1555 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Portsmouth telephone: (603) 430-2892
Manchester telephone: (603) 623-7383
facsimile: (603) 430-3706
email: info@WomenBiz.org

The Women's Business Center supports and strengthens women entrepreneurs in all stages of business development through education, counseling, peer support and advocacy.

Click for Slide Show of Business in Bloom event - May 4, 2009


What every business owner needs to know.

Are you looking to gain more control over your business finances? Would you like to make decisions based on a solid understanding of your business? Julie Vogt, President and CEO of Integrisys Communications Group will help you answer key financial questions that are on every business owner's mind. 

What is your true break-even point?
Determining fixed and variable costs.
How to separate cash from profit.
What is your degree of operating leverage?
What is your degree of financial leverage?
How to read and understand your financial statements.
Using finance to run your business.

Open to the public.
Friday, May 15, 2009  7:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Hilton Garden Inn, 100 High Street, Portsmouth, NH
Full breakfast included.

Julie Vogt, President and CEO
Integrisys Communications Group, Inc.


sba-partnerlogo The Women's Business Center is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). U.S. Small Business Administration's funding is not an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services.