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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 177. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution, and age and attendance status of student: 1997
  Attendance   |         All institutions        |       Public institutions       |   Private institutions
status and age |_________________________________|_________________________________|______________________________
  of student   |   Total   |  4-year  |  2-year  |   Total   |  4-year  |  2-year  |  Total   |  4-year  | 2-year
       1       |     2     |    3     |    4     |     5     |    6     |    7     |    8     |    9     |   10
All students ..|14,502,334 |8,896,765 |5,605,569 |11,196,119 |5,835,433 |5,360,686 |3,306,215 |3,061,332 |244,883
  Under 18 ....|   353,268 |  138,047 |  215,221 |   294,059 |   82,988 |  211,071 |   59,209 |   55,059 |  4,150
  18 and 19 ...| 2,968,640 |1,869,739 |1,098,901 | 2,277,450 |1,235,466 |1,041,984 |  691,190 |  634,273 | 56,917
  20 and 21 ...| 2,726,647 |1,868,764 |  857,883 | 2,086,331 |1,266,069 |  820,262 |  640,316 |  602,695 | 37,621
  22 to 24 ....| 2,304,819 |1,581,792 |  723,027 | 1,836,038 |1,147,656 |  688,382 |  468,781 |  434,136 | 34,645
  25 to 29 ....| 2,126,410 |1,343,961 |  782,449 | 1,625,437 |  879,500 |  745,937 |  500,973 |  464,461 | 36,512
  30 to 34 ....| 1,208,253 |  675,868 |  532,385 |   926,926 |  415,131 |  511,795 |  281,327 |  260,737 | 20,590
  35 to 39 ....|   936,204 |  486,654 |  449,550 |   719,612 |  284,596 |  435,016 |  216,592 |  202,058 | 14,534
  40 to 49 ....| 1,228,921 |  642,424 |  586,497 |   954,086 |  382,058 |  572,028 |  274,835 |  260,366 | 14,469
  50 to 64 ....|   407,371 |  185,344 |  222,027 |   326,040 |  107,770 |  218,270 |   81,331 |   77,574 |  3,757
  65 and over .|    79,412 |   18,684 |   60,728 |    72,341 |   11,851 |   60,490 |    7,071 |    6,833 |    238
  Age unknown .|   162,389 |   85,488 |   76,901 |    77,799 |   22,348 |   55,451 |   84,590 |   63,140 | 21,450
               |           |          |          |           |          |          |          |          |
Full-time .....| 8,438,062 |6,342,891 |2,095,171 | 6,055,786 |4,164,759 |1,891,027 |2,382,276 |2,178,132 |204,144
  Under 18 ....|   127,485 |   82,730 |   44,755 |    87,806 |   46,414 |   41,392 |   39,679 |   36,316 |  3,363
  18 and 19 ...| 2,551,664 |1,793,193 |  758,471 | 1,878,584 |1,174,583 |  704,001 |  673,080 |  618,610 | 54,470
  20 and 21 ...| 2,190,032 |1,733,144 |  456,888 | 1,581,899 |1,158,388 |  423,511 |  608,133 |  574,756 | 33,377
  22 to 24 ....| 1,494,599 |1,232,299 |  262,300 | 1,120,638 |  887,187 |  233,451 |  373,961 |  345,112 | 28,849
  25 to 29 ....|   981,619 |  764,932 |  216,687 |   679,231 |  491,129 |  188,102 |  302,388 |  273,803 | 28,585
  30 to 34 ....|   408,490 |  290,673 |  117,817 |   278,458 |  175,784 |  102,674 |  130,032 |  114,889 | 15,143
  35 to 39 ....|   263,974 |  177,977 |   85,997 |   173,760 |   97,915 |   75,845 |   90,214 |   80,062 | 10,152
  40 to 49 ....|   282,149 |  187,734 |   94,415 |   187,441 |  102,666 |   84,775 |   94,708 |   85,068 |  9,640
