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Title 37: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

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§ 253.6   Performance of musical compositions by other public broadcasting entities.

(a) Scope. This section applies to the performance of copyrighted published nondramatic musical compositions by radio stations not licensed to colleges, universities, or other nonprofit educational institutions and which are not affiliated with National Public Radio.

(b) Voluntary license agreements. Notwithstanding the schedule of rates and terms established in this section, the rates and terms of any license agreements entered into by copyright owners and noncommercial radio stations within the scope of this section concerning the performance of copyrighted musical compositions, including performances by noncommercial radio stations, shall apply in lieu of the rates and terms of this section.

(c) Royalty rate. A public broadcasting entity within the scope of this section may perform published nondramatic musical compositions subject to the following schedule of royalty rates:

(1) For all such compositions in the repertory of ASCAP, in 2003, $460; in 2004, $475; in 2005, $495; in 2006, $515; in 2007, $535.

(2) For all such compositions in the repertory of BMI, in 2003, $460; in 2004, $475; in 2005, $495; in 2006, $515; in $2007, $535.

(3) For all such compositions in the repertory of SESAC, in 2003, $98; in 2004, $100; in 2005, $102; in 2006, $104; in 2007, $106.

(4) For the performance of any other such compositions, in 2003 through 2007, $1.

(d) Payment of royalty rate. The public broadcasting entity shall pay the required royalty rate to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC not later than January 31 of each year.

(e) Records of use. A public broadcasting entity subject to this section shall furnish to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, upon request, a music-use report during one week of each calendar year. ASCAP, BMI and SESAC each shall not in any one calendar year request more than 5 stations to furnish such reports.

[57 FR 60954, Dec. 22, 1992. Redesignated at 59 FR 23993, May 9, 1994, and amended at 60 FR 8198, Feb. 13, 1995; 63 FR 2145, Jan. 14, 1998; 67 FR 77172, Dec. 17, 2002]

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August 1, 2007
