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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 358.U.S. Department of Education obligations for major programs, by state or other area: Fiscal year 1993
[In thousands]

                       |            |           |Block grants|   School   |   Voca-    |           |            |         |  Higher   |            |           |
                       |            |Grants for | to states  | assistance |   tional   | Education | Bilingual  | Indian  |    and    |  Student   |  Public   | Rehabili-
  State or other area  |   Total    |    the    | for school |in federally|    and     |  for the  |education\6\|education|continuing | financial  |  library  |   tation
                       |            | disadvan- |  improve-  |  affected  |   adult    |  handi-   |            |         |  educa-   |   assis-   |programs\9\|services\10\
                       |            | taged\1\  |  ment\2\   |  areas\3\  |education\4\| capped\5\ |            |         |  tion\7\  |  tance\8\  |           |
           1           |     2      |     3     |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7     |     8      |    9    |    10     |     11     |    12     |     13
     Total ............|$22,913,685 |$6,574,791 | $1,268,633 |   $690,710 | $1,480,979 |$2,319,174 |   $211,980 | $71,797 |  $985,717 | $7,261,638 |  $117,846 | $1,930,420
Alabama ...............|    439,876 |   122,908 |     20,910 |      4,773 |     28,753 |    46,960 |        576 |   1,160 |    35,521 |    132,781 |     1,925 |     43,609
Alaska ................|    151,370 |    23,280 |      5,903 |     79,773 |      5,599 |     9,545 |      1,199 |   6,848 |     2,125 |      9,580 |       566 |      6,953
Arizona ...............|    402,878 |    96,825 |     16,752 |     65,900 |     22,179 |    34,214 |      7,354 |   8,927 |     8,791 |    112,946 |     1,779 |     27,210
Arkansas ..............|    231,707 |    74,260 |     11,929 |      2,181 |     16,346 |    26,304 |        347 |     102 |    11,314 |     61,508 |     1,250 |     26,168
California ............|  2,039,539 |   659,827 |    157,478 |     65,762 |    149,164 |    27,073 |     71,882 |   4,609 |    66,986 |    655,301 |    12,096 |    169,361
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Colorado ..............|    283,075 |    64,064 |     14,668 |      8,124 |     17,101 |    32,671 |      4,793 |     669 |    11,505 |    109,002 |     1,647 |     18,831
Connecticut ...........|    197,266 |    58,663 |     13,168 |      7,564 |     14,139 |    35,469 |        888 |      27 |     7,042 |     42,952 |     1,617 |     15,737
Delaware ..............|     57,554 |    15,445 |      5,952 |         57 |      5,909 |     8,298 |        250 |       0 |     3,741 |     10,243 |       787 |      6,872
District of Columbia ..|    474,812 |    25,169 |      6,300 |      1,351 |      5,989 |     4,244 |      2,064 |     188 |   214,295 |    203,338 |       837 |     11,037
Florida ...............|    983,413 |   290,971 |     52,729 |     14,379 |     66,159 |   130,959 |      4,599 |     375 |    17,862 |    310,559 |     4,811 |     90,010
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Georgia ...............|    536,355 |   168,747 |     32,036 |      6,714 |     41,275 |    57,092 |        467 |       0 |    30,819 |    143,156 |     2,520 |     53,529
Hawaii ................|     87,347 |    17,993 |      7,224 |     22,055 |      6,969 |     7,840 |        842 |       0 |     4,914 |     11,229 |       631 |      7,651
Idaho .................|    108,562 |    24,138 |      8,282 |      4,856 |      7,108 |    12,392 |        933 |     216 |     3,362 |     36,769 |       598 |      9,908
Illinois ..............|    931,047 |   284,377 |     54,094 |      9,655 |     58,067 |   131,575 |      6,808 |      89 |    32,382 |    273,449 |     4,807 |     75,745
Indiana................|    458,001 |   100,244 |     24,949 |      1,896 |     34,243 |    59,207 |        705 |      17 |    12,472 |    175,806 |     2,511 |     45,952
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Iowa ..................|    284,551 |    48,254 |     12,520 |        198 |     27,699 |    60,638 |        908 |     110 |    11,371 |    101,767 |     1,464 |     19,623
Kansas ................|    222,653 |    50,951 |     11,408 |      8,590 |     13,590 |    25,380 |        916 |     285 |    10,092 |     80,553 |     1,305 |     19,582
Kentucky ..............|    366,311 |   113,983 |     18,212 |      1,172 |     26,148 |    43,886 |        462 |       0 |    13,928 |    107,084 |     2,379 |     39,058
Louisiana .............|    488,009 |   174,576 |     23,584 |      7,528 |     29,504 |    42,820 |      2,131 |     487 |    22,327 |    139,004 |     1,704 |     44,345
