BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Harlem, NY

Our Services

The U.S. Commercial Service offers a wide variety of products and services to help U.S. companies increase international sales, identify potential markets, meet buyers, partners, agents and distributors, navigate export channels, and much more. Let us help you expand your business today!

Who are our clients?

The U.S. Commercial Service primarily provides export assistance to small and medium-sized U.S. companies. Your company must be incorporated in the U.S. or 95% owned by a U.S. citizen. The value of the products or services exported must contain 51% U.S. content. You must have an established product or service that is export-ready. We deal exclusively with U.S. exporters. If you have any questions on whether your company is eligible for U.S. Commercial service assistance, please contact us.

If you are an international company seeking buyers, click here

Read below to learn more about our products and services!


Interested in gaining successful entry or expansion in global markets? more...

Gold Key Matching Service

Through this match-making program we will arrange pre-screened appointments with buyers, partners, distributors and other key contacts before you go overseas... more...

International Company Profile

This program provides qualified reports with financial and specialized information on potential partners, giving you the tools you need to make the best decisions possible... more...

International Partner Search

Our International Partner Search report provides information on qualified potential representatives who have examined your company's materials and want to work with you... more...

Market Research

Learn more about market conditions and opportunities through our wealth of market research resources... more...