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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 85. Principals in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics: 1993-94
                       |        |       Percent of principals, by       |Average years of    |Average annual salary of principals,
                       |        |        highest degree earned\2\       |  experience        |   by length of school year\3\
       Selected        |Total\1\|_______________________________________|____________________|
    characteristics    |        |Bache-|Master's|Education |  Doctor's  |  As a   |  Prior   |____________________________________
                       |        |lor's |        |specialist| and first- |principal| teaching |        |10 months|   11   |   12
                       |        |      |        |          |professional|         |experience| Total  | or less | months | months
           1           |   2    |  3   |   4    |    5     |     6      |    7    |    8     |   9    |   10    |   11   |   12
                       |                                                   Public schools
Total .................| 79,618 |  1.4 |   63.4 |     25.8 |        9.3 |     8.7 |     11.0 |$54,858 | $50,103 |$53,117 |$58,399
  Men .................| 52,114 |  1.1 |   65.1 |     24.7 |        9.1 |    10.3 |     10.0 | 54,922 |  49,545 | 52,946 | 58,492
  Women .............. | 27,505 |  2.0 |   60.2 |     27.9 |        9.8 |     5.6 |     13.0 | 54,736 |  50,908 | 53,439 | 58,195
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Race/ethnicity         |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 67,081 |  1.5 |   62.8 |     26.5 |        9.2 |     9.0 |     10.8 | 54,466 |  48,797 | 52,893 | 58,311
  Black, non-Hispanic .|  8,018 |  0.0 |   64.3 |     23.7 |       11.9 |     7.1 |     12.7 | 57,669 |  58,346 | 54,061 | 58,836
  Hispanic ............|  3,269 |  2.7 |   74.5 |     17.3 |        5.5 |     6.3 |     11.3 | 55,862 |  50,035 | 54,898 | 59,597
  Asian or Pacific     |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
    Islander ..........|    620 |  6.7 |   50.9 |     25.4 |       17.0 |     5.6 |     11.7 | 59,447 |  56,916 |  (\4\) |  (\4\)
  American Indian or   |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
    Alaskan Native ....|    631 |  1.1 |   65.8 |     24.8 |        8.2 |     8.2 |      9.9 | 51,117 |  46,401 | 49,121 | 55,337
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Age                    |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  Under 40 ............|  5,936 |  4.5 |   71.2 |     18.9 |        5.3 |     2.8 |      7.8 | 46,542 |  41,817 | 46,877 | 49,779
  40 to 44 ............| 14,571 |  1.6 |   65.4 |     26.2 |        6.7 |     5.0 |     10.3 | 52,038 |  48,033 | 49,581 | 55,443
  45 to 49 ............| 25,427 |  0.9 |   59.8 |     30.0 |        9.3 |     7.1 |     11.4 | 55,423 |  50,663 | 53,705 | 58,872
  50 to 54 ............| 18,868 |  1.0 |   63.9 |     24.9 |       10.3 |    10.3 |     11.8 | 56,559 |  52,464 | 54,279 | 59,643
  55 or over ..........| 14,817 |  1.4 |   63.8 |     22.4 |       12.4 |    15.1 |     11.6 | 57,826 |  52,414 | 56,355 | 62,148
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Type of school         |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  Elementary ..........| 53,684 |  1.5 |   64.1 |     25.7 |        8.6 |     8.9 |     11.2 | 54,161 |  50,306 | 52,930 | 57,620
  Secondary ...........| 18,262 |  1.2 |   63.1 |     25.4 |       10.3 |     8.0 |     10.6 | 56,601 |  47,100 | 53,982 | 60,204
  Combined ............|  2,747 |  2.6 |   60.2 |     27.8 |        9.4 |     7.5 |     10.9 | 52,825 |  50,729 | 51,879 | 54,040
                       |                                                   Private schools
Total .................| 25,015 | 25.9 |   51.6 |      8.2 |        5.9 |     8.8 |      9.4 |$32,075 | $21,994 |$32,215 |$35,295
  Men .................| 11,606 | 23.1 |   49.6 |      6.8 |        9.2 |     9.0 |      7.6 | 35,597 |  21,144 | 41,663 | 38,350
  Women .............. | 13,410 | 28.3 |   53.3 |      9.4 |        3.0 |     8.6 |     11.1 | 29,185 |  22,537 | 27,818 | 32,231
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Race/ethnicity         |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 23,133 | 25.6 |   52.1 |      8.1 |        5.8 |     8.7 |      9.5 | 31,969 |  21,289 | 32,071 | 35,283
  Black, non-Hispanic .|  1,060 | 26.5 |   43.6 |     11.0 |        4.6 |     8.3 |      7.4 | 34,383 |   (\4\) |  (\4\) | 35,801
  Hispanic ............|    524 | 34.5 |   44.0 |      9.2 |       12.1 |    10.1 |     12.1 | 31,350 |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |  (\4\)
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Age                    |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  Under 40 ............|  4,794 | 38.1 |   36.6 |      8.2 |        1.4 |     3.5 |      5.0 | 26,308 |  17,903 | 33,527 | 29,420
  40 to 44 ............|  4,403 | 35.9 |   45.5 |      8.5 |        5.3 |     5.3 |      7.9 | 30,486 |  20,004 | 30,127 | 33,044
  45 to 49 ............|  5,144 | 22.2 |   59.0 |      8.1 |        5.5 |     8.3 |      9.9 | 34,641 |  23,945 | 31,812 | 38,932
  50 to 54 ............|  4,120 | 15.1 |   59.1 |      7.7 |       11.0 |     9.6 |     11.1 | 37,727 |  27,338 | 35,421 | 40,097
  55 or over ..........|  6,553 | 20.0 |   56.0 |      8.3 |        6.8 |    14.8 |     12.4 | 31,781 |  23,679 | 31,308 | 35,144
                       |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
Type of school         |        |      |        |          |            |         |          |        |         |        |
  Elementary ..........| 13,354 | 26.1 |   54.2 |      8.0 |        4.7 |     9.4 |     10.4 | 28,779 |  23,427 | 30,050 | 30,687
  Secondary ...........|  2,304 |  6.0 |   67.4 |     14.0 |       12.4 |     7.8 |     10.5 | 43,683 |   (\4\) | 40,018 | 45,195
  Combined ............|  6,772 | 29.4 |   44.2 |      6.6 |        5.5 |     8.0 |      7.5 | 33,634 |  17,957 | 39,884 | 37,490

\1\Total differs from data appearing in other tables because of varying survey processing procedures and time period coverages.
\2\Percentages for those with less than a bachelor's degree are not shown.
\3\Excludes principals reporting a salary of $0. About 7.4 percent of private school principals had $0 salary. If these principals are included in the average annual salary calculations, the average for all private school principals is $29,714.
\4\Too few cases for reliable estimate.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding and survey item nonresponse.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared November 1996.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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