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More About Our Programs

The National Park Service has several programs that assist community-led efforts to restore rivers, establish trails, save open spaces, rebuild parks, and preserve other special places.

Our Programs:

Challenge Cost Share
50:50 matching grant program to support National Park Service units and programs through partner support.
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Federal Lands To Parks
Helps State and Local agencies acquire, at no cost,surplus Federal land and facilities for parks and recreation.
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Hydropower Recreation Assistance Provides technical assistance on recreation access and facilities, instream flows for recreation, and riparian corridor protection to all participants in FERC hydropower licensing proceedings.
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Land & Water Conservation Fund
Provides 50% matching grants to the States and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities.
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National Trails System
Administers 17 of 23 National Scenic and National Historic trails in the National Trails Systemtrails.
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Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers
Helps communities in the Northeast preserve and manage their own local resources related to seven designated National Wild and Scenic Rivers.
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Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Through the provision of technical assistance, helps local groups plan greenways, conserve rivers and watersheds and develop new trails through voluntary partnerships that emphasize local initiatives and involvement.
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Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Provides matching Federal grants to local governments for recreation planning and rehabilitation of recreation areas in cities and for innovative delivery of recreation services.
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Challenge Cost Share Program | Federal Lands to Parks | Hydropower Relicensing Program
Land and Water Conservation Fund | Conservation and Outdoor Recreation | National Trails System
Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers | Rivers and Trails Program | Urban Park and Recreation Recovery
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U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service National Park Service