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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 23.Public opinion of some education programs currently being advanced by the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, 1994

                                  |  Percent who favor initiatives
            Goals 2000            |______________________________________
           initiatives            |        |           |Public |Nonpublic
                                  |National|No children|school | school
                                  | totals | in school |parents| parents
                1                 |   2    |     3     |   4   |    5
                                  |        |           |       |
Assistance with high school studen|        |           |       |
  college expenses in return for  |        |           |       |
  performing some kind of public  |        |           |       |
  service ........................|     81 |        80 |    83 |      83
                                  |        |           |       |
Greater emphasis on, including    |        |           |       |
  additional money for, work-study|        |           |       |
  vocational programs for high    |        |           |       |
  school students who do not plan |        |           |       |
  to go to college ...............|     79 |        78 |    82 |      74
                                  |        |           |       |
A large increase in funds for earl|        |           |       |
  childhood education in those    |        |           |       |
  public schools with the highest |        |           |       |
  percentage of children living   |        |           |       |
  in poverty .....................|     74 |        74 |    75 |      66
                                  |        |           |       |
More effort to reach agreement on |        |           |       |
  academic achievement goals for  |        |           |       |
  children at various stages      |        |           |       |
  of school, without specifying   |        |           |       |
  how schools should reach these  |        |           |       |
  goals ..........................|     63 |        62 |    66 |      56

SOURCE: Phi Delta Kappan, "The Annual Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools," September 1994. (This table was prepared April 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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