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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 206. Residence and migration of all freshmen students in 4-year degree-granting institutions graduating from high school in the past 12 months, by state: Fall 1998
                      | Students |Student residents of  | Ratio of students|
                      | enrolled |        state         |  remaining to--  |   Migration of students
                      |in insti- |______________________|__________________|
                      | tutions  |Attending | Attending |Students| Student |_____________________________________
 State or other area  |located in|college in|college in |enrolled|residents|  Out of   |   Into    |      Net
                      |the juris-|any juris-|home juris-|(col. 4/|(col. 4/ |(column 3- |(column 2- |   (column 8-
                      |diction\1\|diction\2\|diction\3\ |col. 2) | col. 3) |column 4)  |column 4)  |   column 7)
          1           |    2     |    3     |     4     |   5    |    6    |     7     |     8     |       9
   United States .....|1,096,242 |1,080,434 |   795,748 |   0.73 |    0.74 |   284,686 |   300,494 |\4\   15,808
Alabama ..............|   17,589 |   14,837 |    12,483 |   0.71 |    0.84 |     2,354 |     5,106 |       2,752
Alaska ...............|    1,053 |    2,266 |       773 |   0.73 |    0.34 |     1,493 |       280 |      -1,213
Arizona ..............|   12,787 |   10,386 |     8,355 |   0.65 |    0.80 |     2,031 |     4,432 |       2,401
Arkansas .............|   12,174 |   11,332 |     9,817 |   0.81 |    0.87 |     1,515 |     2,357 |         842
California ...........|   78,574 |   81,261 |    67,878 |   0.86 |    0.84 |    13,383 |    10,696 |      -2,687
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Colorado .............|   17,527 |   16,798 |    12,172 |   0.69 |    0.72 |     4,626 |     5,355 |         729
Connecticut ..........|   14,193 |   18,206 |     7,455 |   0.53 |    0.41 |    10,751 |     6,738 |      -4,013
Delaware .............|    5,585 |    3,802 |     2,475 |   0.44 |    0.65 |     1,327 |     3,110 |       1,783
District of Columbia .|    6,946 |    1,748 |       491 |   0.07 |    0.28 |     1,257 |     6,455 |       5,198
Florida ..............|   34,934 |   31,192 |    23,179 |   0.66 |    0.74 |     8,013 |    11,755 |       3,742
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Georgia ..............|   30,044 |   28,630 |    22,547 |   0.75 |    0.79 |     6,083 |     7,497 |       1,414
Hawaii ...............|    2,738 |    4,012 |     1,964 |   0.72 |    0.49 |     2,048 |       774 |      -1,274
Idaho ................|    4,922 |    5,524 |     3,924 |   0.80 |    0.71 |     1,600 |       998 |        -602
Illinois .............|   41,814 |   50,524 |    34,170 |   0.82 |    0.68 |    16,354 |     7,644 |      -8,710
Indiana...............|   39,132 |   32,408 |    28,208 |   0.72 |    0.87 |     4,200 |    10,924 |       6,724
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Iowa .................|   16,933 |   14,078 |    11,121 |   0.66 |    0.79 |     2,957 |     5,812 |       2,855
Kansas ...............|   12,368 |   11,860 |     9,572 |   0.77 |    0.81 |     2,288 |     2,796 |         508
Kentucky .............|   17,179 |   16,191 |    13,371 |   0.78 |    0.83 |     2,820 |     3,808 |         988
Louisiana ............|   25,431 |   23,740 |    21,151 |   0.83 |    0.89 |     2,589 |     4,280 |       1,691
Maine ................|    5,158 |    6,507 |     3,247 |   0.63 |    0.50 |     3,260 |     1,911 |      -1,349
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Maryland .............|   15,941 |   20,434 |    10,073 |   0.63 |    0.49 |    10,361 |     5,868 |      -4,493
Massachusetts ........|   41,056 |   32,228 |    19,754 |   0.48 |    0.61 |    12,474 |    21,302 |       8,828
Michigan .............|   43,150 |   43,197 |    37,161 |   0.86 |    0.86 |     6,036 |     5,989 |         -47
Minnesota ............|   21,933 |   21,972 |    14,123 |   0.64 |    0.64 |     7,849 |     7,810 |         -39
Mississippi ..........|    8,528 |    7,084 |     5,845 |   0.69 |    0.83 |     1,239 |     2,683 |       1,444
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Missouri..............|   24,198 |   22,119 |    17,367 |   0.72 |    0.79 |     4,752 |     6,831 |       2,079
Montana ..............|    5,013 |    5,057 |     3,693 |   0.74 |    0.73 |     1,364 |     1,320 |         -44
Nebraska .............|    9,893 |    9,661 |     7,548 |   0.76 |    0.78 |     2,113 |     2,345 |         232
Nevada ...............|    3,099 |    3,630 |     2,218 |   0.72 |    0.61 |     1,412 |       881 |        -531
New Hampshire ........|    7,319 |    6,561 |     2,935 |   0.40 |    0.45 |     3,626 |     4,384 |         758
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
