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Rotterdam Study

Acronym:  Rotterdam Start Year: 1990
End Year: 1999


Study Summary: RotterdamStudy
Additional Comments: New web page: (July 2002). An extension of the original cohort by about 2,800 subjects was completed in 2000-2001 using the same protocol.


Country: Netherlands Physiological Measures Psychological Measures
Sample Size: 7,983 Functional Health Cognitive Abilities
Age Group: 55+ Lifestyle: Physical Activity Social and Demographic Measures
Gender: Both Lifestyle: Nutrition Health Services Utilization
# Cohorts: Lifestyle: Other
Total Waves: 3 Minorities
Link w/ Data: Pharmacy data, GP-databases


Contact Information: Dr. Albert Hofman, Principal Investigator and Dr. Henning Tiemeier, Study Coordinator
PENN State - SLS 180 Nickerson, Suite 206
Seattle, WA 98109

Phone #: (814)863-9735
E-mail 1:
E-mail 2:
Web Page(s): Web 1:
Web 2: