Strengthening Internal Capacity to Assist Agencies

  • In recent years, agencies, with OPM’s guidance, have made important strides toward improving aspects of their human capital processes, such as recruiting and hiring.
  • OPM will need to build on this progress, helping agencies bolster their efforts in strategic workforce planning; managing diversity; acquiring, developing, and retaining talent; using available employment flexibilities; and managing employees’ performance to foster a more results-oriented culture.
  • It will also be important for OPM to address its own internal human capital challenges. For example, as of the end of 2007, around 45 percent of OPM’s employees will become eligible to retire by 2012.
  • The potential for large numbers of retirements over the next few years highlights the importance of effective succession planning to help ensure there are no leadership or skill gaps and that OPM is able to carry out its current and emerging mission responsibilities.
  • At the same time, OPM lacks a well-documented evaluation process of some of its workforce planning efforts, which could affect its ability to meet its talent management goals.

^ Back to topWhat Needs to Be Done

  • The Director of OPM should institute a documented process for OPM's top leadership to monitor workforce and succession efforts carried out at the division level, to help ensure an agencywide perspective on workforce and succession funding, implementation, and evaluation.
    Highlights of GAO-08-11 (PDF)

^ Back to topKey Reports

Human Capital: Workforce Diversity Governmentwide and at the Department of Homeland Security
GAO-08-815T, May 21, 2008
Office of Personnel Management: Opportunities Exist to Build on Recent Progress in Internal Human Capital Capacity
GAO-08-11, October 31, 2007
Office of Personnel Management: Key Lessons Learned to Date for Strengthening Capacity to Lead and Implement Human Capital Reforms
GAO-07-90, January 19, 2007
Office of Personnel Management: OPM Is Taking Steps to Strengthen Its Internal Capacity for Leading Human Capital Reform
GAO-06-861T, June 27, 2006
Human Capital: OPM Can Better Assist Agencies in Using Personnel Flexibilities
GAO-03-428, May 9, 2003
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portrait of Robert Goldenkoff

Robert N. Goldenkoff

Director, Strategic Issues

(202) 512-2757