New Jersey ...........|   20,500 |   39,444 |    16,796 |   0.82 |    0.43 |    22,648 |     3,704 |     -18,944
New Mexico ...........|    6,243 |    7,334 |     4,947 |   0.79 |    0.67 |     2,387 |     1,296 |      -1,091
New York .............|   86,082 |   88,084 |    64,271 |   0.75 |    0.73 |    23,813 |    21,811 |      -2,002
North Carolina .......|   34,453 |   27,068 |    23,921 |   0.69 |    0.88 |     3,147 |    10,532 |       7,385
North Dakota .........|    4,796 |    3,719 |     2,846 |   0.59 |    0.77 |       873 |     1,950 |       1,077
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Ohio .................|   54,020 |   53,005 |    43,113 |   0.80 |    0.81 |     9,892 |    10,907 |       1,015
Oklahoma .............|   12,327 |   11,628 |     9,524 |   0.77 |    0.82 |     2,104 |     2,803 |         699
Oregon ...............|    9,488 |    9,782 |     6,313 |   0.67 |    0.65 |     3,469 |     3,175 |        -294
Pennsylvania .........|   69,166 |   61,764 |    47,974 |   0.69 |    0.78 |    13,790 |    21,192 |       7,402
Rhode Island .........|    9,281 |    4,873 |     2,614 |   0.28 |    0.54 |     2,259 |     6,667 |       4,408
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
South Carolina .......|   16,764 |   14,243 |    11,666 |   0.70 |    0.82 |     2,577 |     5,098 |       2,521
South Dakota .........|    4,751 |    4,779 |     3,413 |   0.72 |    0.71 |     1,366 |     1,338 |         -28
Tennessee ............|   22,503 |   19,470 |    15,099 |   0.67 |    0.78 |     4,371 |     7,404 |       3,033
Texas ................|   60,463 |   65,570 |    55,019 |   0.91 |    0.84 |    10,551 |     5,444 |      -5,107
Utah .................|   13,410 |    8,650 |     7,901 |   0.59 |    0.91 |       749 |     5,509 |       4,760
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
Vermont ..............|    5,207 |    3,540 |     1,616 |   0.31 |    0.46 |     1,924 |     3,591 |       1,667
Virginia .............|   31,620 |   28,850 |    21,011 |   0.66 |    0.73 |     7,839 |    10,609 |       2,770
Washington ...........|   15,042 |   16,457 |    11,777 |   0.78 |    0.72 |     4,680 |     3,265 |      -1,415
West Virginia.........|   11,780 |    9,905 |     8,416 |   0.71 |    0.85 |     1,489 |     3,364 |       1,875
Wisconsin ............|   26,815 |   27,200 |    21,495 |   0.80 |    0.79 |     5,705 |     5,320 |        -385
Wyoming ..............|    1,178 |    1,640 |       733 |   0.62 |    0.45 |       907 |       445 |        -462
                      |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
U.S. Service Schools .|    3,142 |      --- |       213 |    --- |     --- |      -213 |     2,929 |       3,142
State unknown\5\......|      --- |   16,184 |       --- |    --- |     --- |    16,184 |       --- |     -16,184
   Outlying areas ....|   28,707 |   24,002 |    22,834 |   0.80 |    0.95 |     1,168 |     5,873 |       4,705
American Samoa .......|      --- |       33 |       --- |    --- |     --- |        33 |       --- |         -33
Federated States of   |          |          |           |        |         |           |           |
  Micronesia .........|      --- |       26 |       --- |    --- |     --- |        26 |       --- |         -26
Guam .................|      452 |      422 |       284 |   0.63 |    0.67 |       138 |       168 |          30
Marshall Islands .....|      --- |        7 |       --- |    --- |     --- |         7 |       --- |          -7
Northern Marianas ....|      --- |       19 |       --- |    --- |     --- |        19 |       --- |         -19
Palau ................|      --- |        9 |       --- |    --- |     --- |         9 |       --- |          -9
Puerto Rico ..........|   27,980 |   22,866 |    22,292 |   0.80 |    0.97 |       574 |     5,688 |       5,114
Virgin Islands .......|      275 |      620 |       258 |   0.94 |    0.42 |       362 |        17 |        -345
Foreign countries ....|      --- |   20,513 |       --- |    --- |     --- |    20,513 |       --- |     -20,513

---Not Available.
\1\All of the new students reported by the institutions in that state; i.e., all in-migrants and "remaining" students.
\2\All students living in a particular state when admitted to an institution in any state. Students may be enrolled in any state.
\3\Students who attend institutions in their home state.
\4\Includes students coming to U.S. colleges from foreign countries and the outlying areas.
\5\Students are reported in "state unknown" when an institution is unable to determine the student's home state.

NOTE: Includes all students who are enrolled at the reporting institution for the first time. Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that participated in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Residence of First-Time Students" survey, 1998. (This table was prepared July 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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