BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Our Services



Products and Services - What we can do for you

Business Counseling/Market Research

    If your company is new to export, or considering new export markets and requires guidance and information as you develop and expand, trade specialists in our US Export Assistance Centers can provide advice and counseling to help determine the best course of action.
    The Commercial Service can provide your company with the market research needed to target the appropriate market(s) for your products and develop a marketing plan once those markets are identified. In addition to existing off-the-shelf research, the Commercial Service can prepare a tailored analysis of the market for your product. Please visit our market research library at

International Contacts

    A report on up to five qualified overseas contacts who have examined a US company's materials and have expressed an interest in the company's products, services, or licenses, or have expressed an interest in otherwise partnering with the company.
  • GOLD KEY/SILVER KEYThrough this service, experienced trade professionals in your target country will arrange appointments for you with pre-screened contacts whose interests and objectives match your own.
    A detailed report on an overseas company. Under the Enhanced ICP, you can request specific answers to detailed questions about potential customers or partners abroad that will reduce your risk and allow you to enter new business relationships with confidence.


The Commercial Service maintains a number of live video presentations and web-based presentations on its website covering topics as diverse as "Constructing Entry Strategies: The Japanese Building Materials Market" to "Argentina: Export-ease (for the Health Care Industry)." Web presentations are added on an ongoing basis, so check back frequently for new topics of interest.

Product Promotion

  • DOMESTIC TRADE SHOWS - INTERNATIONAL BUYER PROGRAMEach year more than 125,000 qualified buyers, prospective representatives and distributors are recruited from all over the world to travel to International Buyer Program events to explore business opportunities with U.S. companies.
    Export Finance - Small Business AdministrationDirect assistance to small businesses in the areas of export financing, including information on international methods of payment, comparisons of payment options, risk assessment and export credit insurance programs, deal structuring, export loan programs and loan packaging assistance for SBA Export Working Capital Program applications.
  • COMMERCIAL NEWS USA (CNUSA)Promote your product or service to buyers, distributors, and representatives in over 145 countries, through an advertisement in Commercial News USA. This monthly export magazine is distributed by U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide, who then make it available to local commercial libraries, chambers of commerce and other trade associations
    Multi-Country Catalog Exhibitions offer a way to showcase your product information at trade shows in emerging markets, at minimum cost. Commercial Service professionals represent your company and provide you with trade leads from interested international business contacts.
    Take the guesswork out of exhibiting at a trade show abroad. The U.S. Commercial Service only certifies well-established shows, with reliable organizers, that provide the best opportunities for U.S. products and services.
  • TRADE MISSIONSTrade missions provide services tailored to your specific business objectives.  The focus of these missions are customized, pre-screened appointments with targeted potential business partners.  Each company also recieves market briefings providing valuable insights into healthcare trends and business practices in each mission country.  In addition, there are multiple networking opportunities to meet additional local industry contacts.