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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 380. Total annual money income and median income of persons 25 years old and over, by educational attainment and sex: 1998
                      |        |        |        |    High     |                           College
                      |        |        |  Some  |   school    |____________________________________________________________________
    Sex, earnings,    | Total  |  Less  |  high  |  graduate   |  Some  |        |          Bachelor's or higher degree
       and age        |        |  than  | school | (includes   |college,| Asso-  |__________________________________________________
                      |        |  9th   |  (no   |   equiva-   |   no   | ciate  |        |Bachelor's|Master's|Professional|Doctor's
                      |        | grade  |diploma)|   lency)    | degree | degree | Total  |  degree  | degree |   degree   | degree
          1           |   2    |   3    |   4    |      5      |   6    |   7    |   8    |    9     |   10   |     11     |   12
                      |                                                  Number, in thousands
  Men, 25 years old   |        |        |        |             |        |        |        |          |        |            |
    and over          |        |        |        |             |        |        |        |          |        |            |
Total ................| 82,917 |  5,990 |  7,736 |      26,368 | 14,201 |  5,841 | 22,781 |   14,808 |  4,811 |      1,700 |  1,463
With income ..........| 64,628 |  2,798 |  4,918 |      20,463 | 11,577 |  5,099 | 19,773 |   12,869 |  4,186 |      1,470 |  1,248
  Total ..............|  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |       100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |    100.0 |  100.0 |      100.0 |  100.0
$1 to $4,999 or loss .|    5.1 |    9.8 |    9.8 |         5.8 |    4.7 |    3.6 |    3.3 |      3.0 |    4.5 |        2.2 |    3.4
$5,000 to $9,999......|    4.8 |   12.9 |    8.4 |         5.6 |    4.1 |    3.8 |    2.6 |      2.8 |    2.4 |        1.8 |    2.2
$10,000 to $14,999 ...|    7.1 |   22.1 |   14.9 |         8.1 |    6.3 |    5.2 |    3.1 |      3.1 |    3.1 |        1.2 |    4.3
$15,000 to $24,999 ...|   17.2 |   31.3 |   29.1 |        21.6 |   17.7 |   13.7 |    8.1 |      9.4 |    6.6 |        5.2 |    3.8
$25,000 to $34,999 ...|   18.6 |   14.1 |   19.9 |        23.5 |   21.1 |   19.8 |   12.0 |     14.2 |    8.5 |        7.5 |    6.7
$35,000 to $49,999 ...|   20.6 |    6.1 |   11.2 |        21.6 |   23.7 |   27.5 |   20.4 |     22.6 |   18.8 |       10.7 |   13.8
$50,000 to $74,999 ...|   15.9 |    2.5 |    5.5 |        10.7 |   16.4 |   19.5 |   24.7 |     24.5 |   27.7 |       17.2 |   26.0
$75,000 and over .....|   10.7 |    1.2 |    1.2 |         3.1 |    6.1 |    6.9 |   25.9 |     20.5 |   28.2 |       54.1 |   39.9
  Median income ......|$32,365 |$15,966 |$20,602 |     $28,166 |$32,252 |$36,308 |$50,238 |  $45,584 |$53,459 |    $80,877 |$62,482
                      |                                                  Number, in thousands
  Women, 25 years old |_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    and over          |        |        |        |             |        |        |        |          |        |            |
Total ................| 90,837 |  6,408 |  8,707 |      31,566 | 15,901 |  7,233 | 21,022 |   14,687 |  4,955 |        802 |    577
With income ..........| 56,950 |  1,571 |  3,536 |      18,760 | 11,170 |  5,431 | 16,481 |   11,367 |  3,984 |        651 |    480
  Total ..............|  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |       100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |    100.0 |  100.0 |      100.0 |  100.0
$1 to $4,999 or loss .|   11.4 |   18.3 |   20.3 |        13.6 |   11.5 |    8.2 |    7.3 |      8.3 |    5.7 |        3.7 |    3.1
$5,000 to $9,999......|   11.1 |   26.1 |   20.7 |        13.3 |   11.0 |    8.6 |    5.9 |      6.9 |    3.7 |        3.7 |    3.1
$10,000 to $14,999 ...|   13.5 |   28.5 |   25.4 |        17.3 |   12.8 |   11.7 |    6.2 |      7.1 |    4.3 |        5.5 |    4.0
$15,000 to $24,999 ...|   23.3 |   21.7 |   23.7 |        28.5 |   26.6 |   24.9 |   14.7 |     16.6 |   10.8 |        8.6 |    9.2
$25,000 to $34,999 ...|   18.0 |    2.2 |    7.1 |        16.4 |   19.7 |   22.0 |   21.3 |     22.9 |   19.4 |       12.0 |   11.9
$35,000 to $49,999 ...|   13.2 |    1.5 |    2.2 |         7.7 |   12.4 |   16.4 |   22.5 |     20.7 |   27.7 |       19.0 |   25.6
$50,000 to $74,999 ...|    7.1 |    1.1 |    0.6 |         2.4 |    4.7 |    7.0 |   16.0 |     12.8 |   22.7 |       25.0 |   24.0
$75,000 and over .....|    2.4 |    0.5 |    0.1 |         0.8 |    1.3 |    1.3 |    6.1 |      4.8 |    5.7 |       21.8 |   19.4
  Median income ......|$20,914 |$10,759 |$11,461 |     $16,683 |$20,798 |$23,435 |$31,817 |  $30,028 |$37,154 |    $46,573 |$45,541

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, unpublished data. (This table was prepared in July 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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