Table 11.—Concentration of Gross Product of Nonbank U.S. Parent Companies and Nonbank Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates, by Industry of Parent, 1994

Percentage of total gross product accounted for by:
4 largest parent companies 8 largest parent companies 20 largest parent companies
Parents MOFA's of those parents Parents MOFA's of those parents Parents MOFA's of those parents
All industries9914172432
Food and kindred products444559568384
Chemicals and allied products243438486265
Primary and fabricated metals202332495770
Industrial machinery and equipment355446636480
Electronic and other electric equipment39 4750537072
Transportation equipment617574879194
Other manufacturing121623333949
Wholesale trade242235275448
Finance (except depository institutions), insurance, and real estate333449337947
Other industries222134255831