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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 357. Participants in adult basic and secondary education programs, by level of enrollment and state: Fiscal years 1980, 1990, and 1998
                       |                    1980                   |                1990                   |                   1998
                       |           |     Level of enrollment       |           | Level of enrollment       |           |Level of enrollment
  State or other area  |           |_______________________________|           |___________________________|           |________________________
                       |   Total   |  Adult   |  Adult  |          |   Total   |   Adult    |      Adult   |   Total   |   Adult    |   Adult
                       |           |  basic   |secondary| Ungraded |           |   basic    |    secondary |           |   basic    | secondary
                       |           |education |education|          |           |education\1\|    education |           |education\1\| education
           1           |     2     |    3     |    4    |    5     |     6     |     7      |        8     |     9     |     10     |    11
   United States ......| 2,018,906 |  915,936 | 531,663 |  571,307 | 3,535,970 |  2,435,649 |    1,100,321 | 3,944,525 |  3,190,281 |   754,244
Alabama ...............|    51,599 |   36,726 |  12,372 |    2,501 |    40,177 |     32,984 |        7,193 |    47,686 |     37,893 |     9,793
Alaska ................|     5,667 |    2,200 |   2,188 |    1,279 |     5,067 |      4,267 |          800 |     6,505 |      4,256 |     2,249
Arizona ...............|     9,996 |    9,968 |      22 |        6 |    33,805 |     24,915 |        8,890 |    57,580 |     47,169 |    10,411
Arkansas ..............|     8,583 |    7,308 |   1,275 |      --- |    29,065 |     17,103 |       11,962 |    45,599 |     22,561 |    23,038
California ............|   267,625 |   60,385 |     --- |  207,240 | 1,021,227 |    753,282 |      267,945 | 1,435,341 |  1,381,958 |    53,383
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Colorado ..............|     9,381 |    4,295 |   2,644 |    2,442 |    12,183 |      9,877 |        2,306 |    15,819 |     13,449 |     2,370
Connecticut ...........|    21,889 |    8,882 |   4,805 |    8,202 |    46,434 |     25,560 |       20,874 |    29,134 |     17,380 |    11,754
Delaware ..............|     1,797 |    1,110 |     503 |      184 |     2,662 |      2,348 |          314 |     4,090 |      3,728 |       362
District of Columbia ..|    25,214 |    4,928 |   6,502 |   13,784 |    19,586 |     12,631 |        6,955 |     2,431 |      1,829 |       602
Florida ...............|   467,162 |  100,958 | 184,568 |  181,636 |   419,429 |    249,339 |      170,090 |   396,447 |    277,052 |   119,395
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Georgia ...............|    50,820 |   26,734 |  17,008 |    7,078 |    69,580 |     49,622 |       19,958 |   114,549 |     94,866 |    19,683
Hawaii ................|    16,457 |   16,457 |     --- |      --- |    52,012 |     31,766 |       20,246 |    59,418 |     32,249 |    27,169
Idaho .................|    12,851 |    8,915 |   3,010 |      926 |    11,171 |      9,180 |        1,991 |    10,069 |      8,376 |     1,693
Illinois ..............|    76,456 |   59,314 |  17,142 |      --- |    87,121 |     69,770 |       17,351 |    90,454 |     73,344 |    17,110
Indiana................|    20,882 |   18,127 |   2,660 |       95 |    44,166 |     27,138 |       17,028 |    40,935 |     28,138 |    12,797
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Iowa ..................|    25,851 |   16,928 |   5,153 |    3,770 |    41,507 |     30,470 |       11,037 |    33,935 |     25,278 |     8,657
Kansas ................|    14,405 |    3,687 |   7,436 |    3,282 |    10,274 |      9,191 |        1,083 |    17,214 |     13,488 |     3,726
Kentucky ..............|    27,800 |    6,147 |   4,735 |   16,918 |    28,090 |     20,406 |        7,684 |    25,830 |     16,513 |     9,317
Louisiana .............|    16,046 |   12,608 |   2,485 |      953 |    40,039 |     20,941 |       19,098 |    38,899 |     23,641 |    15,258
Maine .................|     5,327 |    3,029 |     942 |    1,356 |    14,964 |      6,620 |        8,344 |    12,930 |      5,697 |     7,233
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Maryland ..............|    34,572 |   23,421 |   6,043 |    5,108 |    41,230 |     36,244 |        4,986 |    27,721 |     18,428 |     9,293
Massachusetts .........|    20,420 |   10,241 |   5,044 |    5,135 |    34,220 |     28,140 |        6,080 |    20,294 |     16,781 |     3,513
Michigan ..............|    40,973 |   29,945 |     --- |   11,028 |   194,178 |     80,206 |      113,972 |    80,790 |     47,367 |    33,423
Minnesota .............|    10,826 |    8,627 |     877 |    1,322 |    45,648 |     33,190 |       12,458 |    39,101 |     29,770 |     9,331
Mississippi ...........|    14,317 |   10,340 |   2,918 |    1,059 |    18,957 |     15,834 |        3,123 |    36,049 |     28,581 |     7,468
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Missouri...............|    33,292 |   27,206 |   3,732 |    2,354 |    31,815 |     27,274 |        4,541 |    37,036 |     32,179 |     4,857
Montana ...............|     3,525 |    1,795 |     978 |      752 |     6,071 |      3,962 |        2,109 |     6,305 |      4,540 |     1,765
Nebraska ..............|     7,514 |    5,152 |   2,362 |      --- |     6,158 |      5,349 |          809 |     8,525 |      7,915 |       610
Nevada ................|     3,063 |      845 |      82 |    2,136 |    17,262 |      7,270 |        9,992 |    23,372 |     12,102 |    11,270
New Hampshire .........|     4,844 |    2,657 |   1,625 |      562 |     7,198 |      5,073 |        2,125 |     6,285 |      3,803 |     2,482
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
New Jersey ............|    35,770 |   17,152 |   6,790 |   11,828 |    64,080 |     46,526 |       17,554 |    44,944 |     37,066 |     7,878
New Mexico ............|    13,102 |    3,590 |   5,147 |    4,365 |    30,236 |     18,069 |       12,167 |    31,634 |     22,789 |     8,845
New York ..............|    94,574 |   57,217 |  20,002 |   17,355 |   156,611 |    125,893 |       30,718 |   210,952 |    169,353 |    41,599
North Carolina ........|    84,252 |   33,854 |  46,679 |    3,719 |   109,740 |     71,698 |       38,042 |   136,601 |     97,389 |    39,212
North Dakota ..........|     2,810 |    1,963 |     538 |      309 |     3,587 |      2,500 |        1,087 |     3,190 |      2,366 |       824
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Ohio ..................|    50,056 |   42,421 |   7,635 |      --- |    95,476 |     79,527 |       15,949 |    93,908 |     79,467 |    14,441
Oklahoma ..............|    14,701 |    6,983 |   5,697 |    2,021 |    24,307 |     19,131 |        5,176 |    24,721 |     19,958 |     4,763
Oregon ................|    27,645 |   10,690 |  12,594 |    4,361 |    37,075 |     24,915 |       12,160 |    38,940 |     25,745 |    13,195
Pennsylvania ..........|    29,477 |   19,246 |   6,436 |    3,795 |    52,444 |     40,108 |       12,336 |    48,293 |     33,259 |    15,034
Rhode Island ..........|     5,844 |    2,266 |   1,357 |    2,221 |     7,347 |      5,874 |        1,473 |     7,098 |      5,830 |     1,268
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
South Carolina ........|    69,659 |   27,959 |  35,165 |    6,535 |    81,200 |     37,117 |       44,083 |   115,254 |     41,501 |    73,753
South Dakota ..........|     4,067 |    2,080 |   1,109 |      878 |     3,184 |      2,458 |          726 |     6,108 |      5,006 |     1,102
Tennessee .............|    26,268 |   17,079 |   3,244 |    5,945 |    41,721 |     39,604 |        2,117 |    53,260 |     41,905 |    11,355
Texas .................|   157,349 |   94,245 |  51,126 |   11,978 |   218,747 |    145,067 |       73,680 |   182,151 |    147,933 |    34,218
Utah ..................|    18,541 |    3,756 |  14,785 |      --- |    24,841 |      6,003 |       18,838 |    31,098 |     12,303 |    18,795
                       |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
Vermont ...............|     4,583 |    3,990 |     --- |      593 |     4,808 |      4,452 |          356 |     4,401 |      4,097 |       304
Virginia ..............|    21,525 |   10,480 |   3,804 |    7,241 |    31,649 |     30,005 |        1,644 |    37,886 |     30,206 |     7,680
Washington ............|    16,286 |    7,245 |   3,894 |    5,147 |    31,776 |     25,336 |        6,440 |    56,362 |     48,396 |     7,966
West Virginia..........|    14,628 |    9,743 |   3,672 |    1,213 |    21,186 |     14,227 |\2\     6,959 |    25,556 |     16,666 |     8,890
Wisconsin .............|    16,158 |   14,185 |   1,973 |      --- |    61,081 |     45,116 |       15,965 |    18,122 |     16,121 |     2,001
Wyoming ...............|     2,457 |      857 |     905 |      695 |     3,578 |      2,071 |\2\     1,507 |     3,703 |      2,594 |     1,109
    Outlying areas     |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
American Samoa ........|       313 |      252 |      61 |      --- |       --- |        --- |          --- |       --- |        --- |       ---
Northern Marianas .....|       --- |      --- |     --- |      --- |       --- |        --- |          --- |       422 |        198 |       224
Guam ..................|     1,346 |      612 |     471 |      263 |     1,311 |        414 |\2\       897 |     1,463 |        523 |       940
Puerto Rico ...........|    30,164 |   17,844 |   9,010 |    3,310 |    28,436 |     28,436 |          --- |    71,961 |     22,803 |    49,158
Trust Territory of     |           |          |         |          |           |            |              |           |            |
  the Pacific .........|     3,753 |    2,138 |     699 |      916 |       --- |        --- |          --- |       --- |        --- |       ---
Virgin Islands ........|     3,500 |    1,002 |     859 |    1,639 |     1,653 |      1,215 |          438 |     1,879 |        958 |       921

---Not Available.
\1\Includes English as a second language.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Women and Minority Groups Make Up Largest Segment of Adult Basic and Secondary Education Programs;" Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of Adult Education and Literacy, "Adult Education Program Facts, Program Year 1990-1991," and "1998 Enrollment of Participants by Instructional Programs." (This table was prepared July 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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