
Greening Region 6

James Behrmann, FWS
(303) 236-4526

As the Region 6 Environmental Compliance Coordinator for Safety, Occupational Health and Aviation Division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jim Behrmann demonstrated innovative leadership in promoting environmental stewardship in Region 6 Refuges and Fish Hatcheries. Mr. Behrmann has emphasized the relationship between sustainable practices and the mission and objectives of the Fish and Wildlife Service. For example, by encouraging the use of re-refined lubricating oil in passenger vehicles, Mr. Behrmann’s work supports used oil recycling businesses, which promotes appropriate care of this auto waste, thereby preventing illegal discharges to waterways. Environmentally preferable copy paper is now used in the Regional Office, and also in 20 field stations, supporting markets for “tree-free” post-consumer fiber and preventing discharges associated with chlorine deinking and bleaching at these paper mills. Eighty-five of the Region 6 field stations now have appointed Waste Prevention and Recycling Coordinators. Mr. Behrmann relies on these Recycling Coordinators to serve as the focal point for distributing information and for tracking program successes.

James L. Behrmann, Environmental Compliance Coordinator, US Fish and Wildlife, Region 6, speaking at the Environmental Achievement Showcase Forum, in the Interior Museum.

James L. Behrmann, Environmental Compliance Coordinator, US Fish and Wildlife, Region 6, speaking at the Environmental Achievement Showcase Forum, in the Interior Museum.

During FY2001, Mr. Behrmann began systematically reviewing draft construction specifications for opportunities to prevent pollution and promote recycling. Due to Mr. Behrmann’s efforts, ten engineering projects have used fly ash, an industrial by-product, in their concrete and/or recycled plastic lumber for decking. Also, through his work, new construction products with life-cycle benefits and environmental attributes, such as the use of recycled plastic shingles at LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge, have proven to be advantageous to facility managers. These are a few examples of Mr. Behrmann’s commitment to broad adoption of these practices, and toward the achievement of goals for Environmentally Sound Development, outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan to Congress, and in the Strategic Plan for Greening the Department of the Interior.


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08