US Climate Change Science Program Updated: 20th March, 2009

Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems

Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.2



Lead Agency: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Climate Change Science Program Working Groups:
  • Ecosystems

Status & Details

Estimated publication date for final report: COMPLETED 1/16/2009 

Note: This schedule lists in chronological order the public postings related to this report. We provide exact dates for past postings; and our best estimate for the next posting (highlighted in red). Dates for subsequent releases (i.e. beyond the next posting) are left blank.
Start of 30-day Public Review of Draft Prospectus 5/7/2007 
Final Prospectus Posted 6/30/2007 
Start of 45-day Public Review of Draft Report 9/2/2008 
Third Draft Report Posted 11/4/2008 
Final Report Posted COMPLETED 1/16/2009 
*** est scheduled dates, subject to revision
In reverse chronological order. 

15 January 2009. Final Report posted online. See also press release and and podcast from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (links posted 15 Jan 2009)

4 November 2008. Final (third) review draft is posted online. See also public review comments (dtd 4 Nov 2008).

2 September 2008. Public review draft posted. The draft is open for public comment from 2 September 2008 through 17 October 2008. See invitation to comment and Federal Register notice (published 2 Sep 2008).

12 August 2008.  Peer Reviewed Draft posted.

15 January 2008: Federal Register notice announces that the U.S. Geological Survey--Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) Committee on Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.2: Thresholds of Climate Change will hold its FACA peer review meeting on January 28-30, 2008 in Denver, CO. (link posted 22 January 2008).

30 June 2007.  Final Prospectus posted.  Also available as PDF file.

11 May 2007.  Committee Establishment: Climate Change Science Program Committee for Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.2.  Notice published in the Federal Register.

7 May 2007.  Draft prospectus released along with invitation for public review and comment.  See also Federal Register notice (dated 7 May 2007). 


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For further information regarding this Synthesis and Assessment Product, please contact Dr. Fabien Laurier at . Please include "SAPinfo" in the subject line.




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