Working Groups
Alien Plant Working Group
Medicinal Plant Working Group
Restoration Working Group
Plant Conservation Alliance

2005 Plant Conservation Alliance
Cooperators' Conference

November 7-9, 2005
St. Louis Airport Marriott, St. Louis, Missouri
Hosted by the Plant Conservation Alliance Non-Governmental Organization Committee

The conference for PCA Cooperators addressed the role of the Non-Governmental Committee of PCA. Native plant materials and PCA working groups were also discussed.


Monday, November 7, 2005
PCA Updates and Discussions

9:00 am     Opening Remarks and PCA Overview - Peggy Olwell, PCA Chair, BLM
9:30 am   Working Group Updates
  • Medicinal Plant Working Group - Patricia DeAngelis, MPWG Chair, FWS
  • Alien Plant Working Group - Olivia Kwong for Jil Swearingen, APWG Chair, NPS
10:30 am   Break
10:45 am   Working Group Updates Continue
  • Restoration Working Group - Bruce Rittenhouse for Greg Eckert, RWG Chair, NPS
  • Public Outreach Working Group- Flo Oxley, POWG Chair, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
11:45 am   Lunch
12:45 pm   Presentation of General PCA-Related Survey Results
1:45 pm   Facilitated Breakout Sessions (please attend each session once)
  • What do you want from the PCA?
  • What can you offer to the PCA?
3:15 pm   Break
3:30 pm   Facilitated Breakout Sessions Continue (please attend each session once)
  • What do you want from the PCA?
  • What can you offer to the PCA?
5:00 pm   Day Closes

Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Native Plant Materials

Background information: 2002 Native Plant Materials Report to the Congress

8:00 am     Native Plant Materials Development - Peggy Olwell
8:30 am   Presentation of Native Plant Materials-Related Survey Results
9:00 am   Breakout Sessions (please attend each session once throughout the day)
  • Landscape-Level Restoration
  • Commercial Development: Obstacles and Issues
  • Small-Scale Users
10:30 am   Break
10:45 am   Breakout Sessions (same as above)
12:15 pm   Lunch
1:15 pm   Breakout Sessions (same as above)
2:45 pm   Day Closes

Wednesday, November 9, 2005
NGO Committee Day

8:30 am     Review Survey and Breakout Results
9:30 am   Breakout Sessions: The Future of the NGO Committee
  • Setting Priorities and Recommending Action Groups
10:30 am   Break
10:45 am   Breakout Sessions Continued and Prepare Summaries
11:15 am   Review Summaries and Recommend Action Groups
12:00 noon   Lunch
1:00 pm   Action Groups Meet
2:00 pm   Closing Remarks


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Last updated: 07-Oct-2005