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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 75. Estimated average annual salary of teachers in publicelementary and secondary schools: 1959-60 to 1998-99
         |       Current dollars      |  Constant 1998-99 dollars
 School  |____________________________|______________________________
  year   |  All  |Elementary|Secondary|  All   |Elementary|Secondary
         |teacher| teachers |teachers |teachers| teachers | teachers
    1    |   2   |    3     |    4    |   5    |    6     |    7
1959-60 .|$4,995 |   $4,815 |  $5,276 |$27,972 |  $26,964 |  $29,545
1961-62 .| 5,515 |    5,340 |   5,775 | 30,190 |   29,232 |   31,613
1963-64 .| 5,995 |    5,805 |   6,266 | 31,983 |   30,970 |   33,429
1965-66 .| 6,485 |    6,279 |   6,761 | 33,442 |   32,379 |   34,865
1967-68 .| 7,423 |    7,208 |   7,692 | 35,915 |   34,875 |   37,216
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1969-70 .| 8,626 |    8,412 |   8,891 | 37,574 |   36,641 |   38,728
1970-71 .| 9,268 |    9,021 |   9,568 | 38,388 |   37,365 |   39,631
1971-72 .| 9,705 |    9,424 |  10,031 | 38,806 |   37,683 |   40,110
1972-73 .|10,174 |    9,893 |  10,507 | 39,106 |   38,026 |   40,386
1973-74 .|10,770 |   10,507 |  11,077 | 38,008 |   37,080 |   39,091
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1974-75 .|11,641 |   11,334 |  12,000 | 36,983 |   36,008 |   38,124
1975-76 .|12,600 |   12,280 |  12,937 | 37,384 |   36,434 |   38,384
1976-77 .|13,354 |   12,989 |  13,776 | 37,438 |   36,414 |   38,621
1977-78 .|14,198 |   13,845 |  14,602 | 37,299 |   36,372 |   38,361
1978-79 .|15,032 |   14,681 |  15,450 | 36,108 |   35,265 |   37,112
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1979-80 .|15,970 |   15,569 |  16,459 | 33,848 |   32,998 |   34,885
1980-81 .|17,644 |   17,230 |  18,142 | 33,514 |   32,728 |   34,460
1981-82 .|19,274 |   18,853 |  19,805 | 33,699 |   32,963 |   34,628
1982-83 .|20,695 |   20,227 |  21,291 | 34,694 |   33,909 |   35,693
1983-84 .|21,935 |   21,487 |  22,554 | 35,460 |   34,736 |   36,461
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1984-85 .|23,600 |   23,200 |  24,187 | 36,715 |   36,092 |   37,628
1985-86 .|25,199 |   24,718 |  25,846 | 38,103 |   37,376 |   39,082
1986-87 .|26,569 |   26,057 |  27,244 | 39,302 |   38,545 |   40,301
1987-88 .|28,034 |   27,519 |  28,798 | 39,819 |   39,088 |   40,905
1988-89 .|29,564 |   29,022 |  30,218 | 40,139 |   39,403 |   41,027
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1989-90 .|31,367 |   30,832 |  32,049 | 40,647 |   39,954 |   41,531
1990-91 .|33,084 |   32,490 |  33,896 | 40,650 |   39,920 |   41,648
1991-92 .|34,063 |   33,479 |  34,827 | 40,553 |   39,858 |   41,463
1992-93 .|35,029 |   34,350 |  35,880 | 40,440 |   39,656 |   41,423
1993-94 .|35,737 |   35,233 |  36,566 | 40,216 |   39,649 |   41,149
         |       |          |         |        |          |
1994-95..|36,685 |   36,161 |  37,464 | 40,132 |   39,559 |   40,985
1995-96..|37,704 |   37,276 |  38,372 | 40,155 |   39,699 |   40,866
1996-97..|38,536 |   38,178 |  39,149 | 39,902 |   39,532 |   40,537
1997-98 .|39,454 |   39,144 |  40,019 | 40,137 |   39,822 |   40,712
1998-99 .|40,582 |   40,293 |  41,155 | 40,582 |   40,293 |   41,155

NOTE: Constant 1998-99 dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: National Education Association, Estimates of School Statistics; and unpublished data. (Copyright @ 2000 by the National Education Association. All rights reserved.) (This table was prepared March 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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