University)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: The Causes and Consequences of House Price Changes (AEA/AREUEA)
Presiding: Donald Haurin (Ohio State University)

Francois Ortalo-Magne (University of Wisconsin)
Todd Sinai (University of Pennsylvania)
Rui Yao (Baruch College)
Patric H. Hendershott (Aberdeen University)

Price and Transaction Volume in the Dutch Housing Market
Erik De Wit (University of Amsterdam)
Peter Englund (Stockholm School of Economics)
Marc Francke (Ortax and University of Amsterdam)
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Housing Price and Income Movements Across Markets: A General Equilibrium Analysis
William Wheaton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nai Jia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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How Housing Busts End: House Prices, User Costs and Rigidities During Down Cycles
Karl E. Case (Wellesley College)
John M. Quigley (University of California-Berkeley)
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A Taxonomy of How Household Income and Interest Rates are Capitalized into House Prices
Stuart Gabriel (University of California-Los Angeles)
Richard Green (University of Southern California)
Christian Redfearn (University of Southern California)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Coverage and Cost Implications of Health Insurance Reforms (AEA/HERO)
Presiding: Donald E. Yett (University of Southern California)

Katherine Swartz (Harvard University)
Kosali Simon (Cornell University)
Michael Chernew (Harvard University)

Reducing the Number of Uninsured: Cost and Effectiveness of Alternative Approaches
Bowen Garrett (Urban Institute)
Lisa Clemans-Cope (Urban Institute)
Surachai Khitatrakun (Urban Institute)
Cindy Perry (Urban Institute)
Aaron Lucas (Urban Institute)

CBOs Modeling of Proposals to Expand Health Insurance Coverage
David Auerbach (Congressional Budget Office)
Stuart Hagen (Congressional Budget Office)
Chapin White (Congressional Budget Office)
Alex Minicozzi (Congressional Budget Office)
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Consequences of a Subsidized Individual Mandate
Federico Girosi (RAND)
Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin (RAND)
Amado Cordova (RAND)
Christine Eibner (RAND)
Alice Beckman (RAND)

Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Congestion Pricing (AEA/TPUG)
Presiding: John Howard Brown (Georgia Southern University)

Andrew Haughwout (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Dennis Heffley (University of Connecticut)
Ken Button (George Mason University)
Anming Zhang (University of British Columbia)

U.S. Highway Privatization and Motorists' Heterogeneous Preferences
Clifford Winston (Brookings Institution)
Jia Yan (Washington State University)
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Marginal Congestion Cost on a Dynamic Network with Queue Spillbacks
Mogens Fosgerau (Technical University of Denmark)
Kenneth A. Small (University of California-Irvine)
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Pricing Congestion with Heterogenous Agglomeration Externalities and Workers
Dan Graham (Imperial College London)
Kurt Van Ender (University of California-Irvine and Joint Transport Research Centre ITF/OECD)
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Manipulable Congestion Tolls
Erik Verhoef (VU University Amsterdam)
Jan Brueckner (University of California, Irvine)
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Sunday, January 4, 8:00 AM
Session: Capital Market Frictions and Liquidity (AEA)
Presiding: Janice Eberly (Northwestern University and NBER)

Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics and NBER)
Robert Hall (Stanford University and NBER)
Chester Spatt (Carnegie Mellon University)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago and NBER)

Liquidity and Interest Rates
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)

Reallocating and Pricing Illiquid Capital
Janice Eberly (Northwestern University and NBER)
Neng Wang (Columbia University and NBER)
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Information, Liquidity, and the Panic of 2007
Gary Gorton (Yale University and NBER)
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Is Monetary Policy Effective During Financial Crises?
Frederic S. Mishkin (Graduate School of Business, Columbia University)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Pensions and Health Care: Fiscal Challenges for State and Local Governments (AEA)
Presiding: Jeffrey Brown (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)

Joshua Rauh (University of Chicago)
Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Kent Smetters (University of Pennsylvania)

How Should State and Local Pension Plans Invest?
Deborah Lucas (Northwestern University)
Stephen Zeldes (Columbia University)
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Will Public Sector Retiree Health Benefit Plans Survive? Economic and Policy Implications of Unfunded Plan Liabilities
Robert L. Clark (North Carolina State University)
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Discounting State and Local Pension Liabilities
Jeffrey R. Brown (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
David Wilcox (Federal Reserve Board)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: DATA WATCH: Improving and Validating Labor Market Data (AEA)
Presiding: Alan Krueger (Princeton University)

Jay Stewart (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
David Card (University of California-Berkeley)
Lawrence Katz (Harvard University)
Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)

Francine Blau (Cornell University)
Lawrence Kahn (Cornell University)
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Comparing Real-Time Data and the American Time Use Survey for the Same Sample
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)

Comparing Household and Establishment-Based Employment Reports
Katharine G. Abraham (University of Maryland)
John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland)
Kristin Sandusky (Census Bureau)
James Spletzer (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

The Under-Reporting of Transfers in Household Surveys
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago)
Wallace K.C. Mok (Northwestern University)
James X. Sullivan (University of Notre Dame)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: The Revival of Fiscal Policy (AEA)
Presiding: Martin Feldstein (Harvard University)

Douglas Elmendorf (Brookings Institution)
Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)

Implementing the New Fiscal Policy Activism
Alan Auerbach (University of California-Berkeley)
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The Lack of an Empirical Rationale for a Revival of Discretionay Fiscal Policy
John Taylor (Stanford University)
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Rethinking the Role of Fiscal Policy
Martin Feldstein (Harvard University)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: The Economic Impacts of Climate Change (AEA)
Presiding: Michael Greenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Peter Klenow (Stanford University)
Andrew Foster (Brown University)
Douglas Almond (Columbia University)

Climate Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century
Melissa Dell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Benjamin Jones (Northwestern University and Harvard University)
Benjamin Olken (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Thailand
Robert Townsend (MIT)
John Felkner (National Opinion Research Center)
Kamilya Tazhibayeva (University of Chicago)
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Climate Change, Birth Weight and Long Run Earnings Capacit
Olivier Deschenes (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Michael Greenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jonathan Guryan (University of Chicago)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Nobels on "Where Is the World Economy Headed?" (Roundtable) (AEA)
Presiding: Dominick Salvatore (Fordham University)

The International Market for Talent
Gary Becker (University of Chicago)

Forecasting Changes in the Cost of Health Care: 2000-2040
Robert Fogel (University of Chicago)

Measurement of the Shift in the World's Center of Economic Gravity
Lawrence Klein (University of Pennsylvania)

The World Economy: Quo Vadis?
Robert Mundell (Columbia University)

The Uncertain Direction of the World Economy
Edmund Phelps (Columbia University)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Empirics of Appropriate Growth Policy (AEA)
Presiding: Chris Papageorgiou (IMF-Research)

Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Romain Wacziarg (Stanford University)
Theo Eicher (University of Washington)

Credit Constraints, Cyclical Fiscal Policy and Industry Growth
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Enisse Kharroubi (Banque de France)
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Which Reforms Work and under What Institutional Environment:Evidence from a New Dataset on Structural Reforms
Massimiliano Onorato (Universita Bocconi)
Chris Papageorgiou (IMF-Research)
Alessandro Prati (IMF-Research)

Growth and Structural Reforms: Non-Linearities, Complementarities and Sequencing
Lone Christiansen (IMF-Research)
Martin Schindler (IMF-Research)
Thierry Tressel (IMF-Research)

How Do Financial Reforms Affect Corporate Borrowing Costs? Evidence from Syndicated Bank Loans
Senay Agca (George Washington University)
Oya Celasun (IMF-Research)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Retirement and Saving: Cross-National Perspectives (AEA)
Presiding: John Phillips (National Institute on Aging)

Robert Willis (University of Michigan)
Brigitte Madrian (Harvard University)

Social Security Provisions and Retirement Around the World: Labor Force Participation of the Old and Employment of the Young
Jonathan Gruber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David Wise (Harvard University and NBER)

Grossman's Health Threshold and Retirement
Titus Galama (RAND)
Arie Kapteyn (RAND)
Raquel Fonseca (RAND)
Pierre-Carl Michaud (RAND)
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Housing Trajectories at Older Ages in Britain and in the United States
James Banks (University College London)
James Smith (RAND)
Zoe Oldfiled (Institute for Fiscal Studies )
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Social Security, Institutional Settings, and Labor Supply
David Bloom (Harvard University)
David Canning (Harvard University)
Günther Fink (Harvard School of Public Health)
Jocelyn E. Finlay (Harvard School of Public Health)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Mortality and Development (AEA)
Presiding: Marla Ripoll (University of Pittsburgh)

Adriana Lleras-Muney (Princeton University)
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (University of Houston)
Matthias Doepke (University of California-Los Angeles)
David Weil (Brown University)

The Demographic Transition and the Sexual Division of Labor
Bruno Falcao (Yale University)
Rodrigo Soares (PUC-Rio)
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The Child is Father of the Man: Implications for the Demographic Transition
David De La Croix (Universite Catolique de Louvain)
Omar Licandro (European University Institute)
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The Economic and Demographic Transition, Mortality, and Comparative Development
Matteo Cervellati (Universita di Bologna)
Uwe Sunde (University of St. Gallen)
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Life Expectancy and the Wealth of Nations
Juan Carlos Cordoba (Rice University)
Marla Ripoll (University of Pittsburgh)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Economic Perspectives on Crime (AEA)
Presiding: Fritz Foley (Harvard Business School)

Betsey Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Rafael Ditella (Harvard Business School)

Child Protection and Adult Crime: Using Investigator Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of Foster Care
Joseph Doyle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Welfare Payments and Crime
Fritz Foley (Harvard Business School)

