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Agenda –Seventh Meeting

Wednesday, December 6, 2000
Federal Communications Commission Meeting Room
The Portals, 445 12TH Street, SW
Washington, D.C.

10:00 AM Opening and Remarks by Alternate Designated Federal Officer Dale Hatfield, ADFO
10:20 AM Introductions of Council Members with Brief Remarks Council Members
10:30 AM Observations on the Accomplishments and Report on the Rechartering of TAC Dale Hatfield
10:50 AM Results on Noise Floor Study Funding Jules Bellisio
10:55 AM Invited Briefing: “Spectrum Issues" Paul Kolodzy
11:35 AM Report of Spectrum Focus Group Charles Jackson
   12:00 N Break
  1:00 PM Report of Spectrum Focus Group (Cont.) Charles Jackson
  1:45 PM Access to Telecommunications by Persons with Disabilities Focus Group Gregg Vanderheiden
  2:30 PM Report of Interconnection and Network Access Focus Group Marvin Sirbu
  2:40 PM Assignments, Organization and Going Forward Bob Lucky, Chair
  3:00 PM Wrap Up - Meeting Adjourned Dale Hatfield, ADFO