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August 2009

8-04-09 Climate Change Legislation:  Allowance and Revenue Distribution

[view archive webcast]

July 2009

7-23-09 Open Executive Session to consider S.J. Res. 17, a joint resolution approving the reauthorization and renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, and to favorably report the nominations of Miriam Sapiro, to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador; Dan Tangherlini, to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Management and Chief Financial Officer, Department of Treasury; Carmen Nazario, to be Assistant Secretary for Family Support, Department of Health and Human Services; William Wilkins, to be Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and an Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Treasury; Kim Wallace, to be Deputy Under Secretary of Treasury for Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Treasury; George Madison, to be General Counsel, U.S. Department of Treasury; and Rosa Rios, to be Treasurer of the United States

[view archive webcast]

7-14-09 Hearing to consider the nomination of Mr. William Wilkins, to be Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and an Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Treasury; Mr. Daniel Tangherlini, to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Financial Management and Chief Financial Officer, Washington, DC; Ms. Rosa Gumatatao Rios, to be Treasurer of the United States, Washington, DC; and Ms. Carmen R. Nazario, to be Assistant Secretary of Health for Children and Families, Washington, DC

[view archive webcast]

7-10-09 POSTPONED: Hearing to consider the nomination of Mr. William Wilkins, to be Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and an Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Treasury; Mr. Daniel Tangherlini, to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Financial Management and Chief Financial Officer, Washington, DC; Ms. Rosa Gumatatao Rios, to be Treasurer of the United States, Washington, DC; and Ms. Carmen R. Nazario, to be Assistant Secretary of Health for Children and Families, Washington, DC

7-08-09 Climate Change Legislation: International Trade Considerations

[view archive webcast]


June 2009

6-16-09 Climate Change Legislation:  Tax Considerations

[view archive webcast]

6-05-09 Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Ms. Miriam Sapiro, to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador; Mr. George Madison, to be General Counsel, U.S. Department of Treasury; and Mr. Kim Wallace, to be Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Treasury

[view archive webcast]

May 2009

5-21-09 Hearing on “The U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement”

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5-19-09 POSTPONED: Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure of the Committee on Finance: “Oil and Gas Tax Provisions: A Consideration of the President’s FY10 Budget Proposal”

5-12-09 Open Executive Session to consider favorably reporting the nomination of Neal Wolin, to be Deputy Secretary of Treasury

5-12-09 Roundtable Discussion on "Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform"

[view archive webcast]

To view the printed hearing click here.

5-08-09 Hearing to consider the nominations of Neal Wolin, to be Deputy Secretary of Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury

[view archive webcast]

5-07-09 Auctioning under Cap and Trade:  Design, Participation and Distribution of Revenues

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5-05-09 Open Executive Session to consider favorably reporting the nominations of William V. Corr, to be Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Demetrios J. Marantis, to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador; and Alan Krueger, to be Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury

5-05-09 Roundtable Discussion on "Expanding Health Care Coverage"

[view archive webcast]

To view the printed hearing click here.

April 2009

4-30-09 Hearing to consider the nominations of William V. Corr, to be Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Alan B. Krueger, to be Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury; and Demetrios J. Marantis to be a Deputy United States Trade Representative with the rank of Ambassador

[view archive webcast]

4-23-09 Technology Neutrality in Energy Tax:  Issues and Options

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4-21-09 Open Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Kathleen Sebelius, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services

To view the Executive Session Transcript click here.

4-21-09 Roundtable to Discuss Reforming America’s Health Care Delivery System

[view archive webcast]

To view the printed hearing click here.

4-2-09 Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Kathleen G. Sebelius, to be Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

[view archive webcast]

March 2009

3-31-09 TARP Oversight: A Six Month Update

[view archive webcast]

3-26-09 The Middle Income Tax Relief Question: Extend, Modify, or Expire?

[view archive webcast]

3-25-09 Subcommittee on Health Care of the Committee on Finance: The Role of Long-Term Care in Health Reform

[view archive webcast]

3-18-09 Subcommittee on Health Care of the Committee on Finance: "What is Health Care Quality and Who Decides?"

[view archive webcast]

3-17-09 Tax Issues Related to Ponzi Schemes and an Update on Offshore Tax Evasion Legislation

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3-12-09 Open Executive Session to consider the nomination of Ronald Kirk to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Executive Office of the President

3-12-09 Workforce Issues in Health Care Reform: Assessing the Present and Preparing for the Future

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3-10-09 The President’s Fiscal Year 2010 Health Care Proposals

[view archive webcast]

3-9-09 Hearing to consider the nomination of Ronald Kirk, to be United States Trade Representative

[view archive webcast]

3-4-09 The President’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposal: Part One

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February 2009

2-25-09 Open Executive Session to Organize for the 111th Congress

Please Note: The Open Executive Session can be viewed using the Real Player link below

2-25-09 Scoring Health Care Reform: CBO’s Budget Options

[view archive webcast]

2-10-09 CANCELLED: Hearing to Consider the Nomination of the Honorable Thomas A. Daschle, to be Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

January 2009

1-27-09 Open Executive Session to Consider an Original Bill Entitled, “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.”

[view archive webcast]

To view the Executive Session Transcript click here.
To view the Colloquies click here.

1-22-09 Open Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Timothy F. Geithner to be Secretary of the Treasury

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To view the Executive Session Transcript click here.

1-21-09 Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Timothy F. Geithner, to be Secretary of the Treasury, New York

[view archive webcast]

1-15-09 Open Executive Session to Consider Adoption of the Committee’s Rules for the 111th Congress, and an Original Bill Reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program

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To view the Executive Session Transcript click here.




2008 Hearing Archive

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2002 Hearing Archive

2001 Hearing Archive





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