The Effect of Gun Shows on Gun-Related Deaths
Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
Randi Hjalmarsson (University of Maryland)
Brian Jacob (University of Michigan)
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The Effects of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws: A 50-State Analysis
J. J. Prescott (University of Michigan Law School)
Rockoff Jonah (Columbia Business School)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Comparing Central Banks: More Similarities or Differences, and Do They Matter? (AEA)
Presiding: Dale Henderson (Federal Reserve Board)

Mark Spiegel (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)

Central Bank Independence After Two Decades: What It Actually Measures and What It Actually Does
Kenneth N. Kuttner (Williams College)
Adam Posen (Peterson Institute for International Economics)

How Close are They to Inflation Targeting: BOJ, FRB, and ECB?
Takatoshi Ito (Tokyo University)

The US Fed, the Eurosystem, the Bank of Japan, and the Bank of England: More Similarities or Differences, and Do They Matter?
Dieter Gerdesmeier (European Central Bank)
Francesco Paolo Mongelli (European Central Bank)
Barbara Roffia (European Central Bank)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Extrinsic Incentives and Pro-Social Behavior (AEA)
Presiding: John List (University of Chicago)

Rachel Croson (University of Texas-Dallas)
Armin Falk (University of Bonn)
Michael Kosfeld (University of Frankfurt)
Lorenz Goette (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Increasing Donations or Stealing Altruism? Incentives and Substitution Effects in Pro-Social Behavior
Nicola Lacetera (Case Western Reserve University)
Mario Macis (University of Michigan)
Robert Slonim (Case Western Reserve University)

White Lies
Sanjiv Erat (University of California-San Diego)
Uri Gneezy (University of California-San Diego)

One Last Gift: The Role of Extrinsic Incentives on Donor Card Participation
Dean Karlan (Yale University)
John List (University of Chicago)

�Good Guys Try Harder� Image Motivation and Monetary Incentives in Behaving Prosocially
Dan Ariely (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Anat Bracha (Tel Aviv University)
Stephen Meier (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Explaining Trade Flows at the Industry and Firm Level (AEA)
Presiding: Dennis Novy (University of Warwick)

Costas Arkolakis (Yale University)
Nina Pavcnik (Dartmouth College and NBER)
James Harrigan (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER)
Miklos Koren (Princeton University)

The Dynamics of Market Entry: Evidence from Colombian Exporters
Jonathan Eaton (New York University and NBER)
Marcela Eslava (Universidad de Los Andes)
Maurice Kugler (Harvard University)
James Tybout (Pennsylvania State University and NBER)

Shipping Good Tequila Out: Investment, Domestic Unit Values and Entry of Multi-Product Plants into Export Markets
Leonardo Iacovone (World Bank)
Beata Javorcik (University of Oxford and CEPR)
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Services Traders in the UK
Holger Breinlich (University of Essex and CEP)
Chiara Criscuolo (London School of Economics)
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International Trade Integration: A Disaggregated Approach
Natalie Chen (University of Warwick and CEPR)
Dennis Novy (University of Warwick)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Issues in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement (AEA)
Presiding: Sabina Alkire (University of Oxford)

Francisco Ferreira (World Bank)
Amartya Sen (Harvard University)

Counting and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Sabina Alkire (University of Oxford)
James Foster (Vanderbilt University)
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Rank Robustness of Composite Indices
James Foster (Vanderbilt University)
Mark McGillivray (AusAID)
Suman Seth (Vanderbilt University)
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The �Missing Dimensions� of Poverty: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Application
Emma Samman (University of Oxford)

Setting weights in multidimensional indices of well-being and deprivation
Maria Ana Lugo (University of Oxford)
Koen Decanq (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Bidder Biases and Auction Design (AEA)
Presiding: Paul Milgrom (Stanford University)

Jacob Goeree (California Institute of Technology)
Botond Koszegi (University of California-Berkeley)
Bard Harstad (Northwestern University)
Colin Camerer (California Institute of Technology)

Ascending Prices and Package Bidding: An Experimental Analysis
John Kagel (Ohio State University)
Yuanchuan Lien (California Institute of Technology)
Paul Milgrom (Stanford University)
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Multi-Dimensional-Dependent Preferences in Sealed-Bid Auctions - How Laboratory Experiments Differ from the Real World
Andreas Lange (University of Maryland)
Anmol Ratan (University of Maryland)

The Bidder's Curse
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
Han Lee (Highview Global Capital Management)
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Understanding Overbidding: Using the Neural Circuitry of Reward to Design Economic Auctions
Erkut Ozbay (University of Maryland)
Mauricio Delgado (Rutgers University)
Andrew Schotter (New York University)
Elizabeth Phelps (New York University)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Public Economics and the Low Income Population (AEA)
Presiding: Hilary Hoynes (University of California-Davis)

Bill Evans (University of Notre Dame)
Hilary Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
Thomas Buchmueller (University of Michigan)
Kosali Simon (Cornell University)

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? The Impact of the Old Age Assistance Program on Elderly Mortality in the United States
Andreea Balan Cohen (Tufts University)
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The Persistence of Tax Refunds: Evidence from Panel Data
Sara Lalumia (Williams College)
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Another Look at the Impacts of Health Reform in Massachusetts: Evidence Using New Data and a Stronger Model
Sharon Long (Urban Institute)
Karen Stockley (Urban Institute)
Alshadye Yemane (Urban Institute)
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Public Policy and the Dynamics of Children's Health Insurance, 1986-1999
Lara Shore-Sheppard (Williams College)
John Ham (University of Southern California)
Xianghong Li (York University)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Interactive Strategies in Economic Education (AEA)
Presiding: Kimmarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)

Brian Peterson (Central College)
Lori D. Bell (Blackburn College)
Denise Robson (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)
Dirk Mateer (Pennsylvania State University)

Base Groups vs. Formal Groups in Cooperative Learning
Tom White (Assumption College)

The Effect of Group Composition on Individual Student Performance in an Introductory Economics Course
Robbie Moore (Occidental College)
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Classroom Discussion in Intermediate Macroeconomics: Does the Use of Interpretative Question Clusters Impact Student Learning?
Roisin O'Sullivan (Smith College)
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Pseudo-Socratic Dialogue In The Teaching Of Economics
Neil Sheflin (Rutgers University)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Consumption and Access to Finance (AEA)
Presiding: Richard Blundell (University College London)

Karen Dynan (Federal Reserve Board)
Chris Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)
Hamish Low (University of Cambridge and IFS)
Egon Zakrajsek (Federal Reserve Board)

Household External Finance and Consumption
Timothy Besley (Bank of England and London School of Economics)
Neil Meads (Bank of England)
Paolo Surico (Bank of England)
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Does Financial Liberalization Affect Consumption Smoothing?
Tullio Jappelli (University of Naples Federico II, CSEF and CEPR)
Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University, SIER and CEPR)
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Using Theory and Simulation Methods to Understand the Relationship between House Prices and Consumption Growth in the UK
Orazio Attanasio (University College of London and CEPR)
Andrew Leicester (Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Matthew Wakefield (Institute for Fiscal Studies)
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Does Access to External Finance Improve Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Alexander Butler (University of Texas-Dallas)
Jess Cornaggia (University of Texas-Dallas)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Exchange Rates: Determinants and Effects (AEA)
Presiding: Phillipe Martin (University of Paris 1)

Jean Imbs (Lausanne)
Helene Rey (London Business School)
Sam Kortum (University of Chicago)

Can Exchange Rates Forecast Commodity Prices?
Yu-Chin Chen (University of Washington)
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
Barbara Rossi (Duke University)
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Exchange rate changes and the margins of trade: theory and empirics on French firm level data
Nicolas Berman (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (Paris School of Economics))
Philippe Martin (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (Paris School of Economics))
Thierry Mayer (University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (Paris School of Economics))
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Linkages Between Exchange Rate Policy and Macroeconomic Performance
Vladimir Sokolov (Higher School of Economics)
Nelson Mark (University of Notre Dame)
Byung-Joee Lee (University of Notre Dame)
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Aggregation and the PPP Puzzle in a Sticky Price Model
Carlos Carvalho (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Fernanda Nechio (Princeton University)
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Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: The First Ten Years of the Euro: Achievements and New Challenges (AEA/ACES)
Presiding: Marco Buti (European Commission)

Simon Johnson (International Monetary Fund)

Lucas D. Papademos (European Central Bank)

Barry Eichengreen (University of California-Berkeley)

Charles Wyplosz (HEI)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Comparison of International Health Care System (AEA/CEANA)
Presiding: Ching-To Albert Ma (Boston University)

Current Issues in Health Care
Joseph Newhouse (Harvard University)

Lessons from Recent German Health Care Reforms
Randall Ellis (Boston University)

The Nordic Model for Tax-Financed Health Care under Stress
Tor Iversen (University of Oslo)

A Single-Payer Universal Social Insurance System in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Taiwan Experience
Rachel Lu (Chang Gung University)

China�s Health Care System: Opportunities and Challenges
Winnie Yip (Harvard University)

Sunday, January 4, 10:15 AM
Session: Health and Health Care Effectiveness (AEA/IHEA)
Presiding: Richard Arnould (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)

Susan Ettner (University of California-Los Angeles)
Matthew Neidell (Columbia University)
Alan Garber (Stanford University)

The Influence of Close-Knitted Physician Networks on the Diffusion of Antipsychotic Medication
Marisa Domino (University of North Carolina)
Richard Frank (Harvard University)
Ernst Berndt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Do Current Levels of Air Pollution Kill? The Impact of Pollution on Population Mortality in England
Katharina Janke (University of Bristol and Imperial College London)
Carol Propper (University of Bristol and Imperial College London)
John Henderson (University of Bristol and Imperial College London)
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Using Small Area Variations in Procedure Rates to Identify Effects of Revascularization among the Elderly
Sally Stearns (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Edward Norton (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Brett Sheridan (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
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Sunday, January 4, 6:00 PM

Sunday, January 4, 6:00 PM
Session: Business Meeting (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Business Meeting

Sunday, January 4, 12:30 PM

Sunday, January 4, 12:30 PM
Session: Luncheon Honoring the 2007 Nobel Laureates in Economics, Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin and Roger (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
Eric Maskin (Institute for Advanced Study)
Roger Myerson (University of Chicago)
Kenneth Arrow (Stanford University)

Sunday, January 4, 12:30 PM
Session: Lecture (AEA/ European Economic Association)
Presiding: Ernst Fehr (IEW, University of Zurich)

New Perspectives on Inflation and Unemployment
Jordi Gali (CREI and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: The Mirrlees Review: Reforming the Tax System for the 21st Century (Panel Discussion) (AEA)
Presiding: Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)

Background Information (Provided by the Session chair)
Timothy Besley (London School of Economics)
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Optimal tax structure
James Mirrlees (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
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Peter Diamond (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

The Taxation of Income from Earnings
Richard Blundell (University College London)
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James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Environmental Taxes
Don Fullerton (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Liquidity, Macroeconomics, and Asset Prices (AEA)
Presiding: Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)

Guido Lorenzoni (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)

Liquidity Risk Hedging
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Motohiro Yogo (University of Pennsylvania)
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Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility
Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)
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Leverage and the Central Banker's Put
Emmanuel Fahri (Harvard University)
Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: DATA WATCH: The Gallup World Poll (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Richard Easterlin (University of Southern California)

The World Poll: An Introduction
Jim Clifton (Gallup Organization)

Surveying in sub-Saharan Africa
Rajesh Srinivasan (Gallup Organization)
Robert D. Tortora (Gallup)

The World of Happiness and Income
Betsy Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania)
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A World of Health and Happiness
Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

A World of Pain
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)
Betsy Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Health and Wealth (AEA)
Presiding: Erzo F.P. Luttmer (Harvard University)

Douglas Almond (Columbia University)
Jonathan Skinner (Dartmouth College)
Erik Hurst (University of Chicago)

Early Life Health and Cognitive Function in Old Age
Anne Case (Princeton University)
Christina Paxson (Princeton University)
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Life Expectancy and Old Age Savings
Mariacristina De Nardi (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Eric French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
John Bailey Jones (University at Albany)
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What Good Is Wealth Without Health? The Effect of Health on the Marginal Utility of Consumption
Amy Finkelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Erzo F. P. Luttmer (Harvard University)
Matt Notowidigdo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: DATA WATCH: Experiments on Collecting Socio-economic Household Data in Low Income Countries (AEA)
Presiding: John Gibson (University of Waikato)

TBA ()

Measuring Household Consumption: An Experiment in Tanzania
Kathleen Beegle (World Bank)
Joachim De Weerdt (EDI Tanzania)
Jed Friedman (World Bank)
John Gibson (University of Waikato)

Anchoring Measures of Subjective Well-being Using Vignettes
Martin Ravallion (World Bank)
Kristen Himelein (World Bank)
Kathleen Beegle (World Bank)

Assessing Labor Statistics in a Sub-Saharan Africa Survey Experiment
Andrew Dillon (Cornell University)
Elena Bardasi (World Bank)

The Digital Age Of Survey Enumeration: Report from Two Field Experiments
Quy-Toan Do (World Bank)
Joachim De Weerdt (EDI Tanzania)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: The Effects of Financial Literacy on Financial Decision-Making (AEA)
Presiding: Peter Tufano (Harvard Business School)

Douglas Bernheim (Stanford University)
Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Michael Staten (University of Arizona)
Karen Pence (Federal Reserve Board)

If You Are So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? The Effects of Education, Financial Literacy and Cognitive Ability on Financial Market Participation
Shawn Cole (Harvard Business School)
Gauri Kartini Shastry (University of Virginia)
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Financial Literacy, Information, and Demand Elasticity: Survey and Experimental Evidence
Justine Hastings (Yale University)
Lydia Ashton (Yale University)

The Impact of Financial Education in High School and College on Financial Literacy and Subsequent Financial Decision Making
Lewis Mandell (University of Washington and Aspen Institute)
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How Ordinary Consumers Make Complex Economic Decisions: Financial Literacy and Retirement Readiness
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Exploring the Sources of Innovation: Recent Developments (AEA)
Presiding: Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University)

Chad Jones (University of California-Berkeley)
Shane Greenstein (Northwestern University)
Scott Page (University of Michigan)
Bronwyn Hall (University of California-Berkeley)

On Mice and Academics: The Effect of Openness on Follow-On Research
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Mathias Dewatripont (Universit� libre de Bruxelles)
Julian Kolev (Harvard University)
Fiona Murray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Scott Stern (Northwestern University)
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Identifying Technology Spillovers and Product Market Rivalry
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Mark Schankerman (University of Arizona and London School of Economics)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
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Parallel Search, Incentives and Problem Type: Revisiting the Competition and Innovation Link
Kevin Boudreau (HEC-Paris)
Nicola Lacetera (Case Western Reserve University)
Karim Lakhani (Harvard Business School)
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Diseconomies of Scope between Existing Businesses and Growth Opportunities: Evidence from the History of Computing
Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University)
Shane Greenstein (Northwestern University)
Rebecca Henderson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Private Schooling, Competition and the Production of Education (AEA)
Presiding: Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Susan Dynarski (Harvard University)
Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Thomas Dee (Swarthmore College)
Christopher Taber (University of Wisconsin)

School Competition & Efficiency with Publicly Funded Catholic Schools
Martin Dooley (McMaster University)
Abigail Payne (McMaster University)
David Card (University of California-Berkeley)
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New Evidence on the Price Elasticity of Private Schooling
Susan Dynarski (Harvard University)
Jonathan Gruber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Estimating the Cream Skimming Effect of Private School Vouchers on Public School Students
Joseph Altonji (Yale University)
Ching-I Huang (National Taiwan University)
Christopher Taber (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Students Today, Teachers Tomorrow? Identifying constraints on the provision of education
Tahir Andrabi (Pomona College)
Jishunu Das (World Bank)
Asim Ijaz Khwaja (Harvard University)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Subprime Credit: Causes and Consequences (AEA)
Presiding: Robert Shiller (Yale University)

Scott Frame (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
John Leahy (New York University)
Scott Schuh (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Subprime Mortgage Lending and Foreclosures
Chris Foote (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Kris Gerardi (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Paul Willen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

The Effect of Information Technology on Consumer Lending
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Jonathan Levin (Stanford University)

Preferences for Fixed-Rate vs. Adjustable-Rate Mortgages: Evidence from a survey among Subprime Borrowers
Lorenz Goette (University of Geneva)
Stephan Meier (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Kristopher Gerardi (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
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Payday Loans, Uncertainty, and Discounting: Explaining Patterns of Borrowing, Repayment, and Default
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
Jeremy Tobacman (University of Pennsylvania)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: New Perspectives on International Capital Flows (AEA)
Presiding: Karen Lewis (University of Pennsylvania)

Carlos Vegh (University of Maryland)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California-Berkeley)
Michael Devereux (University of British Columbia)
Karen Lewis (University of Pennsylvania)

A Tractable Model of Precautionary Reserves or Net Foreign Assets
Christopher Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)
Olivier Jeanne (International Monetary Fund)
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International Capital Flows under Dispersed Information: Theory and Evidence
Cedric Tille (University of Geneva)
Eric Van Wincoop (University of Virginia)
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International Portfolios, Capital Accumulation and Foreign Assets Dynamics
Nicolas Coeurdacier (London Business School and CEPR)
Robert Kollmann (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR)
Philippe Martin (Paris School of Economics and CEPR)
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Global Portfolio Rebalancing under the Microscope
Harald Hau (INSEAD)
Helene Rey (London Business School)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Determinants of Student Achievement (AEA)
Presiding: Katherine Abraham (University of Maryland)

Lisa Barrow (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Thomas Kane (Harvard University)
David Figlio (University of Florida)

The long run consequences of being graded in elementary school
Anna Sjogren (IFAU, Uppsala and IFN)
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Career Concerns Incentives and Teacher Effort
Michael Hansen (University of Washington)
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No Child Left Behind: Analyzing the Effect of Sanctions versus Stigma on Public School Incentives and Performance
Rajashri Chakrabarti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

One Size Fits All? The Effect of Teacher Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Abilities on Student Achievement
Erik Gronqvist (Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation (IFAU))
Jonas Vlachos (Stockholm University)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Global Trade Liberalization (AEA)
Presiding: Jagdish Bhagwati (Columbia University)

David Hummels (Purdue University)
Jagdish Bhagwati (Columbia University)
Robert Feenstra (University of California-Davis)
Vanessa Strauss-Kahn (INSEAD)

Multi-Product Firms and Trade Liberalization
Andrew B. Bernard (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER)
Stephen Redding (London School of Economics)
Peter Schott (Yale University & NBER)
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Credit Constraints and Export Promotion
Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Andrew Newman (Boston University)

Labor Market Rigidities, Trade and Unemployment
Elhanan Helpman (Harvard University)
Oleg Itskhoki (Harvard University)

Exports of Goods and Services: Complements or Substitutes?
Matthieu Bussiere (European Central Bank)
Cyrille Schwellnus (OECD/CEPII)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: DATA WATCH: Implementation of a New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts (AEA)
Presiding: Dale W. Jorgenson (Harvard University)

Bart Van Ark (Groningen University and Conference Board)
David Stockton (Federal Reserve Board)
Ernst R. Berndt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michael Palumbo (Federal Reserve Board)

Updates on a New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts
Dale W. Jorgenson (Harvard University)
J. Steven Landefeld (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
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Perspectives on the New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts
Michael J. Boskin (Stanford University)
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Integrated GDP-Productivity Accounts
Michael J. Harper (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Brent Moulton (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Steven Rosenthal (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
David B. Wasshausen (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
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The Integrated Financial and Real System of National Accounts for the United States: Does it Presage the Financial Crisis?
Jonathan Parker (Northwestern University)
Michael G. Palumbo (Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC 20551)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Poster Session on Teaching Ideas and Projects (AEA)
Presiding: Wendy A. Stock (Montana State University)