Maine .................|    112,341 |    31,524 |      7,267 |      2,964 |      7,343 |    14,450 |      1,534 |      80 |     6,247 |     28,400 |       803 |     11,731
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Maryland ..............|    323,186 |    90,924 |     20,668 |     10,362 |     21,605 |    49,667 |      1,569 |     315 |    14,980 |     82,724 |     2,267 |     28,106
Massachusetts .........|    513,887 |   130,993 |     24,379 |      5,396 |     26,700 |    78,881 |      4,617 |      80 |    19,441 |    184,336 |     2,660 |     36,404
Michigan ..............|    758,004 |   273,809 |     45,316 |      7,102 |     52,525 |    26,155 |      3,061 |   2,836 |    23,907 |    253,961 |     4,877 |     64,455
Minnesota .............|    352,362 |    79,129 |     19,910 |      5,905 |     22,289 |    44,072 |      1,056 |   4,137 |    12,901 |    127,425 |     1,966 |     33,573
Mississippi ...........|    302,514 |   118,231 |     15,836 |      3,781 |     19,399 |       407 |        549 |   1,014 |    16,940 |     94,290 |     1,132 |     30,935
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Missouri...............|    428,987 |   108,855 |     23,356 |      5,719 |     29,510 |    55,054 |        792 |      40 |    12,824 |    146,374 |     2,345 |     44,116
Montana ...............|    132,611 |    24,466 |      7,231 |     22,099 |      6,180 |    18,755 |      3,002 |   3,477 |     6,334 |     32,321 |       713 |      8,033
Nebraska ..............|    160,332 |    30,341 |      7,457 |      8,687 |      9,104 |    17,918 |        837 |     773 |     4,592 |     67,772 |       924 |     11,926
Nevada ................|     72,159 |    17,049 |      6,036 |      3,588 |      7,238 |    12,167 |        311 |     661 |     1,416 |     15,214 |       837 |      7,642
New Hampshire .........|     69,833 |    15,001 |      6,021 |         25 |      6,911 |    10,783 |        222 |       0 |     2,245 |     20,217 |       768 |      7,640
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
New Jersey ............|    528,398 |   175,557 |     33,031 |     11,591 |     33,784 |    94,951 |      1,922 |     102 |    11,418 |    124,420 |     2,911 |     38,710
New Mexico ............|    225,443 |    55,459 |      8,393 |     37,387 |     10,393 |    20,379 |      9,484 |   5,646 |     7,638 |     54,808 |       773 |     15,084
New York ..............|  1,936,649 |   615,288 |     87,200 |     16,129 |     83,192 |   171,238 |     32,267 |   1,183 |    42,991 |    769,864 |     7,327 |    109,968
North Carolina ........|    570,365 |   138,011 |     29,418 |      9,283 |     42,857 |   129,108 |        210 |   2,485 |    31,276 |    122,756 |     2,975 |     61,987
North Dakota ..........|     94,121 |    16,445 |      5,948 |     12,738 |      5,946 |     6,920 |      1,635 |   1,580 |     3,870 |     31,616 |       552 |      6,872
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Ohio ..................|    909,673 |   255,894 |     49,917 |      4,468 |     62,967 |   108,900 |        767 |      39 |    17,170 |    315,831 |     4,587 |     89,133
Oklahoma ..............|    342,003 |    76,792 |     17,573 |     24,414 |     20,454 |    33,744 |      9,331 |  10,998 |    12,954 |    104,502 |     1,575 |     29,665
Oregon ................|    244,594 |    66,945 |     12,867 |      3,648 |     15,833 |    33,639 |      3,162 |   1,205 |     8,204 |     73,900 |     1,471 |     23,720
Pennsylvania ..........|    976,702 |   301,332 |     52,652 |      3,119 |     63,355 |   108,158 |        998 |       0 |    25,871 |    320,173 |     4,357 |     96,688
Rhode Island ..........|     98,255 |    21,621 |      6,040 |      3,351 |      7,217 |    11,735 |      1,378 |      39 |     3,036 |     36,092 |       586 |      7,160
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
South Carolina ........|    323,700 |    88,354 |     17,243 |      7,158 |     24,989 |    40,571 |        115 |       0 |    18,595 |     88,956 |     1,676 |     36,043
South Dakota ..........|    122,672 |    19,687 |      6,013 |     15,059 |      6,029 |     9,005 |      1,749 |   2,593 |     3,024 |     51,524 |       568 |      7,421
Tennessee .............|    487,460 |   119,235 |     22,793 |      3,207 |     55,344 |   108,277 |        133 |     152 |    21,538 |    108,407 |     2,054 |     46,320
Texas .................|  1,441,213 |   566,439 |     86,883 |     28,776 |    108,357 |    19,923 |     14,075 |     155 |    42,706 |    427,228 |     6,959 |    139,713
Utah ..................|    211,936 |    29,956 |     10,350 |      7,856 |     12,469 |    25,812 |      1,232 |     636 |     6,764 |     98,669 |       862 |     17,331
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Vermont ...............|     69,791 |    15,954 |      7,179 |         11 |      5,769 |    10,670 |         81 |     115 |     3,534 |     18,811 |       652 |      7,014
Virginia ..............|    474,413 |   107,242 |     31,017 |     36,086 |     32,980 |    61,995 |      1,390 |      14 |    20,143 |    138,522 |     2,776 |     42,248
Washington ............|    388,323 |    96,065 |     25,018 |     26,753 |     24,908 |    48,970 |      3,627 |   4,161 |    17,135 |    105,111 |     2,356 |     34,219
West Virginia..........|    181,012 |    59,949 |     10,648 |         80 |     12,907 |    22,386 |          0 |       0 |     7,385 |     45,382 |     1,213 |     21,062
Wisconsin .............|    415,664 |   108,020 |     22,761 |      7,622 |     27,512 |    53,132 |        247 |   2,492 |    15,149 |    135,525 |     2,325 |     40,880
Wyoming ...............|     62,363 |    10,987 |      5,984 |      7,616 |      5,622 |     7,062 |        703 |     680 |     2,048 |     15,843 |       428 |      5,391
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
Indian tribe setaside .|     52,712 |    39,147 |      1,359 |          0 |          0 |     9,814 |          0 |       0 |         0 |          0 |     2,391 |          0
Undistributed .........|     43,506 |     6,403 |        169 |     35,171 |      1,287 |         0 |          0 |       0 |         0 |          0 |         0 |        476
                       |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
    Outlying areas     |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
American Samoa ........|     10,567 |     4,327 |      1,709 |          0 |        381 |     2,615 |         75 |       0 |       279 |        408 |        88 |        686
Guam ................. |     19,663 |     3,983 |      3,985 |          0 |        784 |     6,571 |        156 |       0 |     1,338 |      1,042 |        96 |      1,708
Northern Marianas .....|      6,886 |     2,338 |        464 |          0 |        371 |       333 |        303 |       0 |     1,928 |        502 |        87 |        560
Puerto Rico ...........|    672,546 |   229,350 |     26,632 |        937 |     29,036 |    34,669 |        779 |       0 |    15,785 |    300,991 |     1,452 |     32,913
Trust Territory of     |            |           |            |            |            |           |            |         |           |            |           |
   the Pacific ........|      8,427 |     1,606 |        510 |          0 |        541 |     4,789 |        327 |       0 |       343 |          1 |       139 |        171
Virgin Islands ........|     24,082 |     7,409 |      3,299 |         94 |        951 |     8,935 |        162 |       0 |       920 |        693 |        85 |      1,535

\1\Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981.
\2\Includes Chapter 2, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981, Science and Mathematics Education, Drug-Free Schools and Communities, and Education of Homeless Children and Youth.
\3\Includes Maintenance and Operations.
\4\Includes Vocational Education - Basic State Grants, Community Based Organizations, Consumer and Homemaker Education, State Councils, Vocational Education, Tech-Prep Education, and Adult Education-State Administered Program.
\5\Includes State Grants, Preschool Incentive Grants to States, and Grants for Infants and Families.
\6\Also includes Emergency Immigrant Education Program and Transition Program for Refugee Children.
\7\Includes Institutional Aid to Strengthen Higher Education Institutions serving significant numbers of low-income students, Other Special Programs for the Disadvantaged, Cooperative Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Fellowships and Scholarships, and annual interest subsidy grants for facilities construction.
\8\Includes Pell Grants, State Student Incentive Grants, Guaranteed Student Loan interest subsidies, and Postsecondary Review Program.
\9\Includes Public Library Services, Public Library Construction, Interlibrary Cooperation, Foreign Language Materials, Library Literacy programs, College Library Technology, Library Education and Training, Research Libraries, and research and demonstration programs.
\10\Includes Rehabilitation Services Basic State Grants, Client Assistance for Handicapped Individuals, Independent Living, and Supported Employment Services.

NOTE.--Data reflect revisions to figures in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1995. To the extent possible, data represent obligations rather than outlays. Because of the exclusion of certain programs, totals in this table are lower than those reported in other tables. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, based on unpublished tabulations from the Office of Management and Budget; and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Federal Expenditures by State for Fiscal Year 1993. (This table was prepared March 1994.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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