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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 78. Average annual salary of instructional staff in public elementary and secondary schools, by state: 1939-40 to 1998-99
                      |                         Current dollars                                                   |     Constant 1998-99 dollars\1\
 State or other area  |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
                      |1939-40|1949-50| 1959-60  |1969-70|1979-80 |   1989-90 |   1996-97 |   1997-98 |   1998-99 |1969-70 |1979-80 |1989-90 |1996-97 |1997-98
          1           |   2   |   3   |     4    |   5   |   6    |      7    |      8    |      9    |      10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15
   United States .....|$1,441 |$3,010 |   $5,174 |$9,047 |$16,715 |   $32,638 |\2\$40,435 |\2\$41,272 |   $42,459 |$39,407 |$35,427 |$42,294 |$41,869 |$41,986
Alabama ..............|   744 | 2,111 |    4,002 | 6,954 | 13,338 |    26,200 |    33,744 |    34,040 |    36,740 | 30,291 | 28,270 | 33,952 | 34,940 | 34,629
Alaska ...............|   --- |   --- |    6,859 |10,993 | 27,697 |\2\ 43,161 |\2\ 52,033 |\2\ 48,760 |    48,085 | 47,884 | 58,703 | 55,931 | 53,878 | 49,604
Arizona ..............| 1,544 | 3,556 |    5,590 | 8,975 | 16,180 |    33,592 |\2\ 44,157 |\2\ 44,819 |\2\ 45,785 | 39,094 | 34,293 | 43,531 | 45,723 | 45,595
Arkansas .............|   584 | 1,801 |    3,295 | 6,461 | 12,704 |    23,296 |\2\ 31,852 |    32,186 |\2\ 32,879 | 28,143 | 26,926 | 30,188 | 32,981 | 32,743
California ...........| 2,351 |   --- |\2\ 6,600 |10,950 | 18,626 |\2\ 39,309 |\2\ 45,349 |\2\ 45,610 |\2\ 46,593 | 47,696 | 39,478 | 50,939 | 46,957 | 46,400
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Colorado .............| 1,393 | 2,821 |    4,997 | 8,105 | 16,840 |    31,832 |    37,473 |\2\ 38,590 |\2\ 39,421 | 35,304 | 35,692 | 41,250 | 38,802 | 39,258
Connecticut ..........| 1,861 | 3,558 |    6,008 | 9,597 | 16,989 |    41,888 |    52,067 |    52,480 |    53,429 | 41,803 | 36,008 | 54,281 | 53,913 | 53,389
Delaware .............| 1,684 | 3,273 |\2\ 5,800 | 9,387 | 16,845 |    34,620 |    43,085 |    44,169 |    44,916 | 40,888 | 35,703 | 44,863 | 44,613 | 44,934
District of Columbia .| 2,350 | 3,920 |    6,280 |10,700 | 23,027 |    43,637 |\2\ 40,854 |\2\ 42,068 |\2\ 42,974 | 46,608 | 48,805 | 56,548 | 42,302 | 42,796
Florida ..............| 1,012 | 2,958 |    5,080 | 8,785 | 14,875 |    30,275 |    34,980 |    35,594 |    37,048 | 38,266 | 31,527 | 39,232 | 36,220 | 36,210
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Georgia ..............|   770 | 1,963 |\3\ 3,904 | 7,520 | 14,547 |    29,541 |    37,344 |    39,412 |    41,591 | 32,756 | 30,832 | 38,281 | 38,668 | 40,094
Hawaii ...............|   --- |   --- |    5,390 | 9,600 | 20,436 |    32,956 |    36,986 |    39,751 |    41,547 | 41,816 | 43,314 | 42,706 | 38,297 | 40,439
Idaho ................| 1,057 | 2,481 |    4,216 | 7,081 | 14,110 |    24,758 |    33,277 |\2\ 34,326 |    35,643 | 30,844 | 29,906 | 32,083 | 34,457 | 34,920
Illinois .............| 1,700 | 3,458 |\4\ 5,814 | 9,789 | 18,271 |    33,912 |    43,686 |    45,361 |    47,312 | 42,639 | 38,725 | 43,945 | 45,235 | 46,146
Indiana...............| 1,433 | 3,401 |    5,542 | 9,239 | 16,256 |    31,905 |    40,062 |\2\ 41,014 |    42,501 | 40,244 | 34,454 | 41,344 | 41,482 | 41,724
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Iowa .................| 1,017 | 2,420 |\2\ 4,030 | 8,779 | 15,776 |    27,619 |    34,477 |    35,326 |    36,209 | 38,240 | 33,437 | 35,790 | 35,699 | 35,938
Kansas ...............| 1,014 | 2,628 |\2\ 4,450 | 7,811 | 14,513 |    30,154 |    38,379 |    39,219 |    39,690 | 34,023 | 30,760 | 39,075 | 39,740 | 39,898
