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Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Meeting Agenda

A Public Notice of the Federal Communications Commission
News Media Information (202) 418-0500
Fax-On-Demand (202) 418-2830
Internet: http://ww.fcc.gov
and ftp.fcc.gov

March 6, 2003


The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on the subjects listed below on Thursday, March 13, 2003, which is scheduled to commence at 9:30 a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street, S. W., Washington, D.C.






TITLE: Interference Immunity Performance Specifications for Radio Receivers; Review of the Commission’s Rules and Policies Affecting the Conversion to Digital Television (MM Docket No. 00-39).

SUMMARY: The Commission will consider a Notice of Inquiry concerning the possibility of incorporating receiver interference immunity performance specifications into its spectrum policy on a broader basis.



The Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau will present the Commission’s new Section 504 Programs and Activities Accessibility Handbook that was recently adopted by the Commission to facilitate its compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.



TITLE: Amendment of the Commission’s Rules for Implementation of its Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS) to Allow for Electronic Filing of Licensing Applications, Forms, Registrations and Notifications in the Multichannel Video and Cable Television Service and the Cable Television Relay Service (CS Docket No. 00-78).

SUMMARY: The Commission will consider a Report and Order concerning electronic filing of applications and forms for the Multichannel Video and Cable Television Service and the Cable Television Relay Service.



TITLE: Amendment of Parts 1, 21, 73, 74 and 101 of the Commission’s Rules to Facilitate the Provision of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Access, Educational and Other Advanced Services in the 2150-2162 and 2500-2690 MHz Bands (RM-10586); Part 1 of the Commission’s Rules – Further Competitive Bidding Procedures; Amendment of Parts 21 and 74 to Enable Multipoint Distribution Service and the Instructional Television Fixed Service Amendment of Parts 21 and 74 to Engage in Fixed Two-Way Transmissions (MM Docket No. 97-217); Amendment of Parts 21 and 74 of the Commission’s Rules with Regard to Licensing in the Multipoint Distribution Service and in the Instructional Television Fixed Service for the Gulf of Mexico (WT Docket No. 02-68, RM-9718).

SUMMARY: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Memorandum Opinion and Order concerning changes to the service rules applicable to the Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service and the Instructional Television Fixed Service.

Additional information concerning this meeting may be obtained from David Fiske, Office of Media Relations, telephone number (202) 418-0500; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

Copies of materials adopted at this meeting can be purchased from the FCC's duplicating contractor, Qualex International (202) 863-2893; Fax (202) 863-2898; TTY (202) 863-2897. These copies are available in paper format and alternative media, including large print/type; digital disk; and audio tape. Qualex International may be reached by e-mail at Qualexint@aol.com.

This meeting can be viewed over George Mason University's Capitol Connection. The Capitol Connection also will carry the meeting live via the Internet. For information on these services call (703) 993-3100. Audio/Video coverage of the meeting will be broadcast live over the Internet from the FCC's Audio/Video Events web page at www.fcc.gov/realaudio. Audio and video tapes of this meeting can be purchased from CACI Productions, 341 Victory Drive, Herndon, VA 20170, telephone number (703) 834-1470, Ext. 19; fax number (703) 834-0111.

NOTICE: Due to the elevated homeland security alert announced February 7, 2003, the FCC has taken additional security precautions that will limit visitor access to the FCC headquarters building in Washington, DC. Until further notice, the Maine Avenue lobby is closed. All visitors must enter the building through the 12th Street lobby, and will require an escort at all times in the building.


The summaries listed in this notice are intended for the use of the public attending open Commission meetings. Information not summarized may also be considered at such meetings. Consequently these summaries should not be interpreted to limit the Commission's authority to consider any relevant information.