Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

The DBE Program is required by Congress as a condition of receiving federal funds and is also provided policy and direction by the Transportation Commission. It provides assistance to minorities, women and other socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to enter the highway construction and design industries.

New 2008 Disparity Study:

A new Disparity Study is underway to help determine whether or not, and to what extent, remedial programs for racial or gender discrimination are appropriate for CDOT. The Study will determine what facts, if any, exist to support current and future efforts for programs that enhance the use of minority- and women-owned businesses.
CDOT is looking for input from all firms in highway construction, design or engineering that have an interest in doing business with CDOT. To take part in the Disparity Study, please complete the Online Business Survey. You may also register online for a Personal Interview or to participate in an upcoming Town Hall Meeting or Roundtable.
For more information, please call 303-504-5243 or email Disparity@folsompoint.com

2008 Disparity Study Public Hearing Schedule

Results of 2001 Disparity Study Update:

Original 1998 Colorado Disparity Study

On June 21, 2001, in order to more narrowly tailor CDOT's DBE program to conform with the results of CDOT's 2001 Disparity Study update, the Colorado Transportation Commission adopted Resolution No. 966.

The Disparity Study Update found that ALL DBES were underutilized on CDOT construction contracts and on CDOT consultant contracts, i.e., it determined that ALL DBES WILL BE CONSIDERED TO BE UDBES. Since all CDOT DBEs are considered to be UDBEs, CDOT's DBE list will also be the UDBE list.

Please contact Greg Diehl, Business Supervisor, with questions about CDOT's DBE Program. Telephone: 303-757-9599 or 1-800-925-3427 or greg.diehl@dot.state.co.us

CDOT Bidders List

It is CDOT’s policy that DBE firms have equal opportunity to participate on projects financed with federal, state or local entity funds.  Consistent with 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 26.11, the CDOT Bidders List data provided by prime contractors (see updated CDOT Form 714) will provide CDOT as accurate data as possible about the universe of DBE and non-DBE firms actively seeking work on its highway construction contracts, for use in setting overall DBE goals.  Additional bidding information for goal-setting purposes is also gathered as part of the CDOT Bidders Loop.

The CDOT Bidders List is updated monthly and represents a rolling two-year cumulative list of bidders on CDOT highway construction contracts (based on data collected from prime contractors on the updated CDOT Form 714 beginning in April 2008).  Below are the latest prime contractor and subcontractor versions of the report:

CDOT Bidders List - Prime Contractor Report
CDOT Bidders List - Subcontractor Report

If your company submitted a bid to a prime contractor for a CDOT highway construction project within the appropriate timeframe (see above) and your business is not listed on the most recent CDOT Bidders List subcontractor report, please contact the CDOT Center for EO at eo@dot.state.co.us or (303) 757-9303.  Please be prepared to provide the name of the prime contractor you submitted your quote to along with the letting date of the CDOT highway construction project.  CDOT will follow-up to confirm your bid and add your firm’s information to the next CDOT Bidders List (if appropriate).

Training and Other Opportunities for Small Businesses:

To locate training and other opportunities for small businesses, or for specific information about the DBE Program, follow the links below.

March 10, 2009 Working Session Information Packet

Q&A from March 10, 2009 Working Session

CDOT Region 6 Design-Build Projects
Presentation at COMTO Meeting
Attendance List-December 18, 2008

New 2009 Estimating Training Workshop Series

New OSHA/Safety Training Classes for May 2009

Statement of Qualification Template
Statement of Qualification Sample

Construction Plan Rooms

Benefits of Becoming DBE Certified:

1. Participation counts toward project DBE/UDBE goals
2. Special Mailings
3. Special training and seminars
4. Tuition Reimbursement up to $300 per year
5. Supportive Services (CDOT's Construction Development Center)
6. CDOT's Pay Estimates Website
7. Prompt Payment Information and Resources Brochure

OSDBU Banner

The U.S. Dept of Transportation, Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) offers financial assistance to small disadvantaged businesses by providing guaranteed loans through its Short Term Lending Program (STLP) for transportation related contracts only. To be eligible a business must be certified DBE or be a disadvantaged small business, or certified under one of the SBA programs.

Other DBE Program Information:

2009 CDOT Overall FHWA DBE Goal (Interim)

2009 CDOT Overall Transit DBE Goal (Interim)

DBE Certification Application

DBE Directory

DBE Forms

DBE Program Plan

DBE Definitions & Requirements for Consultant Contracts

DBE Special Provision for Construction Contracts

State DOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Sites

USDOT DBE Regulations

Center For Equal Opportunity
Office Of Certification
ESBProgram Page
Tuition Reimbursement

Resource Centers

Frequently Asked Questions

Loop Logo

Business Programs Office Calendar


Colorado Department of Transportation

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