Kentucky .............|   826 | 1,936 |    3,327 | 7,325 | 15,350 |    27,482 |    35,560 |\2\ 36,222 |    37,251 | 31,907 | 32,534 | 35,613 | 36,821 | 36,849
Louisiana ............| 1,006 | 2,983 |    4,978 | 7,264 | 14,020 |    25,036 |    30,499 |\2\ 31,602 |    33,943 | 31,641 | 29,715 | 32,443 | 31,580 | 32,149
Maine ................|   894 | 2,115 |    3,694 | 8,059 | 13,743 |    27,831 |    34,796 |    35,484 |    36,125 | 35,104 | 29,128 | 36,065 | 36,030 | 36,098
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Maryland .............| 1,642 | 3,594 |    5,557 | 9,885 | 18,308 |    37,520 |    42,988 |    43,618 |    44,873 | 43,058 | 38,804 | 48,621 | 44,512 | 44,373
Massachusetts ........| 2,037 | 3,338 |\5\ 5,545 | 9,347 | 18,900 |    40,175 |\2\ 54,244 |\2\ 55,630 |\2\ 56,829 | 40,714 | 40,058 | 52,061 | 56,167 | 56,593
Michigan .............| 1,576 | 3,420 |    5,654 |10,125 | 20,682 |\2\ 37,286 |\2\ 47,181 |\2\ 47,500 |\2\ 48,207 | 44,103 | 43,835 | 48,317 | 48,854 | 48,322
Minnesota ............| 1,276 | 3,013 |    5,275 | 9,250 | 16,654 |    33,340 |    39,258 |\2\ 39,123 |    40,707 | 40,292 | 35,298 | 43,204 | 40,650 | 39,800
Mississippi ..........|   559 | 1,416 |    3,314 | 5,959 | 12,274 |    25,079 |    28,648 |    29,857 |    30,743 | 25,956 | 26,015 | 32,499 | 29,664 | 30,374
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Missouri..............| 1,159 | 2,581 |    4,536 | 8,064 | 14,543 |    28,166 |    34,789 |    35,624 |    36,512 | 35,126 | 30,824 | 36,499 | 36,022 | 36,241
Montana ..............| 1,184 | 2,962 |\2\ 4,425 | 7,875 | 15,080 |    29,526 |\2\ 31,836 |    32,536 |    30,034 | 34,302 | 31,962 | 38,262 | 32,965 | 33,099
Nebraska .............|   829 | 2,292 |    3,876 | 7,633 | 14,236 |    27,024 |    35,045 |    35,800 |    36,571 | 33,248 | 30,173 | 35,019 | 36,288 | 36,420
Nevada ...............| 1,557 | 3,209 |    5,693 | 9,615 | 17,290 |    31,970 |    39,179 |    39,002 |    41,007 | 41,881 | 36,646 | 41,429 | 40,568 | 39,677
New Hampshire ........| 1,258 | 2,712 |    4,455 | 8,016 | 13,508 |\2\ 29,798 |\2\ 43,455 |\2\ 44,234 |\2\ 45,187 | 34,916 | 28,630 | 38,614 | 44,996 | 45,000
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
New Jersey ...........| 2,093 | 3,511 |    5,871 | 9,650 | 18,851 |    37,485 |    52,411 |    53,196 |\2\ 54,342 | 42,034 | 39,954 | 48,575 | 54,269 | 54,117
New Mexico ...........| 1,144 | 3,215 |    5,382 |10,021 | 15,406 |    25,790 |    30,914 |    31,580 |    33,714 | 43,650 | 32,653 | 33,420 | 32,010 | 32,127
New York .............| 2,604 | 3,706 |    6,537 |11,240 | 20,400 |    40,000 |    48,600 |\2\ 49,320 |\2\ 50,300 | 48,960 | 43,237 | 51,834 | 50,323 | 50,174
North Carolina .......|   946 | 2,688 |    4,178 | 7,762 | 14,445 |    28,952 |    32,383 |    34,398 |    37,279 | 33,810 | 30,616 | 37,518 | 33,531 | 34,993
North Dakota .........|   745 | 2,324 |    3,695 | 6,840 | 13,684 |    23,788 |    27,905 |    28,438 |    29,215 | 29,794 | 29,003 | 30,826 | 28,894 | 28,930
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Ohio .................| 1,587 | 3,088 |    5,124 | 8,594 | 16,100 |    32,467 |    39,938 |    40,352 |    41,986 | 37,434 | 34,124 | 42,073 | 41,354 | 41,051
Oklahoma .............| 1,014 | 2,736 |    4,659 | 7,257 | 13,500 |    23,944 |    31,894 |    32,302 |\2\ 32,783 | 31,610 | 28,613 | 31,028 | 33,025 | 32,861
Oregon ...............| 1,333 | 3,323 |    5,535 | 9,200 | 16,996 |    32,100 |    42,420 |\2\ 43,700 |    43,142 | 40,074 | 36,023 | 41,597 | 43,924 | 44,457
Pennsylvania .........| 1,640 | 3,006 |    5,308 | 8,899 | 17,060 |    34,110 |    48,178 |    48,624 |    49,566 | 38,763 | 36,158 | 44,202 | 49,886 | 49,466