Active Learning and the Socratic Method: An Application for �Theory of Value�
Rojhat B. Avsar (University of Utah)

Creating an Engaging, Collaborative, Relevant, and Enjoyable Classroom
Steven J. Balassi (St. Mary's College of California)
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Practice Makes Permanent: Adapting Coaching Techniques to the Teaching of Economics
Kevin Beckwith (Salem State College)

Jelly Bean Economics
Christopher R. Bell (University of North Carolina)

Applied Research with Undergraduates: Using Contingent Valuation Analysis in the Classroom
Catherine Boulatoff (Saint Lawrence University)

Let�s Shift Again � An Animation
Marilyn Cottrell (Brock University)

Schumpeter's "Vision" and the Teaching of Principles of Principles Economics
Paul Dalziel (Lincoln University)
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Publish with your Parish: Doing Publishable Research with Undergraduate Students
Aju Fenn (Colorado College)
Daniel K.N. Johnson (Colorado College)
Mark Smith (Colorado College)
Larry Stimpert (Colorado College)
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Turning Field Work and Guest Speakers into Golden Opportunities
Aju Fenn (Colorado College)
Daniel K.N. Johnson (Colorado College)
Mark Smith (Colorado College)
Larry Stimpert (Colorado College)
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Homer Economicus: The Simpsons in the Economics Classroom
Joshua C. Hall (Beloit College)
Mark T. Gillis (Duquesne University)
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An Analysis of Students� Ability to Assess Their Own Knowledge of the Subject Matter
Christiana Hilmer (San Diego State University)

Promoting Financial Literacy in the Principles of Economics Course
Eric Jamison (United States Military Academy)
John Z. Smith (United States Military Academy)

Using the Great Depression in Teaching Economics
Valerie Kepner (King�s College)

Incorporating Active Learning Strategies in an Introductory Economics Class
A. Wahhab Khandker (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)
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Teaching Economic Principles with Comics
Robert Lawson (Auburn University)

Deal or No Deal: Leveraging the Large-Class Experience
G. Dirk Mateer (Pennsylvania State University)

The Use of Popular Music to Teach Introductory Economics
Rod D. Raehsler (Clarion University)
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Preconceptions versus Reality about Welfare Recipients
Geetha Rajaram (Whittier College)
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Using the Game of Bocce to Teach Market Structures
Julia Sampson Frankland (Malone College)

Encouraging Active Learning through a Capstone Undergraduate Research Experience
Michael C. Seeborg (Illinois Wesleyan University)

Game and Media in the Economics Classroom
Olga N. Shemyakina (Georgia Institute of Technology)
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Promoting Financial Literacy in the Principles of Economics Course
John Z. Smith, Jr. (United States Military Academy)

A Macro Data Scavenger Hunt�Helping Students Find and Use State Data in Macroeconomics
Sue K. Stockly (Eastern New Mexico University)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Changes in Women�s Labor Supply (AEA)
Presiding: Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College)

Elizabeth Cascio (Dartmouth College)
Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College)
Elaina Rose (University of Washington)
Andrea Weber (University of California-Berkeley)
Sharmila Choudhury (Social Security Administration)
Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)
Fang Yang (University at Albany, State University of New York)

Why Do So Few Women Work in New York (and So Many in Minneapolis)? Labor Supply of Married Women across U.S. Cities
Natalia Kolesnikova (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Dan Black (University of Chicago)
Lowell Taylor (Carnegie Mellon University)
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The Effect of Fertility on the Labor Supply of Married Women in Ethiopia
Blen Solomon (Grand Valley State University)
Jean Kimmel (Western Michigan University)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Currency Risk Premia (AEA)
Presiding: John Heaton (University of Chicago)

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (New York University)
Anna Pavlova (London Business School)
Jeremy Graveline (University of Minnesota)
John Heaton (University of Chicago)

Risk and Return in Bond, Currency and Equity Markets
Ravi Bansal (Duke University)
Ivan Shaliastovich (Duke University)

Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates
Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard University)
Xavier Gabaix (New York University)
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Does Business Cycle Risk Account for Systematic Returns from Currency Positioning? The International Perspective
Roberto De Santis (European Central Bank)
Fabio Fornari (European Central Bank)

Common Risk Factors in Currency Markets
Hanno Lustig (University of California-Los Angeles)
Nick Roussanov (University of Pennsylvania)
Adrien Verdelhan (Boston University)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Consumer Choice and Merchant Acceptance of Payment Media: Theory and Empirical Investigations (AEA)
Presiding: Charles Kahn (University of Illinois)

James McAndrews (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Charles Kahn (University of Illinois)
John Krainer (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Gautam Gowrisankaran (University of Arizona)

Consumer Choice and Merchant Acceptance of Payment Media
Sujit Chakravorti (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Wilko Bolt (De Nederlandsche Bank)
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Credit Cards Interchange Fees
Jean-Charles Rochet (University of Toulouse)
Julian Wright (National University of Singapore)
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Consumer Homing on Payment Cards: From Theory to Measurement
Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College)
Christopher Snyder (Dartmouth College)

Competing Technologies for Payments: ATMs, POS Terminals and the Demand for Currency
Santiago Carbo-Valverde (University of Granada)
Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez (University of Granada)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Banks and Development (AEA)
Presiding: Anjan Thakor (Washington University-St. Louis)

Mark Flannery (University of Florida)
Arnoud Boot (University of Amsterdam)
Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam)
Paolo Fulghieri (University of North Carolina)

"Lending by Example�: Direct and Indirect Effects of Foreign Banks in Emerging Markets
Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics)
Steven Ongena (Tilburg University)
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Bank Mergers and Lending Relationships
Judit Montoriol-Garriga (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
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Financial Liberalization, Financial Restraint, and Entrepreneurial Development
M. Shahe Emran (George Washington University)
Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)
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Financial System Architecture and the Co-evolution of Banks and Capital Markets
Fenghua Song (Pennsylvania State University)
Anjan Thakor (Washington University-St. Louis)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Health and Healthcare in the U.S. (AEA)
Presiding: Kathleen Carey (Boston University)

Darius Lakdawala (RAND)
William Evans (University of Notre Dame)
Emilia Simeonova (Columbia University)
Ellen Meara (Harvard University)

Modeling Health Claims and Out-of-Pocket Payments
Caroline Carlin (University of Minnesota)
Robert Town (University of Minnesota)

Demanding Customers: Consumerist Patients and Quality of Care
Hai Fang (University of Miami)
Nolan Miller (Harvard University)
John Rizzo (Stony Brook University)
Richard Zeckhauser (Harvard University)
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Ambulatory Surgery Centers and General Hospital Financial Performance
Kathleen Carey (Boston University)
James Burgess (Boston University)
Gary Young (Boston University)
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The Impact of Health Policy and Market Structure on Hospital Indigent Care
Eunkyeong Lee (Cornell University)

Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Dynamic Welfare and Global Public Goods (AEA)
Presiding: John Roemer (Yale University)

Todd Sandler (University of Texas-Dallas)
Roberto Veneziani (Queen Mary University, London)

Foreign Aid as Counterterrorism Policy
Subhayu Bandyopadhyay (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Javed Younas (Central Michigan University)
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Discounting and Divergence of Opinion
Ely�s Jouini (Universit� Paris-Dauphine)
Clotilde Napp (Universit� Paris-Dauphine and CREST)
Jean-Michel Marin (INRIA)
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A Dynamic Analysis of Human Welfare in a Warming Planet
Humberto Llavador (University of Pompeu Fabra)
Joaquim Silvestre (University of California-Davis)
John Roemer (Yale University)
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The Dynamics of Climate Agreements
Bard Harstad (Northwestern University)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Panel on Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy: A Return to the 1970s? (AEA/IAEE)
Presiding: Mine Yucel (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)

The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Why Are the 2000s So Different from the 1970s?
Olivier Blanchard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jordi Gali (UPF)

The Oil Shock of 2008
James D. Hamilton (University of California-San Diego)

Energy Price Shocks and the Macroeconomy
Lutz Kilian (University of Michigan)
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Sunday, January 4, 2:30 PM
Session: Macroeconomic Narratives from Africa and the Diaspora (AEA/NEA)
Presiding: Peter Blair Henry (Stanford University)

Neville Francis (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Susan Collins (University of Michigan)
William A. Darity, Jr. (Duke University)

South Africa�s Post-Apartheid Two Step: Social Demands versus Macro Stability
Brahima Coulibaly (Federal Reserve Board)
Trevon Logan (Ohio State University)

Policies vs. Institutions: A Tale of Two Islands
Peter Blair Henry (Stanford University)
Conrad Miller (Stanford University)
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Metals or Management? Explaining Africa�s Recent Growth Performance
Laura N. Beny (University of Michigan)
Lisa D. Cook (Michigan State UnIversity)
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Sunday, January 4, 4:40 PM

Sunday, January 4, 4:40 PM
Session: Presidential Address (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Presidential Address - Governance Institutions and Economic Activity
Avinash Dixit (Princeton University)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Beliefs and Disagreement in Organizations (AEA)
Presiding: Roland Benabou (Princeton University)

Navin Kartik (University of California-San Diego)
Wouter Dessein (University of Chicago)
Muhamet Yildiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Authority versus Persuasion
Eric Van Den Steen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Collective Delusion in Risk Management
Augustin Landier (New York University)
David Thesmar (HEC, Paris)
David Sraer (University of California-Berkeley)
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Over My Dead Body: Bargaining and the Price of Dignity
Roland Benabou (Princeton University)
Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Skill Content of Jobs and the Evolution of the Wage Structure (AEA)
Presiding: Frank Levy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Stephen Machin (University College London)
Kathryn Shaw (Stanford University)
Thomas Lemieux (University of British Columbia)