  50 to 64 ....|    68,571 |   44,300 |   24,271 |    43,303 |   21,432 |   21,871 |   25,268 |   22,868 |  2,400
  65 and over .|     6,226 |    3,524 |    2,702 |     3,775 |    1,215 |    2,560 |    2,451 |    2,309 |    142
  Age unknown .|    63,253 |   32,385 |   30,868 |    20,891 |    8,046 |   12,845 |   42,362 |   24,339 | 18,023
               |           |          |          |           |          |          |          |          |
Part-time .....| 6,064,272 |2,553,874 |3,510,398 | 5,140,333 |1,670,674 |3,469,659 |  923,939 |  883,200 | 40,739
  Under 18 ....|   225,783 |   55,317 |  170,466 |   206,253 |   36,574 |  169,679 |   19,530 |   18,743 |    787
  18 and 19 ...|   416,976 |   76,546 |  340,430 |   398,866 |   60,883 |  337,983 |   18,110 |   15,663 |  2,447
  20 and 21 ...|   536,615 |  135,620 |  400,995 |   504,432 |  107,681 |  396,751 |   32,183 |   27,939 |  4,244
  22 to 24 ....|   810,220 |  349,493 |  460,727 |   715,400 |  260,469 |  454,931 |   94,820 |   89,024 |  5,796
  25 to 29 ....| 1,144,791 |  579,029 |  565,762 |   946,206 |  388,371 |  557,835 |  198,585 |  190,658 |  7,927
  30 to 34 ....|   799,763 |  385,195 |  414,568 |   648,468 |  239,347 |  409,121 |  151,295 |  145,848 |  5,447
  35 to 39 ....|   672,230 |  308,677 |  363,553 |   545,852 |  186,681 |  359,171 |  126,378 |  121,996 |  4,382
  40 to 49 ....|   946,772 |  454,690 |  492,082 |   766,645 |  279,392 |  487,253 |  180,127 |  175,298 |  4,829
  50 to 64 ....|   338,800 |  141,044 |  197,756 |   282,737 |   86,338 |  196,399 |   56,063 |   54,706 |  1,357
  65 and over .|    73,186 |   15,160 |   58,026 |    68,566 |   10,636 |   57,930 |    4,620 |    4,524 |     96
  Age unknown .|    99,136 |   53,103 |   46,033 |    56,908 |   14,302 |   42,606 |   42,228 |   38,801 |  3,427
               |                                      Percentage distribution
All students ..|     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |  100.0
  Under 18 ....|       2.4 |      1.6 |      3.8 |       2.6 |      1.4 |      3.9 |      1.8 |      1.8 |    1.7
  18 and 19 ...|      20.5 |     21.0 |     19.6 |      20.3 |     21.2 |     19.4 |     20.9 |     20.7 |   23.2
  20 and 21 ...|      18.8 |     21.0 |     15.3 |      18.6 |     21.7 |     15.3 |     19.4 |     19.7 |   15.4
  22 to 24 ....|      15.9 |     17.8 |     12.9 |      16.4 |     19.7 |     12.8 |     14.2 |     14.2 |   14.1
  25 to 29 ....|      14.7 |     15.1 |     14.0 |      14.5 |     15.1 |     13.9 |     15.2 |     15.2 |   14.9
  30 to 34 ....|       8.3 |      7.6 |      9.5 |       8.3 |      7.1 |      9.5 |      8.5 |      8.5 |    8.4
  35 to 39 ....|       6.5 |      5.5 |      8.0 |       6.4 |      4.9 |      8.1 |      6.6 |      6.6 |    5.9
  40 to 49 ....|       8.5 |      7.2 |     10.5 |       8.5 |      6.5 |     10.7 |      8.3 |      8.5 |    5.9
  50 to 64 ....|       2.8 |      2.1 |      4.0 |       2.9 |      1.8 |      4.1 |      2.5 |      2.5 |    1.5
  65 and over .|       0.5 |      0.2 |      1.1 |       0.6 |      0.2 |      1.1 |      0.2 |      0.2 |    0.1
  Age unknown .|       1.1 |      1.0 |      1.4 |       0.7 |      0.4 |      1.0 |      2.6 |      2.1 |    8.8