Rhode Island .........| 1,809 | 3,294 |\6\ 5,499 | 9,030 | 18,425 |    36,704 |\2\ 44,188 |    45,504 |\2\ 51,689 | 39,333 | 39,052 | 47,563 | 45,755 | 46,292
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
South Carolina .......|   743 | 1,891 |    3,450 | 7,069 | 13,670 |    28,453 |    34,421 |    35,358 |    36,217 | 30,791 | 28,973 | 36,871 | 35,641 | 35,970
South Dakota .........|   807 | 2,064 |    3,725 | 7,200 | 13,010 |    22,120 |    27,767 |\2\ 28,880 |    29,387 | 31,362 | 27,575 | 28,664 | 28,751 | 29,380
Tennessee ............|   862 | 2,302 |    3,929 | 7,187 | 14,193 |    27,949 |    35,555 |    36,700 |\2\ 37,491 | 31,305 | 30,082 | 36,218 | 36,816 | 37,335
Texas ................| 1,079 | 3,122 |    4,708 | 7,598 | 14,729 |    28,549 |    34,937 |    36,112 |    36,999 | 33,096 | 31,218 | 36,996 | 36,176 | 36,737
Utah .................| 1,394 | 3,103 |    5,096 | 8,049 | 17,403 |    24,591 |    33,031 |\2\ 33,265 |\2\ 33,982 | 35,060 | 36,885 | 31,867 | 34,202 | 33,841
                      |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
Vermont ..............|   981 | 2,348 |    4,466 | 8,225 | 13,300 |    29,012 |    36,053 |    36,299 |\2\ 37,081 | 35,827 | 28,189 | 37,596 | 37,331 | 36,927
Virginia .............|   899 | 2,328 |    4,312 | 8,364 | 14,655 |    31,656 |    36,426 |    37,458 |\2\ 38,265 | 36,432 | 31,061 | 41,022 | 37,717 | 38,106
Washington ...........| 1,706 | 3,487 |\6\ 5,643 | 9,792 | 19,735 |    31,828 |    39,594 |    40,629 |    40,596 | 42,652 | 41,828 | 41,245 | 40,998 | 41,332
West Virginia.........| 1,170 | 2,425 |    3,952 | 7,954 | 14,395 |    23,842 |    34,345 |    34,564 |    35,451 | 34,646 | 30,510 | 30,896 | 35,563 | 35,162
Wisconsin ............| 1,379 | 3,007 |\7\ 4,870 | 9,150 | 16,335 |    32,445 |    41,848 |\2\ 42,273 |    43,507 | 39,856 | 34,622 | 42,044 | 43,332 | 43,005
Wyoming ..............| 1,169 | 2,798 |    4,937 | 8,496 | 16,830 |    29,047 |    32,620 |    32,979 |    34,683 | 37,007 | 35,671 | 37,641 | 33,777 | 33,550
    Outlying areas    |       |       |          |       |        |           |           |           |           |        |        |        |        |
American Samoa .......|   --- |   --- |      852 | 5,130 |    --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- | 22,345 |    --- |    --- |    --- |    ---
Guam .................|   --- |   --- |    4,107 | 7,800 |    --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- | 33,976 |    --- |    --- |    --- |    ---
Puerto Rico ..........|   --- |   --- |\8\ 2,360 |   --- |    --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    --- |    --- |    --- |    --- |    ---
Virgin Islands .......|   --- |   --- |    3,407 |   --- |    --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    --- |    --- |    --- |    --- |    ---

---Not Available.
\1\Based on the Consumer Price Index prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Price index does not account for different rates of change in the cost of living among states.
\2\Estimated by National Education Association.
\3\Excludes kindergarten teachers.
\4\Includes administrators.
\5\Includes clerical assistants to instructional personnel.
\6\Includes attendance personnel.
\7\Excludes vocational schools not operated as part of the regular public school system.
\8\Median salary.

NOTE: Instructional staff includes supervisors, principals, classroom teachers, and other instructional staff. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems; National Education Association, Estimates of School Statistics; (Copyright @ 2000 by the National Education Association. All rights reserved.); and unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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