This Job is 'Getting Old:' Measuring Changes in Job Opportunities using Occupational Age Structure
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David Dorn (University of St. Gallen)
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New Evidence on the Returns to Job Skills
Katharine G. Abraham (University of Maryland)
James Spletzer (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
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Job Polarization in Europe
Maarten Goos (University of Leuven)
Alan Manning (London School of Economics)
Anna Salomons (University of Leuven)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Secrets of Growth: What Have We Learned from Research in the Last 25 Years? (Panel Discussion) (AEA)
Presiding: Olivier Blanchard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of California-Berkeley)
Charles I. Jones (University of California-Berkeley)

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: New Development in Quantitative Analysis of Learning under Model Uncertainty (AEA)
Presiding: Jianjun Miao (Boston University)

Jianjun Miao (Boston University)
Ravi Bansal (Duke University)
Hui Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Robustness, Estimation and Detection
Lars Hansen (University of Chicago)
Thomas Sargent (New York University)

Ambiguity and Equity Premium
Collard Fabrice (University of Toulouse)
Sujoy Mukerji (Oxford University)
Kevin Sheppard (Oxford University)
Jean Marc Tallon (Paris School of Economics)

Ambiguity, Learning, and Asset Returns
Nengjiu Ju (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Jianjun Miao (Boston University)

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Economy and Health (AEA)
Presiding: Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)

Christopher Ruhm (University of North Carolina-Greensboro)
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)
Carlos Dobkin (University of California-Santa Cruz)

Why are Recessions Good for your Health?
Douglas L. Miller (University of California-Davis)
Marianne E. Page (University of California-Davis)
Ann Huff Stevens (University of California-Davis)
Mateusz Filipski (University of California-Davis)
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Do Child Tax Benefits Affect the Wellbeing of Children? Evidence from Canadian Child Benefit Expansions
Mark Stabile (University of Toronto)
Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia)
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Mortality, Mass Layoffs and Career Outcomes: An Analysis using Administrative Data
Daniel Sullivan (Federal Reserve Bank Chicago)
Till Von Wachter (Columbia University)

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Analyzing the 2008 Financial Crisis (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Phillip Swage (U.S. Department of the Treasury)
Takatoshi Ito (University of Tokyo)
Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Paulson's Gift
Pietro Veronesi (University of Chicago)
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
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Will the U.S. Bank Re-Capitalization Succeed? Lessons from Japan
Takeo Hoshi (University of California-San Diego)
Anil K. Kashyap (University of Chicago)
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Bank Lending during the Financial Crisis of 2008
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)
David Scharfstein (Harvard Business School)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Charitable Giving (AEA)
Presiding: John List (University of Chicago)

David Reiley (University of Arizona)
Catherine Eckel (University of Texas-Dallas)
Dean Karlan (Yale University)
Jeff Carpenter (Middlebury College)

Crowding out Both Sides of the Philanthropy Market: Evidence from a Panel of Charities
James Andreoni (University of California-San Diego)
Abigail Payne (McMaster University)
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Relative Earnings and Giving in a Real-Effort Experiment
Nisvan Erkal (University of Melbourne)
Lata Gangadharan (University of Melbourne)
Nikos Nikiforakis (University of Melbourne)
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Are Preferences Stable Across Domains? An Experimental Investigation of Social Preferences in the Field
Angela de Oliveira (University of Texas-Dallas)
Catherine Eckel (University of Texas-Dallas)
Rachel Croson (University of Texas-Dallas)
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Why do People Give? Theory and Experimental Evidence
Stefano Dellavigna (University of California-Berkeley)
John List (University of Chicago)
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Interface Between Family and Work (AEA)
Presiding: Ronald Oaxaca (University of Arizona)

Jing Cai (Upjohn Institute)
Ronald Oaxaca (University of Arizona)
Debra Barbezat (Colby College)
Cordelia W. Reimers (Hunter College)

Time Use Patterns and Women Entrepreneurs
Tami Gurley-Calvez (West Virginia University)
Amelia Biehl (University of Michigan-Flint)
Katherine Harper (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
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Effects of Employment on Marriage and Cohabitation: Evidence from a Randomized Study of the Job Corps Program
Arif Mamum (Mathematica Policy Research)

Family-Friendly Benefits and Subsequent Employee Turnover and Profitability
Annalisa Mastri (Mathematica Policy Research)
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An Examination of the Implementation and Utilization of �Stop the Tenure Clock� Policies in Canadian and U.S. Economics Departments
Saranna R. Thornton (Hampden-Sydney College)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Globalization, Comparative Advantage and Volatility: Microeconomic Aspects and Macroeconomic Implications (AEA)
Presiding: Robert Feenstra (University of California-Davis)

Miklos Koren (Princeton University)
Fernando Broner (CREI - Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Julian Di Giovanni (International Monetary Fund)
Linda Tesar (University of Michigan)

Comparative Advantage, Complexity, and Volatility
Pravin Krishna (Johns Hopkins University)
Andrei Levchenko (University of Chicago)

Growth, Volatility and Access to Finance
Jean Imbs (HEC Lausanne)

International Trade and Labor Income Risk in the United States
Pravin Krishna (Johns Hopkins University)
Mine Senses (Johns Hopkins University)

Credit Chains and Sectoral Comovement: Does the Use of Trade Credit Amplify Sectoral Shocks?
Claudio Raddatz (World Bank)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Economics of Infectious Disease (AEA)
Presiding: Tomas J. Philipson (University of Chicago)

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Foundations of Strategic Epidemiology: Recurrent Infection and Protection
Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge and CEPR)

Which Diseases Generate the Largest Epidemiological Externalities?
Michael Kremer (Harvard University)
Christoher Snyder (Dartmouth College)
Heidi Williams (Harvard University)
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Escaping Epidemics Through Migration? Quarantine Measures Under Incomplete Information About Infection Risk
Alice Mesnard (IFS, Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
Paul Seabright (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: The Evolution of Brains, Technology, and Institutions in the Very Long Run (AEA)
Presiding: Gregory Dow (Simon Fraser University)

Arthur Robson (Simon Fraser University)
Patrick Francois (University of British Columbia)
Ted Bergstrom (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Gregory Clark (University of California-Davis)

A Paleoeconomic Theory of Encephalization
Richard Horan (Michigan State University)
Erwin Bulte (Tilburg University)
Jason Shogren (University of Wyoming)
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Stagnation and Innovation Before Agriculture
Gregory Dow (Simon Fraser University)
Clyde Reed (Simon Fraser University)
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The Emergence of Inequality and Hierarchy: A Network Explanation
Samuel Bowles (Santa Fe Institute)
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Why Do Cultures Differ? Evidence from Cross-Cultural Data
Matthew Baker (City University of New York)
Erwin Bulte (Tilburg University)
Jacob Weisdorf (University of Copenhagen)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Institutions, Economic Policy and Natural Resources (AEA)
Presiding: Nicolas DePetris Chauvin (OxCarre, University of Oxford)

Gavin Wright (Stanford University)
Yanchun Zhang (Office of Development Studies, UNDP)
Ragnar Torvik (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Gerald Nelson (International Food Policy Research Institute and University of Illinois)

Natural Resource Wealth and DirectedTechnical Change
Paul Segal (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Oxford University)
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Institutional Quality, Economic Policy and the Effect of Oil Shocks Across Industries
Nicolas Depetris Chauvin (Dubai School of Government and OxCarre)

Do Natural Resources Fuel Authoritarianism? A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse
Stephen Haber (Hoover Institution, Stanford University)
Victor Menaldo (Stanford University)
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Brazilian Ethanol: A Gift or Threat to the Environment and Regional Development?
Sriniketh Nagavarapu (Brown University)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Fairness and Macroeconomics (AEA)
Presiding: Andre Kurmann (University of Quebec-Montreal)

Virgiliu Midrigan (New York University)
Truman Bewley (Yale University)
Joel Sobel (University of California-San Diego)
Keith Kuester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)

Altruistic Dynamic Pricing with Customer Regret
Julio Rotemberg (Harvard Business School)
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The Business Cycle Implications of Reciprocity in Labor Relations
Jean-Pierre Danthine (HEC Lausanne)
Andre Kurmann (University of Quebec-Montreal)

Social Preferences and the Efficiency of Bilateral Exchange
Daniel J. Benjamin (Cornell University)
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Bargaining, Fairness, and Price Rigidity in a DSGE Environment
David Arseneau (Federal Reserve Board)
Sanjay Chugh (University of Maryland)

Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Credit, Housing, Consumption and the Wider Economy (AEA)
Presiding: John Duca (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)

Eswar Prasad (Cornell University)
Chris Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)
Anil Kumar (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Adrian Blundell-Wignall (OECD)

Credit, Housing Collateral and Consumption: the UK, Japan and the US
John Duca (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
John Muellbauer (Nuffield College, Oxford)
Anthony Murphy (Hertford College, University of Oxford)
Janine Aron (Department of Economics, Oxford University)
Keiko Murata (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
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The Sources of Fluctuations in Residential Investment: A View from a Policy-Oriented DSGE Model of the U.S. Economy
Rochelle M. Edge, (Federal reserve Board)
Michael T. Kiley (Federal Reserve Board)
Jean-Philippe Laforte (Federal Reserve Board)
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Durables Spending, Financial Shocks and Household Balance Sheets
Andrew Benito (International Monetary Fund)
Garry Young (Bank of England)

House Prices and Mortgage Market Liberalisation in Australia
David Williams (New College, Oxford)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: New Developments in the Airline Industry: Airline Pricing, Entry Deterrence, Competition, Consumer Choice and Antitrust Implications (AEA)
Presiding: Panle Jia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

James Dana (Northeastern University)
Victor Aguirregabiria (University of Toronto)
Ken Heyer (U.S. Department of Justice)
Steve Puller (Texas A&M University)

Testing Theories of Price Dispersion and Scarcity Pricing in the Airline Industry
Steve Puller (Texas A&M University)
Anirban Sengupta (Texas A&M University)
Steven Wiggins (Texas A&M University)

