Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences (IMAGe)

Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences (IMAGe)

IMAGe brings mathematical models and tools to bear on fundamental problems in the geosciences, and will be a center of activity for the mathematical and geophysical communities. The Institute is currenly organized around four groups in applied mathematics who collaborate with nearly every research group at NCAR and have numerous ties to researchers outside of our center.

Who we are:

Numerical methods for the geosciences
Computational Mathematics Group (CMG)

NCAR Data Assimilation Initiative
Data Assimilation Research Section (DAReS)

Turbulence phenomenona and multiscale processes
Geophysical Turbulence Program (GTP)
Turbulence Numerics Team (TNT)

Statistical research, applications and training.
Geophysical Statistics Project (GSP)

A theme for each year:

An important part of IMAGe is our Theme-of-the-Year (TOY), a year-long focus on some aspect of applied mathematics and the geosciences, designed to advance research and education between the mathematical and the geoscience communities. Typically our TOY sponsors a series of workshops or schools along with a visitor program, coordinates with NCAR science groups and partners with other mathematics institutes.

Propose a future Theme-of-the-Year

TOY 2009 The Interaction of Simulation and Numerical Methods

TOY 2010: TBA Soon

Bulletin Board

AMATYC Summer Institute
AMATYC Summer Institute
6 - 10 July 2009

Jamaica Release of DART thumbnail
Jamaica release of DART

GASpAR Release thumbnail
GASpAR Release

   photo of a scatterplot matrix
CISL Feature Story, March 2009

   photo of IMAGe Section Leaders thumbnail
UCAR Quarterly, Spring 2007

About IMAGe