BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Healthcare Worldwide

The U.S. Commercial Service's Healthcare Team specialists span the globe!  Our international team members have coordinated their market research and trade event information to help U.S. companies understand their target markets in a regional context.  Please click below to see the incredible opportunities presented by our regional team members.


Need market information? The following programs represent the cooperative efforts of U.S. Commercial Service offices throughout the Asia/Pacific region to deliver relevant, timely information on trade opportunities, changing regulatory environments and specific events of interest to U.S. exporters. more...

Showcase Europe

Europe's healthcare industry bears both similarities and differences to the United States. U.S. medical devices and technologies are highly regarded. The pharmaceutical and diagnostics sectors are truly global. The U.S. Commercial Service can work with you to identify potential customers and busines partners, and help you find solutions to clear the regulatory hurdles to marketing your products. more...

Trade Americas

The Trade Americas site provides information on the existing and proposed free trade agreements throughout the region, market research, best prospects in the region, trade event lists, industry-specific information, business service providers, useful links and key contacts. more...


ANESA more...