Internet Penetration and Capacity Utilization in the US Airline Industry
James D. Dana (Northeastern University)
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Price Discrimination through Refund Contracts in Airlines
Diego Escobari (San Francisco State University)
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Tracing the Woes: An Empirical Analysis of the Airline Industry
Steven Berry (Yale University)
Panle Jia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Political Institutions and Economic Policy (AEA)
Presiding: Razvan Vlaicu (University of Maryland)

Bard Harstad (Northwestern University)
Quoc-Anh Do (Singapore Management University)
Andrea Mattozzi (CalTech)
Eric Snowberg (CalTech)

Electoral Rules and Politicians' Behavior: A Micro Test
Tomasso Nannicini (IGIER, Bocconi University)
Stefano Gagliarducci (CEMFI)
Paolo Naticchioni (University of Rome La Sapienza)
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Rent-Seeking Distortions and Fiscal Procyclicality
Ethan Ilzetzki (University of Maryland)
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Legislative Spending Bias, Fragmentation of Fiscal Power, and Electoral Accountability
Razvan Vlaicu (University of Maryland)
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How do Electoral Systems Affect Fiscal Policy? Evidence from State and Local Governments
Patricia Funk (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Christina Gathmann (Stanford University)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Topics in Public Health (AEA)
Presiding: Hans Gr�nqvist (Uppsala University)

Janet Currie (Columbia University)
Douglas Almond (Columbia University)
Michael Greenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jonathan Skinner (Dartmouth College)

Segregation, Health and Mortality
Hans Gr�nqvist (Uppsala University)

Valuing Air Quality Using the Life Satisfaction Approach
Simon Luechinger (University of Zurich)
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Life and Death in the Fast Lane: The Effect of Police Enforcement on Roadway Safety
Gregory DeAngelo (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Benjamin Hansen (University of California-Santa Barbara)
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The Impact of Hospital Integration on Black-White Differences in Mortality: A Case Study of Motor Vehicle Accident Death Rates
Chao Zhou (Boston University)
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Monday, January 5, 8:00 AM
Session: Corporate Governance and Managerial Risk Taking (AEA/AFEE)
Presiding: Andrew Metrick (Yale University)

William L. Megginson (University of Oklahoma)
Michael Lemmon (University of Utah)
Michael Roberts (University of Pennsylvania)

Creditor Rights and Corporate Risk-Taking
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Yakov Amihud (New York University)
Lubomir Litov (Washington University in St. Louis)
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Corporate Governance and Managerial Conservatism: Evidence from Diversifying Acquisitions
Dalida Kadyrzhanova (University of Maryland)
Kose John (New York University)

Do Creditor Rights Increase Employment Risk? Evidence from Mass Layoffs
Antonio Falato (Federal Reserve Board)
Nellie Liang (Federal Reserve Board)

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: DATA WATCH: Data Initiatives (AEA)
Presiding: Martin Browning (Nuffield College, Oxford University)

Adeline Delavande (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Lise Vesterlund (University of Pittsburgh)
James Smith (RAND)

Expectations and Perceptions in Developing Countries: Their Measurement and Their Use
Orazio Attanasio (University College London)
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Egalitarianism and Competitiveness
Ernst Fehr (University of Zurich)
Björn Bartling (University of Zurich)
Daniel Schunk (University of Zurich)
Michel André Maréchal (University of Zurich)
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Are Two Cheap, Noisy Measures Better Than One Expensive, Accurate One?
Martin Browning (Nuffield College, Oxford University)
Thomas Crossley (Cambridge University)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Household Heterogeneity in Financial Markets (AEA)
Presiding: Monika Piazzesi (University of Chicago)

Douglas Bernheim (Stanford University)
Francisco Gomes (London Business School)
Luigi Guiso (European University Institute)

Measuring the Financial Sophistication of Households
Laurent Calvet (HEC Paris)
John Campbell (Harvard University)
Paolo Sodini (Stocholm School of Economics)
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Who Bears Aggregate Fluctuations and How? Estimates and Implications for Consumption Inequality
Jonathan Parker (Northwestern University)
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Northwestern University)
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Momentum traders in the housing market: survey evidence and a search model
Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)
Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Policies for Growth: What Have We Learned? (AEA)
Presiding: Angus Deaton (Princeton University)

Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ross Levine (Brown University)

The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development
Members of the Commission on Growth and Development (Contact: Michael Spence, Chair of the Commission)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Rationality in Consumer Credit Markets (AEA)
Presiding: David Laibson (Harvard University)

Jon Levin (Stanford University)
Nava Ashraf (Harvard University)
Ted O'Donoghue (Cornell University)
Beth Kiser (Federal Reserve Board)

Payday Loans and Credit Cards: New Liquidity and Credit Scoring Puzzles?
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
Jeremy Tobacman (University of Pennsylvania)
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Indebted Households and Tax Rebates
Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago)
Adair Morse (University of Chicago)
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Exploiting Naivete about Self-Control in the Credit Market
Botond Koszegi (University of California-Berkeley)
Paul Heidhues (University of Bonn)

What Do Consumers Really Pay on Their Checking and Credit Card Accounts? Explicit, Implicit and Avoidable Costs
Victor Stango (UC, Davis)
Jon Zinman (Dartmouth College)

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Human Capital Acquisition (AEA)
Presiding: Kristin Butcher (Wellesley College)

Lauren Malone (CNA Corporation)
Deborah Reed (Public Policy Institute of California)
Melinda Pitts (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Niels-Hugo Blunch (Washington and Lee University)

How Do Remittances Impact Human Capital Formation of School Age Boys and Girls? A Longitudinal Analysis Using the Nepal Living Standards Survey
Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University)
Brian Chezum (St. Lawrence University)
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The Impact of Unexpected Maternal Death on Education -- First Evidence from Three National Administrative Data Links
Stacey H. Chen (Royal Holloway University of London and Academia Sinica)
Yen-Chien Chen (National Taiwan University)
Jin-Tan Liu (National Taiwan University and NBER)
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Motherhood Delay and the Human Capital of the Next Generation
Amalia R. Miller (University of Virginia)
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The Effect of Sexual Abstinence on the Educational Attainment of Females
Joseph J. Sabia (University of Georgia)
Daniel I. Rees (University of Colorado)

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Socioeconomic Determinants of Health (AEA)
Presiding: Ted Joyce (Baruch College and NBER)

Ellen Meara (Harvard University and NBER)
Adriana Lleras-Muney (Princeton University and NBER)
Ted Joyce (Baruch College and NBER)
Mel Stephens (Carnegie Mellon University and NBER)

Doctors, Patients, and the Racial Mortality Gap: What Are the Causes?
Emilia Simeonova (Columbia University)
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Who You Are and Where You Live: Socioeconomic gradients and the Geography of Mortality
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University and NBER)
Jonathan Skinner (Dartmouth College and NBER)

Can Educational Gradients in Smoking and Obesity Explain Educational Gradients in Mortality?
David Cutler (Harvard University and NBER)
Fabian Lange (Yale University)
Ellen Meara (Harvard University and NBER)
Seth Richards (University of Pennsylvania)
Christopher Ruhm (University of North Carolina at Greensboro and NBER)
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Liquidity, Activity, Mortality
William Evans (University of Notre Dame and NBER)
Timothy Moore (University of Maryland)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Marriage and Divorce (AEA)
Presiding: Robert J. Willis (University of Michigan)

Betsey Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Gary S. Becker (University of Chicago)
Jere R. Behrman (University of Pennsylvania)
Ted Bergstrom (University of California-Santa Barbara)

Multidimensional Matching in Renaissance Tuscan Marriage Markets
Maristella Botticini (Boston University, Collegio Carlo Alberto, and University of Torino)

Child Custody after Divorce: Theory and Evidence
Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)
Abhinay Muthoo (University of Essex)

Marriage Market Equilibrium and Bargaining in Marriage
Shelly Lundberg (University of Washington)
Robert A. Pollak (Washington University-St. Louis)
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Marriage and Preferences
Duncan Thomas (Duke University)

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Social Networks, Coordination, and Herd Behavior (AEA)
Presiding: Sharon Harrison (Barnard College, Columbia University)

Shachar Kariv (University of California-Berkeley)
Giorgio Topa (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
John Duffy (University of Pittsburgh)
Christopher Carroll (Johns Hopkins University)

How Homophily Affects Communication in Networks
Benjamin Golub (Stanford University)
Matthew Jackson (Stanford University)
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Social Interactions and Selection
Alberto Bisin (New York University)
Onur Ozgur (University of Montreal)
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On Coordination, Learning and Delay
Bogachan Celen (Columbia University)

Overconfidence and Informational Cascades
Shachar Kariv (University of California-Berkeley)

Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Special Topics on the Housing Market (AEA)
Presiding: Dean Corbae (University of Texas-Austin)

Erwan Quintin (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Joao Cocco (London Business School)
Morris Davis (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Pedro Silos (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

Mortgage Innovation and the Foreclosure Boom
Dean Corbae (University of Texas-Austin)
Erwan Quintin (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
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Spatial Asset Pricing: a First Step
Francois Ortalo-Magne (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Andrea Prat (London School of Economics)
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The Marginal Propensity to Consume Out of Housing Wealth in General Equilibrium
Jack Favilukis (London School of Economics)
Sydney Ludvigson (New York University)
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh (New York University)

Housing Prices, Property Taxes and Neighborhood Relocation
Ethan Cohen-Cole (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Enrique Martinez-Garcia (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Jonathan Morse (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Wage Dynamics in Europe: Micro Evidence (AEA)
Presiding: Frank Smets (European Central Bank)

