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Digest of Education Statistics
2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 66. Public elementary and secondary teachers, by level and state: Fall 1994 to fall 1999
[In full-time equivalents]
                      |          |          |             |                    Fall 1997\1\                 |                    Fall 1998\1\                   |
                      |   Fall   |   Fall   |      Fall   |_________________________________________________|___________________________________________________|  Estimated,
                      |   1994   |   1995   |      1996   |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |    fall
 State or other area  |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |    1999\2\
                      |          |          |             |     Total   |   Elementary|   Secondary| Unclas-|     Total   |   Elementary|   Secondary | Unclas- |
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            | sified |             |             |             | sified  |
          1           |    2     |    3     |       4     |       5     |       6     |       7    |   8    |       9     |       10    |       11    |   12    |     13
   United States .....|2,551,875 |2,598,220 |\3\2,667,419 |\3\2,746,157 |\3\1,519,890 |    985,495 |240,772 |\3\2,826,146 |\3\1,567,880 |\3\1,012,946 | 245,320 |\4\2,887,233
Alabama ..............|   42,791 |   44,056 |\3\   45,035 |\3\   45,967 |\3\   25,782 |     20,185 |    --- |\3\   47,753 |\3\   26,730 |      21,023 |     --- |\5\   48,269
Alaska ...............|    7,205 |    7,379 |       7,418 |       7,625 |       4,856 |      2,769 |    --- |       8,118 |       5,187 |       2,931 |     --- |       7,992
Arizona ..............|   38,132 |   38,017 |      40,521 |      41,129 |      29,726 |     11,403 |    --- |      42,352 |      30,729 |      11,623 |     --- |      45,540
Arkansas .............|   26,181 |   26,449 |\3\   26,681 |\3\   26,931 |\3\   14,037 |     12,706 |    188 |      27,953 |      12,419 |      12,668 |   2,866 |\4\   26,836
California ...........|  225,016 |  230,849 |\3\  248,818 |\3\  268,535 |\3\  175,443 |     66,388 | 26,704 |\3\  281,686 |\3\  187,957 |      65,483 |  28,246 |\4\  292,455
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Colorado .............|   34,894 |   35,388 |      36,398 |      37,840 |      19,314 |     18,526 |    --- |      39,434 |      20,378 |      19,056 |     --- |      41,104
Connecticut ..........|   35,316 |   36,070 |      36,551 |      37,658 |      21,964 |     11,067 |  4,627 |      38,772 |      22,647 |      11,284 |   4,841 |      39,918
Delaware .............|    6,416 |    6,463 |       6,642 |       6,850 |       3,362 |      3,488 |    --- |       7,074 |       3,552 |       3,522 |     --- |\5\    7,311
District of Columbia .|    6,110 |    5,305 |       5,288 |       4,388 |       2,568 |      1,820 |    --- |       5,187 |       3,103 |       1,974 |     110 |\4\    5,192
Florida ..............|  110,674 |  114,938 |     120,471 |     124,473 |      53,483 |     47,411 | 23,579 |     126,796 |      55,642 |      49,025 |  22,129 |     131,249
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Georgia ..............|   77,914 |   79,480 |      81,795 |      86,244 |      50,765 |     35,479 |    --- |      88,658 |      52,375 |      36,283 |     --- |      90,286
Hawaii ...............|   10,240 |   10,500 |      10,576 |      10,653 |       6,146 |      4,463 |     44 |      10,639 |       5,835 |       4,762 |      42 |      10,510
Idaho ................|   12,582 |   12,784 |      13,078 |      13,207 |       6,750 |      6,300 |    157 |      13,426 |       6,924 |       6,499 |       3 |      14,600
Illinois .............|  110,830 |  113,538 |     116,274 |     118,734 |      71,234 |     30,164 | 17,336 |     121,758 |      73,297 |      30,455 |  18,006 |     127,216
Indiana...............|   55,496 |   55,821 |      56,708 |      57,371 |      29,154 |     25,368 |  2,849 |      58,084 |      29,812 |      25,639 |   2,633 |      58,843
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Iowa .................|   31,726 |   32,318 |      32,593 |      32,700 |      19,574 |     12,003 |  1,123 |      32,822 |      19,691 |      11,985 |   1,146 |      33,744
Kansas ...............|   30,579 |   30,729 |      30,875 |      31,527 |      14,761 |     13,469 |  3,297 |      32,003 |      14,743 |      13,862 |   3,398 |      32,240
Kentucky .............|   38,784 |   39,120 |      39,331 |      40,488 |      28,685 |     11,803 |    --- |      40,803 |      22,322 |      11,878 |   6,603 |      39,813
Louisiana ............|   47,599 |   46,980 |      47,334 |      48,599 |      33,715 |     14,280 |    604 |      49,124 |      34,201 |      14,406 |     517 |      47,363
Maine ................|   15,404 |   15,392 |      15,551 |      15,700 |      10,729 |      4,971 |    --- |      15,890 |      10,847 |       5,043 |     --- |      17,170
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Maryland .............|   46,565 |   47,819 |      47,943 |      48,318 |      24,378 |     23,940 |    --- |      49,840 |      25,191 |      24,649 |     --- |      50,801
Massachusetts ........|   60,489 |   62,710 |      64,574 |      67,170 |      24,568 |     33,319 |  9,283 |      69,752 |      24,971 |      34,857 |   9,924 |\4\   71,922
Michigan .............|   80,522 |   83,179 |      88,051 |      90,529 |      39,219 |     41,117 | 10,193 |      93,220 |      40,457 |      42,139 |  10,624 |      93,100
Minnesota ............|   46,958 |   46,971 |      48,245 |      51,998 |      27,262 |     24,709 |     27 |      50,565 |      26,502 |      24,063 |     --- |      53,747
Mississippi ..........|   28,866 |   28,997 |      29,293 |      29,441 |      14,956 |      9,464 |  5,021 |      31,140 |      15,701 |      10,165 |   5,274 |      30,736
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Missouri..............|   56,606 |   57,951 |      59,428 |      60,889 |      30,605 |     29,539 |    745 |      62,222 |      31,458 |      30,056 |     708 |      63,500
Montana ..............|   10,079 |   10,076 |      10,268 |      10,228 |       7,007 |      3,221 |    --- |      10,221 |       6,911 |       3,310 |     --- |      10,200
Nebraska .............|   19,774 |   20,028 |      20,174 |      20,065 |      11,692 |      8,373 |    --- |      20,310 |      11,922 |       8,273 |     115 |\5\   20,609
Nevada ...............|   13,414 |   13,878 |      14,805 |      16,053 |       8,175 |      5,752 |  2,126 |      16,415 |       8,535 |       6,010 |   1,870 |      17,486
New Hampshire ........|   12,109 |   12,346 |      12,692 |      12,931 |       8,851 |      4,080 |    --- |      13,290 |       9,243 |       4,047 |     --- |      13,559
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
New Jersey ...........|   85,258 |   86,706 |      87,642 |      89,671 |      50,329 |     26,383 | 12,959 |      92,264 |      51,921 |      26,769 |  13,574 |\4\   95,223
New Mexico ...........|   19,025 |   19,398 |      19,971 |      19,647 |      11,476 |      4,644 |  3,527 |      19,981 |      11,561 |       4,705 |   3,715 |      19,802
New York .............|  182,273 |  181,559 |     185,104 |     190,874 |      97,428 |     65,232 | 28,214 |     197,253 |     100,746 |      67,610 |  28,897 |     206,000
North Carolina .......|   71,592 |   73,201 |      75,239 |      77,785 |      47,230 |     27,697 |  2,858 |      79,531 |      48,076 |      28,479 |   2,976 |      79,498
North Dakota .........|    7,796 |    7,501 |       7,892 |       8,070 |       5,007 |      3,063 |    --- |       7,974 |       4,920 |       3,054 |     --- |\4\    7,904
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Ohio .................|  109,085 |  107,347 |     108,515 |     110,761 |      73,568 |     36,964 |    229 |     113,986 |      75,939 |      37,778 |     269 |     114,600
Oklahoma .............|   39,406 |   39,364 |      39,568 |      40,215 |      18,667 |     17,348 |  4,200 |      40,886 |      18,900 |      17,535 |   4,451 |      41,557
Oregon ...............|   26,208 |   26,680 |      26,757 |      26,935 |      14,491 |      8,210 |  4,234 |      27,152 |      14,649 |       8,209 |   4,294 |\5\   30,086
Pennsylvania .........|  102,988 |  104,921 |     106,432 |     108,014 |      49,412 |     45,221 | 13,381 |     111,065 |      50,758 |      46,530 |  13,777 |     111,250
Rhode Island .........|   10,066 |   10,482 |      10,656 |      10,598 |       4,709 |      4,385 |  1,504 |      11,124 |       4,924 |       4,617 |   1,583 |      11,235
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
South Carolina .......|   39,437 |   39,922 |      41,463 |      42,336 |      29,187 |     13,149 |    --- |      43,689 |      30,246 |      13,443 |     --- |      43,870
South Dakota .........|    9,985 |    9,641 |       9,625 |       9,282 |       5,532 |      2,846 |    904 |       9,273 |       5,444 |       2,994 |     835 |       9,250
Tennessee ............|   47,406 |   53,403 |      54,790 |      54,142 |      38,129 |     14,610 |  1,403 |      59,258 |      43,026 |      14,940 |   1,292 |\4\   60,474
Texas ................|  234,213 |  240,371 |     247,650 |     254,557 |     119,865 |     87,379 | 47,313 |     259,739 |     126,739 |      96,352 |  36,648 |     266,878
Utah .................|   19,524 |   20,039 |      19,734 |      21,115 |      10,058 |      8,681 |  2,376 |      21,501 |      10,303 |       8,782 |   2,416 |      21,400
                      |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
Vermont ..............|    7,566 |    7,676 |       7,751 |       7,909 |       3,145 |      3,066 |  1,698 |       8,221 |       3,119 |       3,160 |   1,942 |       8,549
Virginia .............|   72,505 |   74,731 |\3\   74,526 |\3\   77,575 |\3\   46,695 |     30,880 |    --- |\3\   79,393 |\3\   47,216 |      32,177 |     --- |      81,751
Washington ...........|   46,439 |   46,907 |      48,307 |      49,074 |      24,817 |     19,937 |  4,320 |      49,671 |      24,902 |      20,325 |   4,444 |      50,009
West Virginia.........|   21,024 |   21,073 |      20,888 |      20,947 |      10,267 |      7,065 |  3,615 |      20,989 |      10,243 |       7,072 |   3,674 |      20,316
Wisconsin ............|   54,054 |   55,033 |      54,769 |      55,732 |      38,001 |     17,731 |    --- |      61,176 |      41,865 |      17,971 |   1,340 |      57,670
Wyoming ..............|    6,754 |    6,734 |       6,729 |       6,677 |       3,116 |      3,427 |    134 |       6,713 |       3,101 |       3,474 |     138 |       6,600
    Outlying areas    |          |          |             |             |             |            |        |             |             |             |         |
American Samoa .......|      698 |      728 |         734 |         762 |         538 |        209 |     15 |         764 |         513 |         236 |      15 |\4\      785
Guam .................|    1,826 |    1,802 |       1,416 |       1,363 |         612 |        622 |    129 |       1,052 |         513 |         523 |      16 |\4\    1,062
Northern Marianas ....|      406 |      422 |         592 |         483 |         281 |        199 |      3 |         496 |         304 |         182 |      10 |         469
Puerto Rico ..........|   39,933 |   39,328 |      36,498 |      38,953 |      21,895 |     14,268 |  2,790 |      39,781 |      21,097 |      15,296 |   3,388 |\4\   40,293
Virgin Islands .......|    1,528 |    1,622 |       4,763 |       1,559 |         772 |        777 |     10 |       1,567 |         765 |         764 |      38 |       1,485

---Not Available.
\1\Data have been revised from previously published figures.
\2\Unless otherwise indicated, data were estimated by state education agencies.
\3\Includes imputations for underreporting of prekindergarten teachers.
\4\Data imputed by the National Center for Education Statistics based on previous year's data.
\5\Actual preliminary count by state.

NOTE: Distribution of elementary and secondary teachers determined by reporting units. Teachers reported in full-time equivalents.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data surveys. (This table was prepared April 2000.)

2000 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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