               |           |          |          |           |          |          |          |          |
Full-time .....|     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |  100.0
  Under 18 ....|       1.5 |      1.3 |      2.1 |       1.4 |      1.1 |      2.2 |      1.7 |      1.7 |    1.6
  18 and 19 ...|      30.2 |     28.3 |     36.2 |      31.0 |     28.2 |     37.2 |     28.3 |     28.4 |   26.7
  20 and 21 ...|      26.0 |     27.3 |     21.8 |      26.1 |     27.8 |     22.4 |     25.5 |     26.4 |   16.3
  22 to 24 ....|      17.7 |     19.4 |     12.5 |      18.5 |     21.3 |     12.3 |     15.7 |     15.8 |   14.1
  25 to 29 ....|      11.6 |     12.1 |     10.3 |      11.2 |     11.8 |      9.9 |     12.7 |     12.6 |   14.0
  30 to 34 ....|       4.8 |      4.6 |      5.6 |       4.6 |      4.2 |      5.4 |      5.5 |      5.3 |    7.4
  35 to 39 ....|       3.1 |      2.8 |      4.1 |       2.9 |      2.4 |      4.0 |      3.8 |      3.7 |    5.0
  40 to 49 ....|       3.3 |      3.0 |      4.5 |       3.1 |      2.5 |      4.5 |      4.0 |      3.9 |    4.7
  50 to 64 ....|       0.8 |      0.7 |      1.2 |       0.7 |      0.5 |      1.2 |      1.1 |      1.0 |    1.2
  65 and over .|       0.1 |      0.1 |      0.1 |       0.1 |      0.0 |      0.1 |      0.1 |      0.1 |    0.2
  Age unknown .|       0.7 |      0.5 |      1.5 |       0.3 |      0.2 |      0.7 |      1.8 |      1.1 |    8.8
               |           |          |          |           |          |          |          |          |
Part-time .....|     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |     100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |    100.0 |  100.0
  Under 18 ....|       3.7 |      2.2 |      4.9 |       4.0 |      2.2 |      4.9 |      2.1 |      2.1 |    1.9
  18 and 19 ...|       6.9 |      3.0 |      9.7 |       7.8 |      3.6 |      9.7 |      2.0 |      1.8 |    6.0
  20 and 21 ...|       8.8 |      5.3 |     11.4 |       9.8 |      6.4 |     11.4 |      3.5 |      3.2 |   10.4
  22 to 24 ....|      13.4 |     13.7 |     13.1 |      13.9 |     15.6 |     13.1 |     10.3 |     10.1 |   14.2
  25 to 29 ....|      18.9 |     22.7 |     16.1 |      18.4 |     23.2 |     16.1 |     21.5 |     21.6 |   19.5
  30 to 34 ....|      13.2 |     15.1 |     11.8 |      12.6 |     14.3 |     11.8 |     16.4 |     16.5 |   13.4
  35 to 39 ....|      11.1 |     12.1 |     10.4 |      10.6 |     11.2 |     10.4 |     13.7 |     13.8 |   10.8
  40 to 49 ....|      15.6 |     17.8 |     14.0 |      14.9 |     16.7 |     14.0 |     19.5 |     19.8 |   11.9
  50 to 64 ....|       5.6 |      5.5 |      5.6 |       5.5 |      5.2 |      5.7 |      6.1 |      6.2 |    3.3
  65 and over .|       1.2 |      0.6 |      1.7 |       1.3 |      0.6 |      1.7 |      0.5 |      0.5 |    0.2
  Age unknown .|       1.6 |      2.1 |      1.3 |       1.1 |      0.9 |      1.2 |      4.6 |      4.4 |    8.4

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment, 1997" survey. (This table was prepared July 1999.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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