Thomas Lemieux (University of British Columbia)
Mark Schweitzer (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Real Wages and the Business Cycle: Accounting for Worker and Firm Heterogeneity
Anabela Carneiro (Universidade do Porto)
Paulo Guimar�es (Darla Moore School of Business)
Pedro Portugal (Bank of Portugal)
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Understanding Sectoral Differences in Downward Real Wage Rigidity:Workforce Composition, Institutions, Technology and Competition
Philip Du Caju (National Bank of Belgium)
Catherine Fuss (National Bank of Belgium)
Ladislav Wintr (National Bank of Belgium)
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How Are Firm's Wages and Prices Linked? Survey Evidence in Europe
Silvia Fabiani (Bank of Italy)
Roberto Sabbatini (Bank of Italy)
Martine Druant (National Bank of Belgium)
Ana Lamo (European Central Bank)
Gabor Kezdi (European Central Bank)
Fernando Martins (Bank of Portugal)
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Changes in the Wage Distributions of European Countries 1995-2002
Rebekka Chistopoulou (European Central Bank)
Juan Francisco Jimeno (Bank of Spain)
Ana Lamo (European Central Bank)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis (AEA)
Presiding: Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)

Brent Ambrose (Pennsylvania State University)
Scott Frame (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Jim Wilcox (University of California-Berkeley)
Mark Flannery (University of Florida)

Subprime Outcomes: Risky Mortgages, Homeownership Experiences, and Foreclosures
Paul Willen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Kris Gerardi (Boston University)
Adam Shapiro (Boston University)

The Rise in Mortgage Defaults
Christopher Mayer (Columbia University)
Karen Pence (Federal Reserve Board)
Shane Sherlund (Federal Reserve Board)
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The Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Financial Stability, and the Option to Repurchase Your Mortgage at Market Value
Diana Hancock (Federal Reserve Board)
Wayne Passmore (Federal Reserve Board)

CDO Market Implosion and the Pricing of Subprime Mortgage-Backed Securities
Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Anthony Sanders (Arizona State University)
Stuart Gabriel (University of California-Los Angeles)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Productivity in Hospitals and Schools: The Role of Management Practices (AEA)
Presiding: Tim Besley (London School of Economics)

Carol Propper (University of Bristol)
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Richard Freeman (Harvard University)

Management Practices in Hospitals
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Stephan Seiler (London School of Economics)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
Carol Propper (Imperial College)
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Managing under the Microscope: Charter School Management and Performance
Caroline Hoxby (Stanford University)

Are Public Sector CEOs Different? Leadership Wages and Performance in Schools
Tim Besley (London School of Economics)
Steve Machin (University College London)

Principal Turnover and Effectiveness
Eric Hanushek (Stanford University)
Steven Rivkin (Amherst College)
Gregory F. Branch (University of Texas at Dallas)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Linkages Between Macroeconomics and Finance (AEA)
Presiding: Stijn Claessens (International Monetary Fund)

Francis Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)
Kim Ruhl (University of Texas-Austin)
Kalina Manova (Stanford University)

What Happens During Recessions, Crunches and Busts?
Stijn Claessens (International Monetary Fund)
M. Ayhan Kose (International Monetary Fund)
Marco Terrones (International Monetary Fund)
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Sudden Stops, Financial Crises and Leverage: A Fisherian Deflation of Tobin's Q
Enrique Mendoza (University of Maryland)
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Trade and financial sector reforms: interactions and spillovers
Ashley Taylor (London School of Economics)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: New Thinking about Income Redistribution (AEA)
Presiding: Erzo F.P. Luttmer (Harvard University)

Alan Auerbach (University of California-Berkeley)
Stefania Albanesi (Columbia University)
Stephen Coate (Cornell University)
Robin Boadway (Queen's University)

The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution
N. Gregory Mankiw (Harvard University)
Matthew Weinzierl (Harvard University)
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Gender Based Taxation and the Division of Family Chores
Alberto Alesina (Harvard University)
Andrea Ichino (University of Bologna)
Loukas Karabarbounis (Harvard University)
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Schedule Selection by Agents: from Price Plans to Tax Tables
Erzo F.P. Luttmer (Harvard University)
Richard J. Zeckhauser (Harvard University)
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Optimal Minimum Wage in Competitive Labor Markets
David Lee (Princeton University)
Emmanuel Saez (University of California-Berkeley)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Displaced Workers, Unemployment, and Unemployment Insurance (AEA)
Presiding: Till Von Wachter (Columbia University)

Patricia Anderson (Dartmouth College)
Brian McCall (University of Michigan)

Earnings of Displaced Workers and the Business Cycle: An Analysis Using Administrative Data
Kenneth Couch (University of Connecticut)
Nicholas Jolly (Connecticut Department of Labor)
Dana Placzek (Connecticut Department of Labor)

Taking the Most Out of Unemployment Insurance under Nonstationary Job Search: Unemployment Duration, Reemployment Wages and Job Tenure
Mario Centeno (Banco de Portugal)
Alvaro Novo (Banco de Portugal)
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Benefit Duration, Unemployment Duration and Employment Stability: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach
Marco Caliendo (IZA Bonn)
Konstantinos Tatsiramos (IZA Bonn)
Arne Uhlendorff (IZA Bonn)
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The Increase in Duration of Unemployment Benefits: Confronting Data and the Predictions of an Equilibrium Search Model
Alvaro Novo (Banco de Portugal & ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Andre Silva (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Financing Innovation and Venture Capital (AEA)
Presiding: Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)

Steven Kaplan (University of Chicago)
Holger Mueller (New York University)
Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)

The Incentives to Start New Companies: Evidence from Venture Capital
Robert Hall (Hoover Institution, Stanford University)
Susan Woodward (Sand Hill Econometrics)
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Learning and Uncertainty in Venture Capital Investment
Linda Yuet-Yee Wong (University of Iowa and Binghamton University)

The Venture Capital Cycle
Randall Wright (University of Pennsylvania)
Rafael Silviera ()
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Technology Adoption with Exit in Imperfectly Informed Equity Markets
Katrin Tinn (Stockholm School of Economics)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Political Economy in Development (AEA)
Presiding: Shawn Cole (Harvard Business School)

Ben Olken (Harvard University)

Votes and Violence: Experimental Evidence from a Nigerian Election
Paul Collier (University of Oxford)
Pedro Vicente (University of Oxford)

Political Institutions and Human Development: Does Democracy Fulfil Its 'Constructive' and 'Instrumental' Role?
Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen)
Maria Ziegler (University of Goettingen)
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The Political Economy of Heterogeneous Development: Quantile Effects of Income and Education
Marcus Alexander (Harvard University)
Matthew Harding (Stanford University)
Carlos Lamarche (University of Oklahoma)
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Do Voters Appreciate Responsive Governments? Evidence from Indian Disaster Relief
Shawn Cole (Harvard Business School)
Andrew Healy (Loyola Marymount University)
Eric Werker (Harvard Business School)
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Monday, January 5, 10:15 AM
Session: Empirical Investigations of Non-Neoclassical Behavior (AEA)
Presiding: Nicole Maestas (Rand Corporation)

Alexandre Mas (University of California-Berkeley)
John DiNardo (University of Michigan )
Jesse Rothstein (Princeton University)

Does It Pay To Be Nice? Personality and Earnings in the UK
Guido Heineck (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
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Ability and Self-Employment: Evidence from the NELS
Ozkan Eren (University of Nevada-Las Vegas)
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Intergenerational Correlations in Right-Wing Extremist Party Affinity
Thomas Siedler (DIW Berlin and University of Essex)
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Peer Groups and Employment Outcomes: Quasi-Experimental
Seo Yeon Hong (Rand Corporation)
Pinar Karaca-Mandic (University of Minnesota)
Nicole Maestas (Rand Corporation)

Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM

Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Polls, Votes, and Elections (AEA)
Presiding: John DiNardo (University of Michigan)

Mereille Jacobson (University of California-Irvine)
Heather Royer (Case Western Reserve University)

Lies, Damn Lies, and Pre-Election Polling
Elias Walsh (University of Michigan)
Sarah Dolfin (Mathematica )
John DiNardo (University of Michigan )
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Racial Bias in the 2008 Presidential Election
Alexandre Mas (University of California-Berkeley)
Enrico Moretti (University of California-Berkeley)
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Learning in Investment Decisions: Evidence from Prediction Markets and Polls
David Lee (Princeton University)
Enrico Moretti (University of California-Berkeley)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Political Economy under Weak Institutions (AEA)
Presiding: Timothy Besley (London School of Economics and Bank of England)

Robert Powell (University of California-Berkeley)
Gerard Padro-I-Miquel (London School of Economics)
Alexandre Debs (University of Rochester)

Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule?
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Georgy Egorov (Harvard University)
Konstantin Sonin (New Economic School, Moscow)
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Consolidation of New Democracy, Mass Attitudes, and Clientelism
Adi Brender (Bank of Israel)
Allan Drazen (University of Maryland)
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The Real Swing Voters� Curse
James Robinson (Harvard University)
Ragnar Torvik (University of Oslo)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Origins of the Education-Health Gradient (AEA)
Presiding: Michael Grossman (City University of New York and NBER)

Darius Lakdawalla (RAND Corporation)
Tomas Philipson (University of Chicago)
Michael Grossman (City University of New York and NBER)
Vivian Ho (Rice University)

The Role of Self-Management in Explaining the SES Health Gradient Among the Chronically-Ill
Dana Goldman (RAND Corporation and NBER)
James Smith (RAND Corporation)

Endogenous Pain and Growth in the Social Security Disability Program
Steven Atlas (Harvard Medical School)
Jonathan Skinner (Dartmouth College)

Why Are There Returns to Education? The Role of Cognitive Ability
David Cutler (Harvard University and NBER)
Adriana Lleras-Muney (Princeton University and NBER)

Effects of Education on the Selection of Individualized Medical Treatments
David Meltzer (University of Chicago)
Elbert Huang (University of Chicago)

Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Disease and Development: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (AEA)
Presiding: Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)

Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)

Urbanization, Health and Income in Malthusian Europe
Gregory Clark (University of California-Davis)
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Malthusian Dynamism and the Rise of Europe: Make War, not Love
Joachim Voth (Pompeu Fabra University)
Nico Voigtlaender (University of California-Los Angeles)
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How Relevant is Malthus for Economic Development Today?
David N. Weil (Brown University)
Joshua Wilde (Brown University)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Monetary Policy, Liquidity, and Financial Crises (AEA)
Presiding: Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)

Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
Olivier Jeanne (International Monetary Fund)
Bengt Holmstrom (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Knowledge and Liquidity
Patrick Bolton (Columbia University)
Jesus Santos (Columbia University)
Jose Scheinkman (Princeton University)
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Money, Liquidity and Monetary Policy
Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)
Tobias Adrian (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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The Credit Crisis: Conjectures about Causes and Remedies
Douglas Diamond (University of Chicago)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Inequality and Democracy (AEA)
Presiding: Thierry Verdier (Paris School of Economics)

TBA ()

Democracy, Market Liberalization and Political Preferences
Pauline Grosjean (University of California-Berkeley)
Claudia Senik (Paris School of Economics)
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Coups, Corporations, and Classified Information
Suresh Naidu (Harvard University)
Arindrajit Dube (UC Berkeley)
Ethan Kaplan (IIES)
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Keeping Dictators Honest: The Role of Population Concentration
Quoc-Anh Do (Singapore Management University)
Filipe Campante (Harvard University)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Early Childhood Education and Human Capital (AEA)
Presiding: Brian Jacob (University of Michigan)

Brian Jacob (University of Michigan)
David Figlio (University of Florida)
Elizabeth Cascio (Dartmouth College)

First in the Class? Age and the Education Production Function
Elizabeth Cascio (Dartmouth College)
Diane Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)
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The Lengthening of Childhood
Susan Dynarski (Harvard University)
David Deming (Harvard University)

The Behavioral Consequences Of Pre-Kindergarten Participation for Disadvantaged Youth
David Figlio (Northwestern University)
Jeffrey Roth (University of Florida)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: The Economics of Non-Cognitive Skills (AEA)
Presiding: John List (University of Chicago)

George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
Bruce Weinberg (Ohio State University)
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

An Economic Model of Psychological Traits
Lex Borghans (Maastricht University)
Bart Golsteyn (Maastricht University)
James Heckman (University of Chicago)

The Impact of Early Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Adolescent and Adult Outcomes: Evidence from the National Child Development Survey
Pedro Carneiro (University College London)

The Roles of Approach and Inhibition Systems in the Development of Self-Control in Adolescence
Angela Lee Duckworth (University of Pennsylvania)

Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Macroeconomic Implications of Investment-Specific Technological Changes (AEA)
Presiding: Andrea Raffo (Federal Reserve Board)

Sylvain Leduc (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Andrea Raffo (Federal Reserve Board)
Francois Gourio (Boston University)
Lee Ohanian (University of California-Los Angeles)

Technology Shocks: Novel Implications for International Business Cycles
Andrea Raffo (Federal Reserve Board)

Sector-Specific Technical Change
Susanto Basu (Boston College)
John Fernald (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Jonas, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Miles Kimball (University of Michigan)

Investment-Specific Technological Change Asset Prices
Dimitris Papanikolaou (Northwestern University)

Investment Shocks and Business Cycles
Alejandro Justiniano (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University)
Andrea Tambalotti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Financial Market Developments and Global Implications After 10 Years of the Euro (AEA)
Presiding: Barry Eichengreen (University of California-Berkeley)

Richard Portes (London Business School)
Andy Rose (University of California-Berkeley)
Francis Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)
Ulf S�derstr�m (IGIER-Universit� Bocconi)

The Estimated Effects of the Euro on Trade: Why Are They Below Historical Evidence on Effects of Monetary Unions among Smaller Countries?
Jeffrey Frankel (Harvard University)
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Macroeconomic Interdependence and the International Role of the Dollar
Linda Goldberg (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Cedric Tille (Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies)
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US and Euro Bond and Stock Prices in EMU
Carlo Favero (IGIER-Universit� Bocconi)
Francesco Giavazzi (IGIER-Universit� Bocconi)

Convergence and Anchoring of Yield Curves in the Euro Area
Michael Ehrmann (European Central Bank)
Marcel Fratzscher (European Central Bank)
Refet Gürkaynak (Bilkent University)
Eric Swanson (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Alternative Models for Monetary Policy Analysis (AEA)
Presiding: Samuel Reynard (Swiss National Bank)

Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
TBD ()
Smets Frank (European Central Bank)

Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Monetary Model Base
John Taylor (Stanford University)
Volker Wieland (Frankfurt University)
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Interest Elastic Long-Run Money Demand and Short-Run Persistent Liquidity Effects
Fernando Alvarez (University of Chicago)

Modeling Monetary Policy
Samuel Reynard (Swiss National Bank)
Andreas Schabert (University of Dortmund)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Globalization and Labor Market Institutions: Firing Costs and Discrimination (AEA)
Presiding: Emily Blanchard (University of Virginia)

Hale Utar (University of Colorado)
Gueorgui Kambourov (University of Toronto)
Essaji Azim (Wilfred Laurier University)
Karabay Bilgehan (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)

Labor Market Regulations and the Sectoral Reallocation of Workers: The Case of Trade Reforms
Gueorgui Kambourov (University of Toronto)
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Import Competition and Employment Dynamics
Hale Utar (University of Colorado)

Pareto Improving Firing Costs?
Bilgehan Karabay (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)
John McLaren (University of Virginia)
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Equality through Exposure? International Trade and the Racial Wage Gap
Azim Essaji (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Gregory Sweeney (HDRINC)
Alexandros Kotsopoulos (HDRINC)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Dynamic Empirical Models of Health Care Markets (AEA)
Presiding: Ron Gallant (Duke University)

TBA ()

Measuring the Informative and Persuasive Roles of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions
Andrew Ching (University of Toronto)
Masakazu Ishihara (University of Toronto)
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Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Hyperbolic Discounting, with an Application to Mammography Decisions
Hanming Fang (Duke University and NBER)
Yang Wang (Duke University)
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Estimating a Dynamic Oligopolistic Game with Serially Correlated Unobserved Production Costs
A. Ronald Gallant (Duke University)
Han Hong (Stanford University)
Ahmed Khwaja (Duke University)
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Government Policy and the Dynamics of Market Structure: Evidence from Critical Access Hospitals
Gautam Gowrisankaran (University of Arizona and NBER)
Claudio Lucarelli (Cornell University)
Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (London School of Economics)
Robert Town (University of Minnesota and NBER)

Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: The Effects of Local Taxes and Regulations (AEA)
Presiding: David Sims (Brigham Young University)

David Sims (Boston University)
Dallas Burtraw (Resources for the Future)
David Albouy (University of Michigan)
Erzo Luttmer (Harvard University)

The Micro-Empirics of Providing Collective Goods: The Case of Business Improvement Districts
Leah Brooks (University of Toronto)
William Strange (University of Toronto)

The Incidence of a U.S. Carbon Tax: A Lifetime and Regional Analysis
Kevin Hassett (American Enterprise Institute)
Aparna Mathur (American Enterprise Institute)
Gilbert Metcalf (Tufts University)
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Rent Control Rationing, Community Composition, and Residential Segregation
David Sims (Brigham Young University)
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Urban Meiosis
David Frame (Baruch College, City University of New York)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Factor Adjustment with Real and Financial Frictions (AEA)
Presiding: Russell Cooper (University of Texas)

Adriano Rampini (Duke University)
Ruediger Bachmann (University of Michigan)
Andrea Eisfeldt (Northwestern University)
Russell Cooper (University of Texas)

Monetary Policy and Inventory Investment
Louis Maccini (Johns Hopkins University)
Bartholomew Moore (Fordham University)
Huntley Schaller (Carleton University)
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Lumpy Capital, Labor Market Search and Employment Dynamics over Business Cycles
Zhe Li (University of Toronto)
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An Empirical Model of Factor Adjustment Dynamics
Juan Contreras (Congressional Budget Office)
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Agency Problems And Endogenous Economic Fluctuations
Giovanni Favara (HEC University of Lausanne)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Banked, Underbanked, and Unbanked (AEA)
Presiding: Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)

Shawn Cole (Harvard University)
Jon Levin (Stanford University)
Peter Tufano (Harvard University)
Adair Morse (University of Chicago)

Competition and Adverse Selection in Consumer Credit Markets: Payday Loans vs. Overdraft Credit
Donald Morgan (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Brian Melzer (Kellogg School of Management)
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Determinants of the Locations of Payday Lenders, Pawnshops and Check-Cashing Outlets
Robin Prager (Federal Reserve Board)

And Banking for All?
Michael Barr (University of Michigan)
Jane Dokko (Federal Reserve Board)
Ben Keys (University of Michigan)
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Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences and Overindebtedness
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Peter Tufano (Harvard Business School)
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Monday, January 5, 1:00 PM
Session: Hispanic Labor Market Outcomes and the U.S.-Mexico Border (AEA)
Presiding: Ronald L. Oaxaca (University of Arizona)

Pia Orrenius (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Refugio Rochin (University of California-Davis)
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (San Diego State University)
Susan Pozp (Western Michigan University)

Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. Border: A Comparative Analysis of the 1980s and 2000s
Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz (Columbia University)

Wages and Inequality of Hispanics in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region versus the U.S. Interior: Is There a Cost to Being Close to Home?
David J. Molina (University of North Texas)
Marie T. Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Alberto Davila (University of Texas-Pan American)

How Do Immigration Flows Respond to Labor Market Competition from Similarly Skilled Natives?
Brian Cadena (University of Michigan)

The Effects of Border Enforcement on Migrants' Border Crossing Choices: Diversion, or Deterrence?
Carmen E. Carrion-Flores (University of Florida)
Todd Sorensen (University of California-Reiverside)